Fore Info July 2022
- Members Story: helping paralympians win gold
- Clubhouse Development update
- Mens and Ladies Results and Team news
- Club Championship results
- Rules Quiz Question: a lie against a distance marker
- A roundup of all the Team Matches
- Vets update
- Social : Druids Cup results and Bridge for all
- Team Golf results
- Greens News: latest on the state of our course
- Winners in the 100 Club: check if you won
It is a bumper issue this month. It was good to see a big turnout for the inaugural ‘Ryder Cup style’ Fore Info Team Challenge on the Jubilee. The new format proved competitive but fun and we hope to see Papa Morph defend the trophy in 2023. More in the photos below

This month we had a hole in one on the 10th during a knockout match- well done Ady Cobb! Unfortunately we have no photographic evidence but he bought drinks for a packed TG clubhouse evening. That’s AGC team spirit!
I hope you all made best use of our great new bar and catering. I organised a successful lunch for 14 and the feedback was fantastic. Thanks Ben and the team.
You will read all about the club championship in this issue. A great competition with worthy winners in all categories.
Finally a gentle reminder not to miss the opportunity to sign up for the Charity Golf Day on July 22nd. All for Alices Arc, a great charity.
As always keep in touch to get your news in this, your club mag e-zine
David Marshall
Unusual member professions: if you ever need a helping hand, phone Ian
This month I learn more about a member with an unusual profession. I always say that the club is a great network for us all to use. Need a plumber, painter, accountant? We have several members who can help. Need a hand, or new leg? We can sort that too from our membership. This is not any old limb maker but one with paralympic record holder credentials. Not Ian Jones but his patient.
Editor: So Ian how did you get into this unusual profession?
Ian: I was always keen to get into the medical profession but got a bit disillusioned with the career pathway. I started to train to be an occupational therapist and by chance got into prosthetics and qualified as a prosthetist in 1995.
Editor: Sounds like a quiz question- What do you do exactly?
Ian: I design make and fit artificial limbs, both upper and lower extremity. I am one of about only 300 in the UK. I started my own company Limb Solutions Ltd in 2005. I work in my own private clinic in Four Marks as a locum or consultant at Bournemouth Hospital and run my own clinics from my office in Four Marks for clients around the world, provide medico-legal reports as an expert witness and support NHS clinics.
Editor: Do you build your own bits!
Ian: Yes I design and then manufacture the leg or arm, customised to the person in our onsite workshops. I work with a range of clients from children to adults with differing requirements including sports, and hi-tec units with AI.
Editor: I hear you have some medal winning patients?
Ian: Yes I am proud to have built the prostheses for John Allen Butterworth an R10 double gold medallist cyclist at the 2012 and 2016 Paralympics, also Paralympian Derek Derenalagi double above knee who won medals in discus, and Michael Swaine who set a world record handcycling from Lands End to John O’Groats in 89hr:55min:40 secs.
Editor: You must have seen some gory sights in your time?
Ian: Very much so, not a profession for the squeamish. I lead the service at DMRC Headley Court, Surrey treating Iraq and Afghanistan veterans following IED injuries. Many with multiple amputations also suffering PTSD. The patient caring side is key given that the loss of a limb can affect the mental health of my patients. Fitting is crucial and takes a lot of precision work and fine tuning.
Watch Ian fitting the Editor with a bionic arm…
[kad_youtube url=”” ]
Editor: It must be hard to get hands to work?
Ian: Yes the hand with its many movements and fine finger sensations is hard to bring back. This requires a lot of microelectronics but with many hours of practice, the new hand can do many things the hand can do.
Editor: How expensive are these special hands?
Ian: They vary in complexity but a 3D printed version can retail at £10,000 but the most complex mind controlled are over £75,000.
Editor: I see you also do artificial legs that look like real legs
Ian: Yes we do. We make an exact replica of the remaining leg using alginate and plaster. We colour match to replicate down to hairs, freckles and toenail, even tattoos. Young patients often want realistic limbs as a fashion statement!
Editor: Apart from war, what are the major causes of limb loss?
Ian: Diabetes and vascular complications, and smoking are the main contributor to lower limb amputation.
Editor: Finally Ian, any messages for our members.
Ian: Well I obviously warn people of the risks of smoking. Many feel lung cancer is the main downside but I have seen many smoking related cases so I know it is also a major limb risk. My biggest concern is diabetes which is on the up in the UK. Although some cases are hereditary most can be managed by diet. I know most golfers are fit but don’t be caught out and then have to visit my clinic..

Quickfire Q and A
Favourite Golf Course? Broadstone
Your biggest golfing achievement? Semi-finalist of the Ford home international
Favourite holiday destination? Grenada
Favourite Food? Curry
Favourite Film/TV show or book? The Mission
If you had only one thing to take on a desert island what would it be and why?
Fishing rod, catch my dinner and enjoy a spot of fishing
Qualifications | Hcpc Pros, MISPO |
Family status | Married, wife Margaret |
Kids | Rhys, Sophie |
Hobbies | Fishing, Sports |
Golf Handicap | 13.7 |
Management Corner
Clubhouse Open!
We are so delighted to have opened the Clubhouse during June, just one week behind schedule. We still have some final snagging and one or two delayed items to complete but the atmosphere is amazing. There has been significant attention to detail in planning the refurbishment, including the acoustic which was such a problem before. There will be a report to Members on the final costings once finalised with the contractor, but we continue to forecast being within 1% or 2% of the budget, which would be a remarkable achievement in these Covid affected and inflationary times.
We will now move onto designing a solution for the all-important honours boards and other furnishings that will complete the Clubhouse environment.
Bar & Catering
The Club appointed The Kitchen@ as our contracted caterer providing all food and managing the bar too; under one contract, following selection and contract negotiations led by Trevor Pearce as Chair of the Bar & Catering Committee. The Club no longer employs any bar staff, nor purchases any of the stock, but receives a contractual share of all income. Trevor designed the contract to incentivize The Kitchen@ and to ensure that the Club builds upon previous net income. Purchases made using the Members’ Card still attracts a 20% discount for drinks and a 10% discount for casual food.
Ben and his team from The Kitchen@ have achieved the most amazing standards in the first weeks of opening with a fresh, contemporary menu that is proving immensely popular, backed up by high-quality service. We welcome the whole Kitchen@ team to Alresford, who are settling in really well.
The Club received so much feedback in the past about the restricted catering hours worked by previous contractors. The Kitchen@ is providing significantly longer catering hours starting early in the morning through to the evening, which is proving to be very popular. For the first time at the Club, it is perfectly possible to eat; breakfast, lunch and dinner without prior booking.
A great start, and great quality to support the high-standards within our new Clubhouse environment.
The Club is coping with galloping inflation this year, but it looks more tricky as Finance starts to build budgets for the next financial year which begins on 1st October 2022. The Management Committee has set up a working party to consider the triangulation of; numbers of members/annual subscriptions/green fees. The working party met recently and will already take recommendations for increased green fees to the Management Committee to be held on 5th July 2022. It is right that our visitors pay fees that are commensurate with our local competitors and reflect the quality of course and other facilities at the Club.
Club Championship
….more on the Club Championship from the Captain, however; huge congratulations to our Club Champions Will Packenham-Walsh and Jenny Myers; and to the continuing excellence of Gill Freemantle and team for a really well run competition.
It was also a privilege to play the course in exceptional and fair conditions set up by our excellent Course Manager and his dedicated team of Greenkeepers who joined us to celebrate on the Sunday of the Club Championship weekend.
The patio area was full on the Sunday to cheer in the leading groups and to support the presentations. A truly wonderful weekend for the Club!
Robert White
Chairman of the Management Committee.
Editors update. There was a rumour that the Chair struggled a little on the last at the Club Champs. However he did provide immense entertainment to those of us on the patio, spread betting on ‘putting off the greens’ and ‘chipping to end behind where he started’. I am reliably informed that counting his score on 18 required a calculator.
From the Club Captain
As I catch my breath in Pembrokeshire, enjoying a short break, I reflect on an unforgettable month for the club.
The 2nd and 3rd of June Bank Holidays for our Queen’s Platinum Jubilee was marked with a new Ryder Cup style event (Fore Info Team Challenge), organised and run by our editor David. This was really well supported and enjoyed by all.
The clubhouse then reopened on Thursday 9th of June, the day we held our flagship invitation event, the ever-popular Triumvirate.
All 15 invited clubs were keen to congratulate us on the quality of the course (as usual) and exceptional catering in the improved clubhouse. The Trophy was won on a super day for golf by Romsey Golf Club who had a perfect score of 8 wins.
The following day we held our Seniors Open with similar feedback from our competitors. 3 AGC members were called up to replace Covid withdrawals. Geoff Jenkins and I did the honourable thing and finished mid-table while Peter Gunn marked his lesson with Mark Wood with victory! Congratulations Peter, but can you keep it up?
Brian Wright and I represented the club at Romsey in the Burma Salver with pride but little success. The Salisbury and South Wilts Invitational Salver gave us the opportunity to recognise the tremendous efforts of Sue Masser and House Committee members Bill Ragan and John Silcock through the clubhouse development. We enjoyed the day and finished in a very respectable position outside the leader board.
On to Captains’ Charity Day and Drive-in on Sunday 13th with another super day for golf. Really great to see so many happy faces at the club. Mary Rook and Les Thorne, along with Mike Battison and the Social Committee, brilliantly squeezed the drive-in into a tiny gap in the golf! On behalf of Jan, Bob, Harriet and myself thank you for your support.,
We have been able to finally distribute last year’s Captains’ Charity funds, starting with the cheque to Winchester Hospice. This was Mary Rook’s chosen charity in 2020. Proud to add to this with another £2325 plus £500 from Ocado (fund matching). A similar amount goes to the Carroll Centre with the remaining 50% to Winchester Young Carers next month (photo’s with Di to follow in July)
The Scratch, Annodata and County 7’s teams reports are covered by Jim White elsewhere while the Kindred Cup team enjoyed a 4-1 success at Basingstoke and now entertain Cams Hall for a place in the semi-finals.
The traditional “Dawn Patrol” for the Druids Cup took place on a super, bright Saturday morning close to the summer Solstice. A good turnout (with some still in their nightwear) saw good golf, a superb breakfast and victory for Ladies Captain Jan Harring who demonstrated her full recovery from knee surgery.
Hants Police managed a draw with us, thanks to Ady Cobb and Mark Truran (late subs for the Police) winning the final match.
Finally, the Club Championships. Almost perfect weather for this fantastic weekend. Just enough wind to make it really tough, so the winners truly earned their victories! Before recognising the winners I would like to thank the many volunteers who gave up their time (and golf!) to enable those of us lucky enough to take part. Special thanks to ball spotters and Marshalls Mike and Sandra Hooker, Eddie Martin, Geoff Jenkins, Mel Exton and Andy Sibbald.
Grateful thanks to our Hon Starters, Past Captains Mary Rook, Brian Young, David Nightingale and Andrew Frearson for concise and effective starting.
Super special thanks to Richard Calton and our Chair of Competitions and Handicaps Committee Gill Freemantle for their hard work and dedication from 7:30 am to 6:30 pm (at least!) on both days to ensure comfortable starting and accurate, prompt information.
Outstanding catering and bar service from Ben, Jane and team (isn’t it grand to see Tracey back) and of course David Maskery for his overall input and support.
Champions listed elsewhere but special congratulations to John Holmes winner Peter Gunn (yes, he did keep it up!), Ladies Champion Jenny Myers and Club Champion for the 3rd time, Will Packenham-Walsh.
We have looked forward to the clubhouse re-opening for 6 bleak months. If June is anything to go by, the future looks wonderful!
Mark Tiplady
Club Captain
AGC matches
Mixed fortunes for the competitive teams and a busy few weeks ahead.
County 7s – After beating North Hants 5-2, we now have Petersfield in the next round.
Annodata – bye followed by a good 4-1 win v South Winchester.
Scratch – A hard fought draw in our first match 2.5-2.5 with Knighton Heath before losing 1.5-3.5 to a particularly strong team from Ashley Wood. Their handicaps were 0,0,2, +5 and +1.5. Gary halved with a former Professional (off scratch) and I beat the +1.5 chap! been invited back by them already. Upcoming versus Parkstone (a) and Royal Winchester (a).
Possibly the first time Father and Daughter have played in the same club team – scratch or otherwise (Jenny/Derek Myers).
Jim White
Ladies Section
Unfortunately the Spring Bank Holiday Flag Competition had to be cancelled because of the lack of entries. Only thirteen people entered. The Captain’s Trip was this week and with so many on that trip, this may have accounted for the lack of support.
We started off the month with our own Jubilee celebration. Many members turned out in their finest patriotic costumes to enjoy two days of competitive golf, well organised by David Marshall. It was good fun and great weather, for what more could one ask.
Yellow Tee competition
A new competition, played off of the yellow tees, that was much enjoyed by all of those who took part and great fun to play from different tees. The new trophy which has been made by Sigi Hill is quite stunning and a beautiful piece of glassware.
Captains’ Drive In and Charity Day
A lovely warm day saw many golfers grace the fairways (and the rough!) to take part in the Captains’ Charity Day. The Captains’ Drive In took place mid way through the day and despite none of the Captains staying on the green, over £200 was raised from selling sticks as to where the various balls would land. A raffle and voluntary contributions from the members for their entry fees also raised money for our various charities.
The Grannies Competition took place with 42 grannies and step-grannies playing. This was followed by afternoon tea.
Gill Freemantle and Polly Church played against Petersfield in the Daily Mail Foursomes. Unfortunately they came up against a very strong pairing and lost to them. However they are to be congratulated for getting so far in this competition.
Charity Golf Day on July 22nd
We are holding a Charity Golf Day on Friday, 22 July at the Club to raise money for Alice’s Arc. Alice’s Arc was started by Alice’s parents when their daughter was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, a very rare form of cancer. It is a very unusual charity as no salaries are taken by those running it.
This cancer affected Sophie, a local Hampshire girl. Sophie, aged 9, was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma in September, 2020. She spent a year undergoing procedures and treatments but died, aged 10, in September, 2021. We would like to raise much needed funds to help research into this dreadful cancer. Very few new drugs have been developed over the years to treat children with cancer. The drugs available are harsh and if a child survives the effect of these drugs can affect those children for the rest of their lives. They deserve better.
We would ask for your support on this day.
Entry forms from the office.
Any offers of help to Jan Harring –
Ladies also played the last Triangular friendly between Liphook, Meon Valley and ourselves. Liphook have withdrawn most of their friendly invitations to other clubs, However it was a lovely day, much enjoyed by those who took part. Alresford ladies came third but there was very little in the total number of points scored. However, I and the two ladies from Liphook and Meon were winners in the Bowmaker that ran alongside the match so a bit of a victory for AGC! It is hoped to continue the triangular with another club making up the third team and discussions are on going.
Several other friendly matches have taken place this month and thanks to Gunnel for organising these.
Dawn Patrol – Druids Cup. Well organised by the Social Committee. A very early start for some of us. Eighteen holes of Stableford golf was followed by a full English breakfast that was most welcome. By some miracle, I managed to walk and play eighteen holes and acquired 43 points along the way. So I came home with the Druids Cup and a hamper containing the makings of another full English breakfast…. Result!
Stoneham results: v Sherfield Oaks away resulted in a victory for our ladies. Well done.
Bramshaw at home saw some exceptional play by our ladies, well supported by their caddies, that resulted in a 6/1 win for Alresford. Unfortunately we were not so successful in our next Stoneham match at Liphook where we lost 4/3.
Club Championships held in glorious weather on a course in wonderful condition. Congratulations to Jenny Myers, our new Ladies Club Champion and all the other winners.
Finally, huge congratulations to Melanie Gregory-Pulling who won the South East heat of the England Golf Gold Medal at Knole Park in Kent with 41 points. She goes on to play in the National Finals on 12th August at Woodhall Spa. A tremendous achievement on a difficult unknown course.
Jan Harring
Ladies Captain
Competitions and Handicap Committee Report
Help Us Help You when submitting competition scores
Before you Tee off
- Make sure you sign in either on your own phone/device or the PSI terminal in the clubhouse foyer before you tee off
- If there is an issue signing in report it to the Pro Shop or Office before you tee off and ask that they advise the C&H Committeeor advise the C&H Committee directly by emailing
- If you sign in say from home but then don’t play advise as above, this will save you being potentially disqualified and will get your fee back
- Complete top of scorecard, and in particular your name, add markers name in box D, course handicap, competition name, tee time, and mark Tee box used
During your round
- Ensure gross scores are recorded legibly
- If you retire then note this on scorecard and ensure if possible scorecard is signed and placed in scorecard box in foyer, either by yourself or if not possible by your marker
After your round
- Agree gross hole scores with your marker and that players Stableford points or Par result is entered in the box bottom left
- Both marker and player sign at the bottom
- Check scorecard is fully completed
- Enter your score either on your phone or the clubhouse foyer terminal shortly after your round is complete
- Place card in the box under the terminal in the clubhouse foyer before you leave, if for any reason the clubhouse is closed then use the box outside the entrance but only if the clubhouse is locked
All the above will help us ensure you get your correct result recorded.
Any questions please speak to any of the C & H Committe
Mens Club Championship 2022 – Prize Winners
John Holmes Trophy (Nett)
Best Round 1* £20 | Mark BARTER | 66 | |
Best Round 2* £20 | Graham ARKLEY | 68 | |
5th Overall £20 | Alistair GRAY | 67 + 70 | 137 |
4th Overall £25 | Ashley WILMOTT | 70 + 67 c/b | 137 |
3rd Overall £30 | Mark PYNE | 70 + 67 | 137 |
2nd Overall £45 | James BANKS | 65 + 71 | 136 |
Winner £60 | Peter GUNN | 64 + 67 | 131 |
Men’s Club Championship (Gross)
(*Players may not win best round prizes if they are in position prizes)
Best Round 1 Gross* £20 | Merv FULBROOK | 75 | |
Best Round 2 Gross* £20 | Graham ARKLEY | 77 | |
5th Overall £20 | James WHITE | 80 + 78 | 158 |
4th Overall £30 | Gary MUGFORD | 78 + 76 | 154 |
3rd Overall £40 | James BANKS | 72 + 78 | 150 |
2nd Overall £50 | Ashley WILMOTT | 75 + 72 | 147 |
Club Champion £75 | Wil PAKENHAM-WALSH | 72 + 73 | 145 |
Ladies Club Championship 2022 – Prize Winners
Best Nett Round 1
(*Players may not win best round prizes if they are in position prizes)
Winner £20 | Liz THORNE | 69 |
Best Nett Round 2
(*Players may not win best round prizes if they are in position prizes)
Winner £20 | Kathryn McLAUGHLIN | 71 |
Dorothy Coombs Trophy (Nett HI 20.1 and above)
Runner Up £15 | Mel GATES | 67 + 74 | 141 |
Winner £25 | Alicia HARDY | 67 + 71 | 138 |
Brenda Hedges Trophy (Nett HI 20.0 and below)
Runner Up £15 | Pat PALMER | 76 + 71 | 147 |
Winner £25 | Allena DOLEY | 69 + 77 | 146 |
Ladies Club Championship (Gross)
Runner Up £30 | Sarah FARTHING | 84 + 83 | 167 |
Ladies Club Champion £50 | Jenny MYERS | 81 + 85 | 166 |
Tichborne Trophy Qualifiers
(Top 16 gross scores)
1 | Will Pakenham Walsh | Vs | 16 | Mark Barter |
8 | Graham Arkley | Vs | 9 | Tim O’Connor |
4 | Gary Mugford | Vs | 13 | Bill Ragan |
5 | Jim White | Vs | 12 | John Bridgen |
2 | Ashley Wilmott | Vs | 15 | Richard Prescott |
7 | Dave Fox | Vs | 10 | Dave Seagar |
3 | James Banks | Vs | 14 | Grant Thorne |
6 | Sean Yeates | Vs | 11 | Robert Doley |
Best Nett Ladies: Alicia HARDY (138)
Best Nett Men: Peter Gunn (131)
![]() Foursomes Competition for Two Generations | ||
Harry May Trophy | ||
Sunday 31st July 2022 | ||
Please enter your names on the sheet on the notice board in the foyer, if you wish to play in this competition. | ||
This competition is open 5 and 7 day members. The relationship of the playing pair must be parent, grandparent, step-parent or step-grandparent with child or grandchild. | ||
Relatives such as Uncles, Aunts, Nephews and Nieces are not eligible. | ||
If one of the pair does not have a handicap, then while they are welcome to play they are not eligible to win the trophy although they are eligible to win a prize. | ||
Entry Fee Two Members in the pair: £18 per pair One Member in the pair: £23 per pair Entry fee to cover food (tea and cake selection) and prizes | ||
Payment to the Secretary or Pro-Shop | ||
Closing Date for Entries Sunday 17th July 2022 |
Gill Freemantle
Chair Competitions & Handicap Committee, Handicap Secretary
Mixed Matches
The mixed match season is well underway with only 6 matches still to be played this year. The match list is on the Mixed Noticeboard in the club house with a sign-up sheet for all the matches. You can also signal availability for the matches on the club V1 system.
If you are unable to get to the club to sign up or access the club V1 system you can ask the office to add you to the lists or contact Marion or Alan Bruce. The sign up sheets close 3 to 4 weeks before a match.
The next 3 matches are:
Rowlands Castle Home Sunday 17th July at 1.00pm
Bramley Away Friday 22nd July at 2.30pm (with light lunch pre match)
Hayling Away Sunday 31st July at 12.30pm
Any club member with a CONGU handicap is welcome to sign up to play. All the matches are played in a friendly manner and everyone is welcome, no matter what their handicap. It is hoped that members who haven’t played before will join in and sign up for the opportunity to play mixed golf both at home and on some very enjoyable away courses. Playing partners are drawn as part of team selection.
The match teams will be communicated by email and posted on the notice board. Team members are requested to play in team colours of white shirts and navy jumpers.
A decision has been made that Five Day members may play in the weekend matches if we are unable to field a team from the Seven Day members. Green fees will not be required.
Mixed matches are normally followed by a meal.
For more information or any queries please contact Marion or Alan Bruce.
A Look at the Rules
A player finds their ball resting against the 150yd marker post. The player removes the post and the ball drops into the hole. How should the player proceed
Juniors Section
It was great to see the Juniors playing so well last month. First up, I must mention our new Ladies Club Champion: Jenny Myers.
Congratulations also to junior member Finton Cobb for his ‘Team’ Golf 27 points. Maybe that does not sound like a success, but it was only over just 9 holes! Its great to see the Juniors showing the oldies how to play and propping up the teams. Keep it up Juniors!
Finally well done to my brother Bailey Riches for his great golf in the Ryder Cup style two day Fore Info Team Challenge. He performed well over both days to help bring team Papa Morph the Trophy.
Harriet Riches
Juniors Captain
Vets Section
I am writing this after spending 10 days of sun and very hot on the Isle of Wight.
I am ready to get back on the golf course after my rest.
June has been full on with five matches, three at home and two away. Although I have not played at home yet since the club reopened so it will be nice to sample the food Ben is laying on for us.
It’s been nice to see some new faces playing in the matches, we are always looking for more.
The roll-up is still going strong with good turn outs even when there is a match on. Very nice to see new members turning for the roll-up hopefully they are made welcome
The Captains day went very well with a good turn out and my wife Yvonne and I were pleased to be part of it.
On 7th July we have the Vets past Captains Day where all past and present captains that are still with us will turn up to play or just come and enjoy the day and after match meal. Thanks to Steve Oldham (vice captain) for organising.
A reminder that the Vets Championship round 1 starts on Monday 11th July and round 2 on Monday 18th July
Bob Archer
Vets Captain
General Manager’s Update
Welcome to the following new members who have joined us recently ; Claire Hintzen and Nick Thomas (7 day), William Swann and Andrew Reid (Student) , Jack Mills, Dominic Lee, Adam Wilson and Ashley Yard (Intermediate). We hope you time at the club will be a long and enjoyable one?
Fancy a game during the week? All members are welcome to come along to the informal ‘club roll-up’ on Wednesday mornings. There is a tee reservation between 11.00-12.00 – members wishing to take part should meet at the starters hut from approx. 10.45am for allocation of groups. As per the times highlighted for the Ladies and Vets Sections, we politely ask members to show courtesy to those who wish to play in this ‘roll up’ at this time. If you do not wish to play with this group please choose another time if possible. If there continues to be a limited use of this time , then the Captains Committee will review the tee allocation.
Friday 29th July
Stableford competition open to members of the 100 club only.
Pleas arrange your own playing groups and times via Club V1
Men – Yellow tees / Ladies – Red tees
All 100 club members are invited to attend the evening dinner whether or not they have played during the day. Please ‘sign up ‘ on Social noticeboard indicating menu choices.
£18 per head incl. coffee.
A foursomes competition for Two Generations
Enter via the Mixed Noticebaord.
This competition is open to 5- or 7-day members. The relationship of the playing pair must be parent, grandparent, step-parent or step-grandparent
Entry Fee : Two members in the pair is £18 , One member in the pair is £23
Entry fee is includes prizes and tea and cake selection post competition.
David Maskery
General Manager
FACEBOOK – check out our Facebook page
Make sure you ‘like’ our Facebook page and you will link to it and get the regular pictures and updates on what’s happening ! Share with your friends to help us boost our online and social media profiles
Follow us at
Bar opening from 07.00am for Tea/Coffee/ Juices etc and 11.00am for normal alcohol sales.
Kitchen open for food service from 09.00am for breakfast/brunch menu (until 12.00) and All Day menu from 12.00noon.
Food service ends at 19.00pm on Sunday -Wednesday, 20.00pm Thursday-Saturday.
Choose a SPF 30+ suncream. You can still burn when its cloudy. Stay hydrated when on the course- take water with you. Don’t forget to add sunscreen to your non-gloved hand. Protect your ears and tell others if you see them burning. Seek shade or use a brolly to keep out of the sun.
Captain’s Charity Day – Les organised a thoroughly enjoyable Drive In at Captain’s Charity Day. All captains performed their drives with great aplomb and Les Thorne took kindly on them when it came to telling everyone about their background.
Dawn Patrol – This proved to be a successful event with 34 members teeing off in the early hours of June 18th. Fortified by energy bars and orange fruit juices. The morning proved to be idyllic and the course was in great condition.
Scoring was high with Jan Harring taking the Druid’s Cup and scoring an incredible 43 pt. She also collected a food basket. 2nd with 42pt was Paul Bell.
Everyone was treated to a hearty full English breakfast by Ben, which was well received. Simon Justice and four of his team were invited to join everyone for breakfast. They clearly appreciated the gesture as it seemed most of the white tees were as forward as I can remember …… or were they moved back after we passed through? Thanks to the Captain’s for supporting the event and to Gill Freemantle, Richard Lane and Andrew Gagen for their work in setting up and scoring.
Clearly a staggered start worked well so we will not trial the shotgun start next year as suggested.
Bridge started on Tuesday 28th June.
Starters and improvers are encouraged to attend. It is a friendly welcoming environment so new players should not be deterred. Contact Richard Bass or myself.
After seven weeks of TG22, some superb individual and team performances have created a 3-way tie at the top of the leaderboard and a number of close, well fought matches.
At the time of writing John has had his second knee operation and all went well, so should be back for next week.

It’s been very pleasing to see so many staying after play and socialising, not only in their 4balls as well as using the club’s new F&B facilities. Ben and his team have helped make the post-golf analysis much more bearable!
Stand out team is the Cobblers, with junior Finton Cobb being part now of two teams that have scored 27 points in the seven weeks, to win the weekly prize of golf balls. The Cobblers have also won three weeks out of the seven played and in a particularly fortuitous evening, last week Captain Ady had a hole in one on the 10th in a KO, so a double celebration.
All results and a weekly newsletter can be found in the TEAM GOLF section of the Members Area on the website.
So, four rounds to go in the league – last matches are the 21st July and on the 28th July EVERYONE plays in a separate competition – the Championship, so if you haven’t already, save the date!
Many thanks to all that help – Jan White with the scorecards on the 1st tee every week, the Captains for sending in their players names in time and the players for competing in a fun and fair way (see what I did there..!)
John & James White
TG’22 Organisers
Greens News
I am writing this month’s FORE article on the morning of Club Championship Sunday and the course has just been treated to a short, sharp, torrential downpour that must have caught both the green keepers and the early starters! Prior to the rain average green speeds on the flat had been about 10.8. This is right on the edge of what is desirable for two reasons, firstly, if we cut greens at this length for an extended period, we stress the grass and secondly a speed of 10+ on the flat translates to 15+ on the slopier greens such as the 2nd and 16th.
Those of you playing on Saturday who got above the hole on these holes, or the 6th, will know just how quick that is!
I am sure you will agree that the green keepers have got the course in magnificent condition. This is the result of really hard work and long hours and I would like, on your behalf, to thank them for the exceptional efforts they make to prepare the course for our championships.
Over the next couple of weeks, the green keepers will be spending less time on the course as they leave their portacabin home of the last six months and move back into their quarters in the clubhouse. They will also have to landscape the area around the new ramp, adjacent to the patio, and tie in the pad to the grass slope. That said, Simon plans to lightly aerate the greens in the next couple of weeks to relieve compaction and presuming we get the rain we have been promised we will keep the cut height at 3.5mm. We will also add nutrition and a wetting agent to the tees and aprons. In addition, we will look to raise tree canopies where needed and continue to tidy the hedge lines around the course and car park.
Finally, Mark Vallence (photo below) has re-joined the green keeping team. He was a member of the team some years ago so is settling in quickly. He is a local man, living in Alresford with his wife and three sons.
REMINDER: Greens Maintenance Week begins Monday 1st August.
During the week the team will
- hollow core, over seed and top dress the greens
- hollow core the green aprons
- scarify and over seed the tees.
Thank you for your consideration and patience at this time.
Derek Myers
Chair Greens Committee
A Look at the Rules
By removing the post, the player was acting under rule 15.2a, Relief from movable obstruction. The player should retrieve their ball and replace it on the edge of the post hole. If this is not possible without it falling back in, It should be placed as near as possible to the spot not nearer the hole. The player may then play the ball as it lies or proceed under rule 16.1b, relief from abnormal course conditions in general area. This is allowed if the hole for the post interferes with the players swing. The player should mark the nearest point of relief and drop a ball within one club length not nearer the hole.
If you would like to find out more about the rules, there is a wonderful rules section on the R&A website where you can also find these exceptions. Just download the R&A app (Rules of Golf) from the app store.
Thanks to Brian Overton for all these Rules Q and A’s and James White for the photo and situation. If you have any rulings questions for Brian he will answer them here in future editions, just email the editor.

100 Club
The men bag the prizes for July
Our winners in the 100 Club prize draw for July 2022
£100 Andrew Thorne
£50 Keith Turner
£32 Prizewinners
Tony Marshall
Mark Tiplady
Ray Grainger
Trevor Nice
Congratulations to all our prize winners this month.
35 Years of the 100 Club!
This year sees the 35th anniversary of the very first 100 Club draw. This month’s was the last draw before we increase the prize fund. In order to celebrate the continued success of the 100 Club in this 35th year the Trustees have agreed that we can make a small increase to the prize fund. With effect from the draw carried out next month for August the £32 prizes will be increased to £35 and there will be an extra prize of £35 each month making five in total at that value. Why not join the 100 Club now and have a chance of winning a cash prize each month.
100 Club 35th Anniversary Summer Stableford and Evening Meal on Friday 29 July.
This is a social competition open only to 100 Club members followed by a meal in the evening.
It’s a mixed stableford open only for 100 Club members with no entry fee. Arrange your own playing groups and times and sign in online before starting your round.
Men off yellow tees
Ladies off red tees with two extra shots – calculated automatically when signing in
All 100 Club members are invited to come along for the evening meal whether or not they have played.
The cost is £18 per person to include a two course hot meal and coffee
This will be taken from your gold club card by the office
Look out for the poster and sign up for the meal on the sheet posted on the new Noticeboard
Please note the meal will be served at 7.30 so if you are playing in the afternoon please aim to be finished by then.
How about joining 100 Club members in the competition and for the evening meal? Why not make this the year you join the 100 Club – and you may win a cash prize.
If you would like to be part of the 100 Club and actively contribute towards future enhancements to our golf club facilities, and have the chance of winning a cash prize each month, then why not join us. If you are already a member then please encourage your friends or new members to join us too.
The monthly draw will now be for seven cash prizes: £100, £50 and five at £35.
Each share cost £1 per month paid for by monthly standing order and there is no limit to the number you can purchase. Members generally have between 1 and 10 shares with 5 being the most common holding.
For further information about the 100 Club or for an Application form please give me a call or send me an email – Pat Wallis phone 01420 564417 or email Or you can pick up a form from the Office.
Pat Wallis
Quote of the Month
Never concede the putt that beats you- Harry Vardon
Editor: David Marshall
The Editorial Team take no responsibility for incorrect information received from Contributors.