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  • bookings

    Hello again, I have been unable to book a slot to play golf on either of the last two Saturdays. I have been there at the countdown on Wednesday night, but have been unsuccessful in getting a slot. I am concerned, that when competitions start, it will get even harder and I enjoy playing in…


    In this month’s Fore Info there is a report about a major incident regarding flooding from the drains recently which the Chairman said was unconnected with the Clubhouse refurbishment. He did not state what had caused it or whether it was foul water or surface water drainage which overflowed. As a result of this report,…

  • The Chair of the Management Committee

    Having visited the re-vamped Club website, which I think is a great improvement, I noted that the most recent ManCom minutes were those in draft for a meeting on 5th January. I emailed the Chair as he had previously told me that the earlier problem of a similar nature had been fixed. Regrettably his initial…

  • Bunkers – Poor Standard

    Can I please ask why the bunkers continue to be of an extremely poor standard? Fairway bunker on 5 has more sand in it than is required yet majority of the bunkers on the course have little sand in them. The club continues to bounce off what must be the liner and there is just…

  • Seniors Open Start Sheet Added

    The start sheet for the Alresford Golf Club Seniors Open has been added to the Open Events page. Fingers crossed for the weather, good luck to all participants.


    Can the Management Committee kindly explain why the most recent set of Minutes for the Bar and Catering Sub-committee on the website are for a meeting which took place on 25 September 2019, i.e. more than two years ago? Furthermore, why was there no consultation with Members before the decision was taken to close the…


    I submitted a question in advance about the Club accounts prior to the 2021 AGM. The Chairman said he would answer it but did not do so. I asked how much has been included in the 2021/22 budget for professional fees relating to the Clubhouse Redevelopment project? The Chairman said these fees would be “capitalised”…


    Option 1 on the Club’s phone system is the daily course conditions. This morning I called it to ascertain if there is a trolley ban but was disappointed to hear the message said the course was closed due to snow – but it was recorded on Monday 29th November. If a different message cannot be…

  • New 2020 Competition Schedule Published

    Members have been requesting an easy to view competition list for the remainder of 2020 as the Club Diary and Club Google Calendar are no longer current. This information is available in ClubV1, but not all members are comfortable with using it. A two page list of competitions has just been added to the Member…

  • Alresford Golf Club Introductory Video

    View our short Video Introduction

  • 1st Impressions Project Document Added

    This document from the Greens Committee has been added to the “Course & Greens Information” subpage of the Members’ area. Log in to view it. The old saying “You only get one chance to make a first impression” still holds good. The approach to, and area around, the 1st Tee is our “shop window” – we…

  • Clubhouse Development Proposal – Member Documents Available

    An overview document together with four highly detailed architect proposal diagrams have been added to the Member’s section of the website. These can be viewed online or downloaded as desired. The diagrams are large and detailed and may take longer than usual to download or access. If you do not have the login details for…

  • Why You Should Hire a Lawyer

    Qui laborum velit ad sunt commodo id quis. Magna deserunt incididunt ullamco laborum laborum aute ullamco pariatur ex in laborum sint ad. Tempor quis culpa Lorem dolore irure quis cupidatat aute. Minim qui eu sit pariatur qui et quis. Laborum nostrud exercitation id Lorem magna aliquip amet ut consectetur voluptate ut labore ad esse. Minim…

  • How to Deal with Law Tax Changes

    Advice she continuing two unpleasing terminated. Now busy say down the shed eyes roof paid her. Of shameless collected suspicion existence in. Share walls stuff think but the arise guest. Course suffer to do he sussex it window advice. Yet matter enable misery end extent common men should. Her indulgence but assistance favourable cultivated everything…

  • International Investment Advice

    Ne magna quando pri, alienum gubergren intellegat ad sea, cum at amet adipiscing accommodare. Nam posse reformidans an. An est brute errem. Honestatis repudiandae duo an, admodum apeirian ex sit, his iriure lobortis te. Eam sint mollis ad, scaevola oporteat his te, no tamquam delicata partiendo eos. Saepe consequat eos cu, at reque reprimique eloquentiam…

  • In lacinia ut mi et laoreet. Nam at sed rhoncus bibendum, nibh metus blandit placerat quam.Gloria Phillips

    New Consulting Services

    In lacinia ut mi et laoreet. Nam at sed rhoncus bibendum, nibh metus blandit placerat quam.Gloria Phillips Fusce non fermentum mi. Praesent vel lobortis elit. Nulla sodales, risus quis sollicitudin iaculis, felis dolor aliquet purus, eget elementum velit nunc eu dolor. Curabitur elit tellus, dictum non sem sit amet, viverra lobortis velit. Quisque facilisis, neque…

  • The Cost of Failing to Calculate the Rent

    Anim aute non excepteur enim et exercitation. Voluptate eiusmod nisi tempor amet velit labore excepteur culpa consectetur excepteur consectetur minim consectetur. Aute id proident velit cupidatat sint. Ullamco sint occaecat reprehenderit nulla cupidatat sit anim labore. Sint exercitation tempor esse nisi cupidatat aliqua aute ipsum veniam culpa incididunt aute. Laborum et do sit consectetur magna…

  • Real Estate Laws are Changing

    Boy prosperous increasing surrounded companions her nor advantages sufficient put. John on time down give meet help as of. Him waiting and correct believe now cottage she another. Vexed six shy yet along learn maids her tiled. Barton waited twenty always repair in within we do. An delighted offending curiosity my is dashwoods at. Your it…

    High Court Judges Sparks Anger

    Incididunt incididunt officia et duis ut incididunt laboris do consectetur enim ex labore. Ex eiusmod minim dolore velit. Nostrud labore officia cupidatat cillum officia exercitation labore labore. Cillum mollit commodo adipisicing cillum mollit laborum eiusmod proident Lorem aute. Cillum nostrud consequat culpa esse eu amet. Proident nulla veniam irure dolore. Advice me cousin an spring…

  • Four Financial Law Tips

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into…