Fore Info October 2020

Management Corner
We continue to be alert to the issues relating to the Covid pandemic and are continuing to make adjustments on an agile basis, as and when the Club receives mandates and/or guidance from advisers and regulators. Following the most recent guidance it would appear that we will need to be patient and potentially wait until the New Year before we are able to return to golf as normal.
Members have been magnificent in their adherence to the necessary precautions, which helped us all to thoroughly enjoy our golf. We continue to be really well served by David Maskery whose timely and knowledgeable interventions have kept us all safe and playing lots of golf.
Clubhouse Development
The recent members survey in relation to potential Clubhouse Development revealed more than 80% of members are in support of continued planning to improve our Clubhouse. Sue Masser and David Maskery are working with our appointed architect and surveyors to finalise a potential phased scheme to be put to the members at a SGM, when that is possible. Prior to any SGM, Members will be provided will full information and costs so that we may all make informed decisions when we come to vote on the final, phased scheme. All plans will take account of the impact of the Covid pandemic on both use of the Clubhouse and the Club’s financial performance.
Chairman’s Cup
I am pleased that we will be running a new competition that seeks to recognise volunteers at our Club. This year we are indebted to those members who have volunteered to act as ‘starters’ which enables all of us to play a lot of golf. Therefore, everyone who has acted as a volunteer starter will be invited to participate in an 18-hole team and individual stableford competition on the morning of 11th October; shotgun start. More information on this competition can be requested from the office, however, the intention is to make this an annual event as our Club relies on many volunteers. In subsequent years we will be opening the competition to our volunteer committee members, and others, however for this year we really do need to recognise the priceless contribution of our volunteer starters.
Bar and Catering
Chair of Bar & Catering; Trevor Pearce, is bringing forward
recommendations for catering at the Club at the next meeting of the Management Committee on 12th October. We are grateful to Chris and Kelly for their continued commitment to the Club and we wish them continued success in their new roles. Obviously catering at the Club has been hugely affected by the lack of events, matches and societies so; again, we will need to be agile in our planning during these Covid affected times.
Head Professional
The next time that I write this monthly update will be Malcolm and Jane’s last day as our professional team. It seems unreal, even after 10-months of knowing, that there will be change of Head Professional at our Club in one month. Our plans to celebrate with Malcolm, Jane and family on 31st October have been amended due to further, recent restrictions due to the pandemic. However, the Club will still be running an all-day event on the 31st October; more news from Les Thorne in the coming days.
You will begin to see Mandy Wood at the Club towards the end of this week. Mandy is the wife of our new Head Pro, Mark, and will be partnering Mark and Terry in the Pro-Shop from November 1st. Malcolm and Jane have kindly offered to spend time with Mandy to ensure that she is familiar with systems and our Club in advance of the transition on November 1st. Mark and Mandy will have the unenviable task of remembering 580 members’ names; which I guess will take some time.
The Management Committee is considering the format of this year’s AGM in light of the Covid pandemic and restrictions that are in place. It is very unlikely that restrictions will ease in time to hold our usual format of AGM in November. Other Club’s and organisations have run AGM’s on-line or by written reports with proxy voting. Once we have considered the possibilities, the Management Committee will consult our Club rules and then decide how to run this year’s AGM. More news on this during October.
I hope that your recent enjoyment of the course matches my own experience; we are truly fortunate to have such a well-run Club with committed staff providing such excellent facilities for us to enjoy.
Robert White
Chairman of the Management Committee
From the Club Captain
What a wonderful month!
Very many thanks to everyone involved on Captains Day – players and helpers.
The first team set off at 7am and the last at 4.10pm. Fortunately we were spoiled with fantastic weather the whole day although it meant dusk/darkness descended almost in an instant leaving the last 2 groups to finish by torchlight.
I am humbled by your generosity on the day allowing us to add significantly to our contribution to the Winchester Hospice pot.
The previous weekend, in equally good weather, we completed our Club Championships – like so many events held over from its traditional date. Extremely healthy fields of men and ladies took part with much good golf played by many. Congratulations to the various winners and in particular to our Champions – Josh Evans and Jane Scott.
As ever, much golf has been played mostly in lovely weather. While the sun is still shining as I write this, I am conscious that the temperature is dropping, the weather is becoming more unpredictable and the days are getting shorter.
However, we can all still enjoy our golf on our amazing course provided we continue to play by the ‘covid led’ rules.
Continue to keep safe!
Mary Rook
Captain’s Trip 2021
Nottinghamshire Sherwood Forest Tour
Monday 3rd May to Friday 7th May 2021 (4 nights)[columns] [span3]
Day One: Monday 3rd May
Travel to Hotel
Some of you may wish to arrange golf on route or close by. Please ask Tip for suggestions.[/span3][span3]
Day Two: Tuesday 4th May
Golf at Worksop Golf Club.
(6.3 miles, 10 mins)
Home of Lee Westwood, Mark Foster, Maurice Bembridge and David Snell. Terrific, highly rated course and club. Worksop will host the English Men’s Amateur Championship in July 2022.
Tee booked from 1:00pm[/span3][span3]
Day Three: Wednesday 5th May
Golf at Rufford Park Golf and Country Club.
(6.1 miles, 10 mins)
Set in Rufford Abbey Country Park this is an attractive parkland course.
Tee booked from 10:00 am[/span3][span3]
Day Four: Thursday 6th May
Golf at Lindrick Golf Club
(10.5 miles, 16 mins).
Lindrick is a mixture of heathland and moorland golf course and most famous for hosting the 1957 Ryder Cup, won by GB & I. A permanent fixture in the U/K’s top 100 courses and a great but fair test of golf.
Tee booked from 9:40
Dinner and presentations – might be tricky for obvicovidous reasons![/span3][/columns]
Friday 7th Day 5: Travel home. Again, if you do fancy more golf, please see Tip for suggestions.
Accommodation: Dinner, Bed and Breakfast
Thoresby Hall Hotel
The hotel has many activities to keep you amused. In addition to the Spa and pool, you may wish to take part in Archery, Rifle shooting, Bowls or long walks around the stunning 30 acres of gardens. grounds. We have booked for 11 teams of 4. Cost. £446 pp sharing rooms. £566 pp single occupancy (nb only 4 rooms booked on this basis at this time so please specify at sign-up). Deposit of £50 pp by 1st November please. The signing up sheet will be posted at 11:00 am on Monday 5th October.
Thoresby Park, Nr Ollerton, Nottinghamshire NG22 9WH
Ladies Section
The Club Championship started the month ‘off with a bang’. The Ladies playing in threes, interwoven with the men. We were very oversubscribed and had to disappoint many who would normally have taken part. Needless to say, the format is under review for next year.
After two gruelling days Jane Scott won from daughter Becky with Jill England third. Sandra Hooker achieved best nett score.
Captain’s Day was a huge success – Mary Rook arrived at 7am & left having done the cards at 10pm. A very long day, she also made 300 ginger biscuits, which were enjoyed at the halfway house, helped by Sally Willis who was serving anything from Pimms to Beer. The Captain’s Charity, Winchester Hospice will benefit from everyone’s generosity. It was a super event on a glorious day and marvellous that so many took part.
I have been asked about my Charity Day in aid of Opensight held in July. I am so proud of our Ladies Section who have been so supportive and kind. We raised a remarkable £1,000, half from donations and the rest from the entry money and collection box. It was
the first time after Lockdown we had played in anything other than qualifying competitions and you all stepped up very generously. A ‘huge thankyou’, it was very enjoyable and almost felt like the Captain’s Day I didn’t have.
The September Medal took place on the same day as the Medal Winners (the winners from last year). Sarah Farthing, Di Peisley and Carol Clark won their Divisions so will be eligible for next year, and I won this years Competition – a ‘morale boost’, I having come last in the Club Championships!
The September Stableford achieved an astonishing array of points with Lynne Cowser, Sarah Scott & Elaine Sutherland winning their Divisions each with over 40 points!
We held another very enjoyable afternoon with our new members; Polly Church organised 19 Ladies to play a Stableford over 9 holes. Academy member Sinéad Knell won with 25 points from Carol Exton. She obviously has a bright future.
The Autumn Meeting was held on almost the last day of September, it started out damp and gloomy but turned into a glorious summer’s day. 66 Ladies participated in a Bowmaker It was perfectly organised by Caroline Warne and Sandra Hooker, ably shepherded by Annie Beal. We obeyed the Covid conditions and thoroughly enjoyed our plates of chicken followed by lemon meringue pie. Clare Monkhouse, Jenny Fothergill & Maggie Jones won by a clear 6 points from Sue Masser, Kim Johnson & Elaine Sutherland, well done to all, it was a very happy day.
Mal H-M
Match Committee Report
Stroke Index Revisions
I’ve been asked a few questions about the recent stroke index revisions and how and why it was done. For many years there have observations that some of the stroke indexes were either too high or too low on particular holes with which the Committee agreed. What makes it slightly complicated is that whenever you change the stroke index on one hole, you have to change another, and there are guidelines on how stroke indexes should be allocated for stroke play and another, sometimes conflicting, set for match play, and then the course is not necessarily laid out to fit in with any of the guidelines.
I would like to say we took a simple approach and had two hats, one with the number of each hole and another with all the stroke indexes, and we just pulled the numbers out of the hats. What we did do was we looked at the statistics from 2278 rounds off the Reds, 1283 rounds off the Yellows, and 6783 rounds off the Whites, played during 2018 and 2019. This gave us a ranking of the holes in terms of difficulty according to the average score on each hole plus several other statistics such as the number of Eagles, Pars, Bogeys etc. We then went through an iterative process where each member of the Committees (Main and Ladies) produced a set of stroke index assignments; all the sets were compared and discussed and then each member prepared another set and so on until we reached a consensus on all 18 holes.
The original intention was to switch over at the same time as the handicaps, but the rate of use of the old cards was greater than we estimated to the extent that we had to switch over during the week of 14th September.
We are trying to acquire the course rating data for Ladies playing off the Yellow tees as this will give us usable data to work out a set of stroke indexes for that course. Once that work has been done, the ladies can start using it for some competitions and events.
Winter Leagues
Sign-in for the Winter Mixed Foursomes 2020-21 and the Men’s Lombard 4BBB 2020-21 is available from Monday 5th October through the Member’s App and HowDidiDo under “Knockouts”. These competitions are open to 7-day members with competition handicaps and who have played in at least 6 qualifying competitions since 30/10/2019. The closing date for entries is Friday 30th October and the draw for the leagues will be posted by Wednesday 4th November. You should enter as a team and the entry fee of £3 per player will be taken at sign-in. Generally, each team will have at least 3 matches to play and all matches in the leagues must be completed by Sunday 21st February 2021 after which the draw will be made for the Knock-out phase.
The entry for both competitions will be limited to the first 32 pairs who sign-in.
Matches should be played using the new handicapping system.
In the mixed foursomes the handicap allowance is 50% of the difference between the combined course handicaps of each pair. It is recommended that each player when they tee off should use their own ball and that they should be only person to lift and replace the ball for any reason during play of that hole.
In 4BBB matches, player with the lowest course handicap gives strokes to the other 3 players based on 90% of the difference between the course handicaps. The strokes taken are always based on the player with the lowest course handicap regardless of whether that player is present or not.
Sign-in for the Ladies Winter Foursomes will also be available from 5th October. Details will be sent by email to the Ladies Section.
The 2019-20 versions of the Winter Leagues have been completed. The winners of the Lombard 4BBB were Simon Freemantle and Nick Austin, and the runners up were Louis Parker and Andrew Skirton. The winners of the Winter Mixed Foursomes were Paul and Linda Wager, and the runners-up were Nick Duncan and Cynthia Mariner.
Prize Money for Competitions
As Malcolm and Jane’s retirement is almost upon us, from 1st October prize money for competitions will be paid directly to your bar card account by the Office. Any existing Pro’s Shop credits you have should be used up before the end of October.
World Handicapping System (WHS)
The switch over to the World Handicapping System is on track for 2nd November. To allow for this, the last day for submitting a Supplementary Score will Friday 23rd October and there will be no competition play between 27th October and 7th November other than some testing for the Committee to try to make sure the transition has worked successfully.
By late October, you will be able to view your predicted Handicap Index on the England Golf Website ( After 2nd November, when you go out to play, you should use the Course & Slope Rating table at the 1st tee to determine your Course Handicap …
- Look for the table for the tees you are going to use Men-White, Men-Yellow, Ladies-Red. (The Ladies-Yellow is for use in the future.)
- In that table, find the range which includes your Handicap Index.
- Read off the Course Handicap next to that range.
Your Course Handicap is the handicap you use when playing your round and your score relative to your Course Handicap is what will be used for any handicap adjustments.
More information on how WHS affects competition play and general play/social scores in next month’s edition.
George Clelland
A Look at the Rules
In Match Play
- Both balls are on the putting green.
- Player A putts and their ball hits Player B‘s ball.
Is Player A subject to a penalty, if so, how many shots?
Vets Section
September has been by far the busiest month for Vets golf this year.
Paramount within this was Captain’s Day on 13th September. No doubt Mary will have more to say on this in her piece, so I will only mention that the overall winner and runner up in the competition were two Vets, viz Ray Coleshill and Terry Lane respectively. Well done guys. Overall, it was a terrific day and a big thank you to all those members who donated to the Captains Charity.
The Over 80’s Championship took place on a sunny Wednesday 9th September with 10 participants. After a socially distanced tea on the patio the Trophy was presented to Tony Brooking who scored 37 points.
Congratulations Tony, an excellent performance. The defending champion John White was unable to defend his title due to illness. I wish John a full and speedy recovery.
“There was also a special prize for anyone who managed to get a 2 on the day, donated by Dennis Jones Enterprises. The only person who acheived this feat and winner of the special prize was, surprise surprise, Dennis Jones. Nice touch Dennis.”
At long last I managed to get my hands on the Wessex Seniors Winter League Trophy which was handed over by Francis Sheath, the South Winchester Seniors Captain
Further to this, I received the very good news that we will be allowed to defend our title in 2020/21, the first game of which is a home match against Corhampton on Monday 2nd November. Clearly, this will be subject to any current or future COVID restrictions but, we are hopeful that as well as playing the competitive 4×4-balls there will be a socially distanced meal afterwards.
Keith Turner who has taken over responsibility for co-ordinating AGCs involvement in this year’s Winter League competition will shortly be requesting players to sign up for the Corhampton game. A condition of this being that anyone wishing to play will need to provide a contact telephone number and indicate if they intend to stay for the post-match meal. Assuming all goes according to plan, the home game against Hockley will take place shortly afterwards.
Some other good news. The Vets will be holding this year’s Bagman Trophy on Monday 5th October. Despite few Vets Roll-Ups since the end of March, we consider there is still a sufficient number of Bagmen who have fulfilled the role during the year or who volunteered to do so before lockdown. There will be no entry fee and no prize money, however, the winner will acquire the honour of being “Bagman of the Year” together with possession of one of the most sought after trophies in the Club’s Trophy cabinet.
Some other winning performances by members of the Vets section this month are:
- Robert Doley, winner of the Linnets 36-hole Medal with a net score of 134.
- Geoff Jenkins, winner of the September Over 60’s Stableford with 43pts, pipping fellow Vet Chris Thompson by 1pt.
- Peter Morgan whose 39 points won the late August Saturday Mens Only Stableford.
Enjoy your golf and continue to stay safe!
Ed Tinley
…from the Secretary
Welcome A huge welcome to all the following new members who have joined us in July. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you all participating in all the golfing events and opportunities we have at the club – whenever they are able to resume!
We hope you will all enjoy your time with us for many years to come.
Anthony Carroll (7 day), Ashley Gregory, Stuart Neilson, David Thomas and Christine Thomas (Introductory), Matthew Knell, Charlie Dormehl and Richard Webley (Academy), Mason Taylor (Intermediate), Andrew Johnstone and Dason Bodily (Social Extra).
It is incumbent upon us all to welcome new members and make them feel part of the club as quickly as possible.
- Please ‘sign up’ with people you may not be familiar with and, similarly,
- Welcome any ‘newbies’ who may ‘sign up’ with you.
- If any member is willing to pair up with a new member(s) for a game – please let me know and I will facilitate.
Fourballs are back
As of Thursday 1st October:
- Bookings can be made for a maximum of 3 players until 9.00am or 9.30am, and 4 players thereafter.
- Tee times will move to 9-minute intervals:
- It is therefore imperative that we all maintain a good pace of play, and
- ‘Call Thru’ any groups that are being held up behind (1, 2 or 3 players)
- Members may bring Guests after 12.00noon. Their name and contact details must be entered onto the booking sheet at the time of booking.
- Visitor play will be accepted after 12.00noon. All tee times booked a maximum of 2 days in advance via the Pro-Shop.
- Guest payment must be made to the Pro-Shop before play starts.
Bar and Catering Services
Bar and Catering services are now open and available but with some restrictions and limited opening times. Please support these services whenever possible.
- As of Monday 28th September, the bar will stay open until 7.30pm.
- The Kitchen will be open for pre-golf breakfast from 10.00am on Saturday and Sunday – MUST be booked in advance to Chris Pullinger text or call 07834 199327 by before 6.00pm on a Friday.
- Don’t forget the Halfway House service is available at weekends.
FACEBOOK – check out our Facebook page
Make sure you ‘like’ our Facebook page and you will link to it and get the regular pictures and updates on what’s happening ! Share with your friends to help us boost our online and social media profiles
Follow us at
Things are escalating once again and so we must ALL ensure that we comply to the guidelines for the club and the wider community.
Please do not show complacency around the club:
- Abide by the social distancing guidelines,
- Wash your hands frequently, and
- DO NOT come to the club if you have any of the virus symptoms.
You must provide your details at the bar or use the new NHS QR Contact Tracing Poster situated in the foyer or pro-shop entrance.
The NHS COVID-19 app will launch on Thursday 24 September in England and Wales and will be available to download to your smartphone mobile devices.
If anyone does end up being tested and has confirmation of the virus – you must inform us for ‘track and trace’.
Trophy Winners 2019
Would all trophy winners please return their trophies to the club. Whilst we are currently unsure about any presentation evening, they all need to be returned so they can be engraved in readiness.
All Trophies must be returned to the Office by Friday 9th October.
Every year we are left with a few unhappy members who either do not have an engraved trophy or a trophy at all, where previous winners have forgotten to return their silverware in time.
England Golf – WHS
In preparation for the launch of the World Handicap System (WHS), all Golf Clubs have been provided with the wording of the England Golf WHS privacy notice.
England Golf are committed to being transparent about how they collect and use members’ data, and this privacy notice is an important part of that commitment.
The privacy policy is displayed within the members area of the Alresford Golf Club website.
Have you already downloaded the Club V1 App onto your smartphone?
To download the app please visit the App Store (Apple) or Play Store (Android) and search for ClubV1 Members Hub. The app is completely free. If you wish to download the Club app to your laptop or home computer use the web link below, creating a HDIDO registration as above and saving onto your desktop.
One of the key benefits of the app is that it will provide a secure access to members contact information. However, members must edit / confirm their details and privacy settings to enable other members to be able to access their contact details. Within the Members area you will also be able to view:
- Course Status
- Live Competition Leaderboard
- Club News
- Competition Results
- Bar Balance and Receipts
- Members List
- Edit your personal details and privacy settings (You must ‘opt in’ for other members to be able to view your contact details)
- Club Diary
Please inform the club if you wish your name to be not visible to other members. We fully expect changes and guidelines to playing access. It is therefore important that members are able to keep up to date with course availability and any notifications. The App is an easy way for us to send out information.
David Maskery
Green News
Going that ‘extra mile’
I’m sure we were all very impressed with the way our Greenkeepers were able to present the course for the Club Championship.
All six of them were on duty in the previous week and all of them did a few hours extra each day. Simplistically, all area’s of grass were cut every day with the greens being hand mowed (note the narrower cutting widths) by Simon and Ben such that they were clocking up 30,000 steps a day!
Worth giving him a nudge?
Hopefully you noticed the interesting cutting patterns such as the diagonally cut tees and fairways. A true credit to the club especially when greens maintenance was completed only a few weeks previously. If you would like it to be like that most of the time you will need to have a word with the Treasurer!
Academy Course – green light?
The additional two holes on the Academy Course continue to take shape nicely with the approach to the 1a green gradually being transformed from bare earth to grass. The tee has also now gone in for the 8th. The Greens Committee will meet on the Academy Course in a few weeks time to agree our long-term strategy and discuss the possibility of having a 9th green near the 1a tee.
Course Changes
Whilst on site the Greens Committee will also discuss the position of the new fairway bunker being built this winter on the left hand side of the 1st Fairway (1st Impressions). We will consider the impact on aesthetics (view from the tee) and course rating. Whilst the base
of the new bunker will have the new style liner the revetting walls will be of natural turf rather than artificial.
Top15 give feedback – how about yours?
Whilst we lacked members feedback on the trial of the swale grass height on the 16th we felt some debate existed and appreciated the feedback from the top 15 players in the Club Championship to the question. Previously the grass was at 20-30mm being 28mm for the Championship; to provide some context the first cut of the rough is 25mm. We have now decided to accomplish a 3-month trial at fairway height which is 10-20mm. To be fair, the Hawtree Report did suggest swales should be at fairway height. A ‘marmite issue’ for many, but do let us know what you think.
Extensions in progress
As I write hire equipment is in to facilitate moving chalk and subsoil to allow the 1st and 12th Tees to be extended whilst the ground is still dry and hard. So far 100 tonnes has already been moved from the side of the range to the back of the 12th tee. Hopefully the creation of the practice swale can also start.
Course Treatment
- There was an abundance of crane flies recently, as expected. The insecticide Acelepryn has been applied to the greens to avoid the birds lunching on our turf.
Fungicide has also been applied in a preventative strategy to combat fusarium, some small spots of disease noted on 10th and 11th over the last 10 days, typically due to shading for longer periods of time. Autumn fertiliser has been applied to all greens to harden the grass plant and keep it that way as we go forward into longer nights and damper days.
- Aprons have been ‘hollow tined’ to remove organic matter with over seeding and dressing being applied along with fertiliser to aid in recovery. Tees will have an Autumn fertiliser and will also be ‘hollow cored‘, as and when time allows.
- Fairways are slowly recovering but do need some over seeding in areas with a long-term plan to ‘hollow core’ some areas to create a seed bed, along with brushing and raking to aerate the surface.
Concerns about pest damage, as some areas on fairways are dying off due to an abundance of chafer grubs. The area below is 15cm by 15cm, and although only illustrates 3 grubs, 8 were actually found in this small area.
All Tees and Aprons and 10% of fairways will be treated with insecticide.
- Birds are pecking out in the field forcing divotting and seeding these areas every morning, the problem is certainly chafer grubs.
Historic Value? – Dont Miss Out!
The old score cards were exhausted much sooner than expected forcing a hasty switch to the new cards. So, we have around £2,500 worth of ‘hole signage’ on order to reflect the changes. In the interim, please follow the new score card. The old signage will be removed as carefully as possible and will be made available in the hope of interest from some members for their historic value, or simply for their sheds etc!
Would you like to join our ‘Green Party’?
Now if you have managed to read this far, perhaps you have a passion for Greens Issues! Our committee is made up of 10 members from a cross-section of the Club with 4 Chairman Invitees. As Tip (the original instigator of 1st Impressions) is heading onto greater things as Club Captain he will stand down from the Greens Committee creating a vacancy. Sadly, you won’t get to drive any of the machinery! We have 6 professionals for that, so your main role will be ensuring due process is followed and we as a committee are communicating as openly and honestly as possible.
Drop me a line, if you are interested, at and I can explain a little more.
Bob Moore
Chair of Greens Committee
A Look at the Rules
In Match Play
- There is no penalty and Player A‘s ball is played as it lies.
- Players B‘s ball must be replaced.
Note: In Stroke Play
- Player A would receive the general penalty of 2 shots.
Rule 11.1b

100 Club
The winners of the 100 Club prize draw for October 2020 were:
£100 Sue Masser
£50 Simon Wills
£32 Rita Robinson
£32 Wynne Tufnell
£32 Sally Willis
£32 Ken Coburn
Congratulations to our winners this month. This is Sue’s second big win this year so well done Sue – different numbers each time of course. Next month’s draw will take place week beginning 19th October so look out for the results on the Secretary’s board in the entrance hall.
New members welcomed…..
Why not join the 100 Club? As a Golf Club member you can actively contribute towards future enhancements to our facilities whilst having a chance of winning a cash prize each month.
The 100 Club was launched in 1988 to raise funds to help support the cost of the centenary celebrations in 1990 with members buying a £1 share which was entered into a bi-monthly cash prize draw. It proved very popular and successfully raised almost £5,000 for the Centenary Fund. At members request it has continued and grown over the years.
The objective is to raise funds for projects or items requiring capital expenditure which will enhance the Golf Course and/or Club House. These would generally be considered as extras and not necessarily within the Club budget. Over the years many items have been purchased or contributions made towards the cost – notably the shoe and trolley cleaner, the information board and clock on the 1st tee, the Starters Hut and several sets of patio furniture including the new rattan furniture last year.
The draw is monthly and there are cash prizes to be won: £100, £50 and four at £32.
How do I join?
If you would like to join and enjoy the chance of winning a cash prize each month then it is very easy. Each share cost £1 per month paid for by monthly standing order and there is no limit on the number you can purchase. Members generally have between 1 and 10 shares with 5 being the most common holding.
The list of prizewinners is posted on the Secretary’s noticeboard in the entrance hall and of course in this section every month.
Application forms can be obtained from the Secretary’s office or from me – Pat Wallis phone 01420 564417 or email
Pat Wallis
Special Thankyou!
from ‘The Wing Walker’ … … and, perhaps, ‘slimmer of the year’
I would like to thank all those Club Members who generously supported my recent fundraising efforts in aid of St. Michael’s Hospice in Basingstoke, who provide specialist ‘end-of-life’ care, helping very ill people to lead a full life. You and others helped me raise over £1300 by sponsoring my ‘wing walk’ event at Compton Abbas airfield.
Thank you so much!
I must also thank my ‘better half’, Carol, for bringing this cause to your attention at Alresford Golf Club, and for helping me achieve the required maximum weight required.
So my contribution to the cause was the cost of the flight and a ‘crash diet’, from 14.8 stone (94kg ) down to below the 13.4 stone (85kg) required for the ‘wing walk’. I weighed in on the day at 82kg. Result!
So, with the prior worries of weather and weight no longer a problem, I clambered up and was strapped onto a semi-seated framework perched high on the top wing of a (seemingly) fragile biplane. Up, up and away! After a 12 minute, 120mph rollercoaster ride 400 feet above the rolling Dorset countryside, the flight was over too soon.
I still have to get the grin off my face even now. Friends were there to wave back at me and to capture the adventure with photos and video. The only downside was afterwards, watching the onboard video showing the extensive rippling effect of the wind on my face. Not the prettiest of sights I must say!
Mike Roe
Men's and Ladies Championships | ||
Over the weekend of 5th and 6th June, Alresford Golf Club held its Men’s and Ladies’ Club Championships and associated handicap competitions. On two perfect days for golf, fast greens and difficult rough. The Men’s Champion was Josh Evans with rounds of 71 and 75 for a total of 146, 3 shots clear of last year’s champion Will Pakenham-Walsh on 149, with Jim White in third place with 150. The Ladies’ Champion was Jane Scott with a gross score of 165 for 36 holes finishing 3 shots ahead of daughter Becky on 168. Josh Evans also picked up the John Holmes Trophy in the handicap competition for men with a nett score of 136, and in the ladies’ handicap competitions the Brenda Hedges Trophy (Silver Division) was won by Sandra Hooker with a nett 146 and the Dorothy Coombs (Bronze Division) was won by Elizabeth Hesse with a nett 157. Full results below. | ||
Club Championships - Men | ||
5th & 6th September – Men’s Club Championship | ||
1st | Josh Evans | 71+75=146 (gross) |
2nd | Will Pakenham-Walsh | 70+79=149 |
3rd | Jim White | 75+75=150 |
Best Round 1 Score | Robert Gwilliam | 75 (ocb) |
Best Round 2 Score | Sean Yeates | 71 |
5th & 6th September – John Holmes Trophy | ||
1st | Josh Evans | 66+70=136 (nett) |
2nd | Dave Fox | 71+67=138 |
3rd | Graham Marshallsay | 70+70=140 |
4th | Jim White | 70+70=140 |
Best Round 1 Score | Will Pakenham-Walsh | 66 |
Best Round 2 Score | Sean Yeates | 65 |
Club Championships - Ladies | ||
5th & 6th September – Ladies’ Club Championship | ||
1st | Jane Scott | 85+80=165 (gross) |
2nd | Becky Scott | 91+77=158 |
Best Nett Score in Championship Rnd 1 | Kathryn McLaughlin | 71 |
Best Nett Score in Championship Rnd 2 | Sarah Densham | 74 |
5th & 6th September – Brenda Hedges Trophy (Silver Division) | ||
1st | Sandra Hooker | 75+71=146 (nett) |
2nd | Suzie Batty | 75+72=147 |
5th & 6th September – Dorothy Coombs Trophy (Bronze Division) | ||
1st | Elizabeth Hesse | 78+79=157 (nett) |
2nd | Jo Youngs | 81+77=158 |
Men’s & Mixed Competitions | ||
26th August – Mid-week Medal | ||
1st | Chris White | 65 (nett) |
2nd | Liam Seager | 65 |
3rd | Mario Mohammed | 68 |
4th | Geoff Colwill | 69 |
29th & 30th August – Bill Young Trophy | ||
1st | David Buckland | 36+39=75 points |
2nd | Mick Grant | 41+34=75 |
3rd | Andrew Axton | 37+37=74 |
4th | Stephen Morgan | 36+37=73 |
Best Round1 | Steve Drake | 39 |
Best Round2 | Peter Gunn | 38 |
29th August – Saturday Men’s Stableford | ||
1st | Peter Morgan | 39 points |
2nd | Ashley Wright | 37 |
3rd | Pete Tandy | 37 |
4th | Norman Parker | 36 |
30th August – Sunday Mixed Stableford | ||
1st | Andy McKenzie | 35 points |
2nd | Sarah Thorne | 34 |
3rd | David Marshall | 34 |
4th | Steven Maxwell | 34 |
12th September – Pailthorpe Platter | ||
1st | Shaun Watford | 43 points |
2nd | Robert Gwilliam | 40 |
3rd | Kristian Govia | 39 |
4th | Tom Beecher | 39 |
14th September – Over 60’s Stableford | ||
Division 1 | ||
1st | Tony Collins | 37 points |
Division 2 | ||
1st | Geoff Jenkins | 43 |
2nd | Chris Thompson | 42 |
3rd | Ray Coleshill | 41 |
4th | Mel Elford | 39 |
19th & 20th September – Linnets Trophy | ||
1st | Robert Doley | 68+66=134 (nett) |
2nd | Kristian Govia | 64+70=134 |
3rd | Shaun Watford | 70+66=136 |
4th | Simon Freemantle | 62+74=136 |
Best Round 1 | Garry Venn | 64 |
Best Round 2 | Steve Johnson | 65 |
19th September – Saturday Mixed Medal | ||
1st | Bill Ragan | 66 (nett) |
2nd | Cathy Hilton | 67 |
3rd | Nick Duncan | 67 |
4th | Liam Seager | 68 |
20th September – Sunday Mixed Medal | ||
1st | Suzie Batty | 66 (nett) |
2nd | Stuart Binfield | 67 |
3rd | Chris Stephens | 68 |
23rd September – Mid-week Stableford | ||
1st | Peter Gunn | 36 points |
2nd | Steve Hopkins | 36 |
3rd | Stuart Smith | 36 |
26th September – Wilkinson Trophy | ||
1st | Steve Hopkins | 66 (nett) |
2nd | Tim O’Connor | 67 |
3rd | Ashley Wright | 67 |
4th | Brian Overton | 68 |
27th September – Men’s Stableford | ||
Division 1 | ||
1st | Steve Hopkins | 38 points |
2nd | Josh Evans | 37 |
3rd | Mick Grant | 37 |
Division 2 | ||
1st | Mark Truran | 41 |
2nd | Peter Smith | 37 |
3rd | Jon Manley | 37 |
Ladies' Competitions | ||
25th & 29th August – Munro Spencer Bowl | ||
1st | Sarah Thorne | 73 (nett) |
2nd | Sue Masser | 74 |
3rd | Di Peisley | 74 |
Best Gross | Becky Scott | 79 |
12th & 15th September – September Medal | ||
Div 1 | Sarah Farthing | 71 nett |
Div 2 | Di Peisley | 68 |
Div 3 | Carol Clark | 76 |
12th & 15th September – Medal Winners | ||
1st | Mal Hope-Mason | 68 (nett) |
2nd | Pat Palmer | 70 |
15th September – 9-hole Stableford | ||
1st | Gloria Harrison | 20 points |
22nd September – One Day only Stableford | ||
Div 1 | Lynne Cowser | 41 points |
Div 2 | Sarah Scott | 41 |
Div 3 | Elaine Sutherland | 45 |
Editor: Trevor Hodgkinson
The Editorial Team take no responsibility for incorrect information received from Contributors.