Fore Info October 2017

Welcome to the new ForeInfo web page. All the news is split into colour-coded sections on the one page, so you can simply scroll through to view the articles of interest – hopefully all of them!
If you have any comments to make, positive or not, about this new format please contact me

Management Corner
There have been some changes made to the website involving the description of each hole on the course and incorporating a ‘flyover’ video (see Enhancements to the Course section below).
Members may have noticed that there has been damage to the grass surrounds of some bunkers which is caused by rooks searching for insects to eat. Chemicals to eradicate these insects are no longer sold and several other methods to deter the rooks have been tried with limited success.
The most suitable alternative is to display a dead rook close to those bunkers which are at risk. Although it is recognised that some members
may not welcome this, the Management Committee has decided to adopt this alternative in order to minimise damage to bunker surrounds which could, if unchecked, cost several thousands of pounds to repair. More information is in the Greens article.
From the Club Captain
The Mixed Invitation, mentioned in the last edition of Fore Info, sadly did fall victim of lack of interest and had to be cancelled. Participants who were committed to play were offered a free round in compensation.
Our prestigious Bill Young Trophy was played on 26th and 27th August – two rounds of stableford – and was won by Grant Thorne with two rounds of 37 points, narrowly beating both Chris White and Darren Boreham with totals of 73; Chris won on countback.
The HCLGA Hull Shield finals were held at Alresford on 1st September and Alresford, represented by Sally Reid and Wendy Pidduck, emerged the winners from an initial field of 39 Hampshire clubs – a great effort indeed and especially good to see AGC in the winners enclosure.
The Pro-Am organised by Malcolm and Jane Scott and the PGA, fielded 200 players and, despite the regretfully fatal accident on the M3 that morning, ran almost like clockwork. Past and present Alresford names appeared in the credits with James Ablett coming 1st with 64, Philip Bryden in third place with 68 and Chris Geary a very creditable 8th with 69. Junior, Patrick Harris, featured again when he was called up to stand in for an injured home player. The professional (Mark Dowdel) told me he acquitted himself admirably and that he would be receiving an invitation to join him again next year! Well done Patrick.
My Captain’s Day went well with some 140 players taking part. My thanks go to those who participated and David Maskery for the paperwork and Patricia, Marlene Coburn and Lyn Jones for the half-way house. Thanks also to the greens’ staff who presented the course in the excellent manner to which we have become used.
The winner of the Captain’s Prize was Jess Miles with 37 points – not a high scoring day, partly due to the tee placements which, I understand, were quite demanding. Best Man was Drew Fielden with 37 points also, Best Lady was Cathy Hilton with 35 points (on countback from Elaine Spreadbury) and Best Junior was Millie Jonathen. Millie couldn’t win Best Lady as she qualified already for Best Junior. Congratulations to all our winners.
Both Dave Farr and Mike Day have had holes-in-one since my last report – congratulations to them both.
The Francis Holmes Shield, played between the original Hampshire 9 hole clubs – Andover, Romsey, Marlborough and Alresford was played on 23rd September at Marlborough this year and was won by the home team. Alresford managed third place – well played all.
The HCLGA Alresford Cup for Junior Girls involving players from Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Dorset, Hampshire, Kent, Middlesex and Surrey was played at Alresford on Sunday 24th September and Hampshire was represented in the F division by our own Jenny Myers who carded a very creditable 33 points. Surrey won the day with the Hampshire team coming 5th out of the 8 counties.
Forthcoming events
28th Sept Rules session with Malcolm Scott
1st Oct Cock & Hen Trophy
15th Oct Men v Hampshire Schools
21st Oct Auction of Promises
22nd Oct Harry May – Two generations Trophy
11th Nov Club Dinner
Watch out for notices for these events and
join in the fun!
Andrew Frearson
Club Captain
Ladies Section
September began with an exciting event and result for the ladies at Alresford Golf Club with the Hull Shield, a ladies’ county event held at Alresford this year. The competition included 39 Hampshire clubs and the format was the aggregate of both team players’ nett scores. Our team of Sally Reid and Wendy Pidduck won with a combined score of 147, Sally scoring the best nett score of the day with 72. Well done Sally and Wendy – what a triumph. Thank you as well to all those ladies who turned out to support them and, in particular to my LVC, Mary Panter, who ran the event in my absence.
On 11 September Kelly Travers, Jane and Becky Scott qualified for the final round of the Northants Trophy and were only narrowly beaten into second place by Northants. Congratulations to the team and their captain, Lynne Cowser, on a magnificent performance this year in what is a very challenging scratch competition. There was a wonderful team of supporters on the day in pink and their encouragement was greatly appreciated.
The Autumn Meeting was a popular event and supported by a good number of members despite the need to send 4 players to Hockley for their Centenary Trophy. For the first time this autumn we had a delayed start because of mist/fog – September, this hardly seems possible.
The winning team with 77 points was Mary Panter, Mal Hope-Mason and Nancy Brooke. Nearest the pin on the 13th was Linda Glynn and longest drive for handicaps 26-36 was Mo Brooking. My thanks to Jennifer Clelland and Sandra Hooker for their hard work in organising this and making it such an enjoyable day for us all.
Alresford hosted the annual Alresford Cup on Sunday, 24 September, a county event for Junior Girls with all the home arrangements made by Mary Rook who had an excellent team of helpers on the day. We were all given an amazing insight into what we might have achieved if we had started golf a lot earlier in our lives and it was a delight to watch their game and share some of their views on life and golf! The winning team came from Surrey and, having acted as Starter on the 10th tee, I had the privilege to have in my group to shepherd the girl with the highest overall score of 44 Stableford points, Alex Phelps. What a credit to her county, club and family and what a future she has in the sport.
Warm congratulations to the teams who did so well at Hockley and Tidworth, results shown on the results page. We have had such a successful end to the season and I would like to thank you for all your enthusiasm and commitment.
Further afield, we were represented in the Hampshire team for the English Women’s County finals at Felixstowe Ferry by Kelly Travers, supported by Mary Rook and Lyn Travers. Hampshire came a very creditable fourth and Kelly was a major contributor to this result.
October looks as though it might be a quieter time but I would urge you all to keep an eye on the noticeboard and sign up for the forthcoming winter and social events.
Match Committee Report
Men’s and Mixed Invitations
Unfortunately, the Mixed Invitation, this year, was cancelled because of the small number of entries. Also, the numbers for the Men’s Invitation have been reducing over the past few years. We will be reviewing the timing and format of these events for next year. Comments and suggestions on timing and format from members who have played in them before and especially from those who might consider playing in them, would be appreciated.
Harry May – Two Generations Trophy
A reminder that the Harry May – Two Generations Trophy takes place this month on Sunday 22nd October. This competition is open to 7 and 5 day members with Competition handicaps. The relationship must be parent, grandparent, step-parent, step-grandparent with child or grandchild; both players do not need to be current Alresford members.
If one of the pair does not have a handicap, then while they are welcome to play they are not eligible to win the trophy, although they are eligible to win a prize.
The sign-up sheet is on the notice-board in the Entrance Hall. The closing date is Monday 16th October with the draw being made on 17th October.
Winter Leagues
The sign-up sheets for the Winter Mixed Foursomes and the Men’s Lombard 4BBB are now available in the Pro’s Shop. These competitions are open to 7-day members with competition handicaps. The closing date for entries is Sunday 22nd October and the draw for the leagues will be posted by Tuesday 24th October. Generally each team will have 3 matches to play and all matches in the leagues must be completed by Sunday 4th February 2018 after which the draw will be made for the Knock-out phase.
George Clelland
A Look at the Rules
Question. A player damaged his ball at a certain hole, declared it unfit for play and substituted another ball. Later in the round on another hole, he played the damaged ball. What is the ruling?
Thanks once again to our local rules expert, Brian Overton, for setting these fascinating questions
Vets Section
By the time you read this article the summer season of Vets matches will be drawing to close, with only one game left to play, namely the match at Cowdray Park on the 9 October. However, we still have other games to enjoy, including the annual game between the Vets and Ladies, and of course the Bagman Trophy on the 11 October.
As we get towards the end of this playing season, the fixtures list for the 2018 season is being finalised and for first time will include a home and away fixture with Hamptworth Golf Club. This will replace our annual fixture against Avington Park. Shown below, The Beast, Hamptworth’s 666 yard par 6 hole!
Hamptworth Golf Club is just inside the New Forest, approximately 40 minutes drive from Alresford. The course is undulating and challenging, but nevertheless enjoyable for all ability levels, and is well maintained with good quality greens.
The clubhouse is a good standard with a large bar and dinning area, with the promise that the catering will be good.
I believe this will be a very popular and welcome addition to our fixtures list, so that next year we will have the opportunity to enjoy playing at 20 different 18-hole Clubs during the summer season.
The annual Vets & Partners Dinner will be held on Thursday the 12 October and for £22.50 per person, we can enjoy a 3-course meal together with wine. If you have not yet paid you are requested to do so by 4 October.
Finally, congratulations to David Nightingale for winning the rain delayed over 80’s Championship.
Geoff Procter
Vets Captain
Enhancements to the Course section of the Website
Two significant enhancements to the Course Information section of the website are now live.
3D Flyovers from ‘Whole in 1 Golf’
As many of you will have noticed in the Clubhouse, we have collaborated with a new provider to promote the course – display screens are installed in the two changing rooms and the lobby.
Whole in 1 Golf is a UK based golf technology company with a portfolio of circa 300 golf courses and resorts throughout the UK and Ireland with clients including Sky Sports and Q Hotels.
Our business model is simple yet completely unique – we develop a 3D flyover and GPS system of the venue and each hole using the latest technology and software.
This is easily accessed by the golfer on a number of multi-media platforms such as mobile applications, in-cart computers, the club’s website and in-house LCD TVs. All of this equipment is provided completely free of charge to the club.
The website Hole Guide has been updated to provide links to the 3D Flyovers – these are surprisingly realistic and provide an excellent overview of the hole.
Some of you may be aware that there is a very detailed plan of the course available on the website here. This has been updated to incorporate changes to the course over the last couple of years. Bunkers have been removed where appropriate and the transplanting of trees reflected.
Ron Beal
…from the Secretary
New members
Welcome to the following new members who have all joined the club starting during September ; Raymond Coleshill ( 5 day), Sara Owen, Deborah Richardson, Tracy Bicknell and Alan binfield ( Social extra) , Dominic Drewe ( Junior).We hope that your time at the club will be a long and enjoyable one for all of you. We hope that you will enjoy using the club and its facilities and are able to participate in the many social events and competitions we have over the summer.
May I remind all members that we are welcoming new membership enquiries for all categories? If you know any friends or acquaintances who are thinking of joining a club or changing clubs, please do your best to sell them the benefits of Alresford.
Refer a new 5 or 7 day playing member and receive an EXTRA £50 credit on your bar card. Speak to the Secretary for more information.
Club ‘Roll Up’
Fancy a game in the week? All members are welcome to come along to the ‘club roll-up’ on Wednesday mornings. The usual start time is 11am all year round – timings subject to any advanced tee reservations.
Wednesday 4th – 11.00am
Wednesday 11th – 11.00am
Wednesday 18th – 10.15am
(due to golf society)
Wednesday 25th – 11.00am
Wednesday 1st – 11.00am
Wednesday 8th –11.00am
Wednesday 15th – 11.00am
All competition trophies must be returned to the office by Friday 6th October. All categories – Juniors, Men, Ladies and Mixed
Diary 2018
If your contact details are incorrect in the diary, or you have moved this year, please make sure the Office has your correct details in time for inclusion in the 2018 diary and the AGM / Subscription notices.
Forthcoming Events
Sunday 8th October
Sunday Carvery, 12-2pm
‘Sign up’ directly with the Caterer
Friday 13th October
Harvest Festival Supper with live music 7.00pm, £20pp. 3 course menu.
‘Sign up’ with the Caterer.
Saturday 21st October
Auction of Promises – £20pp for dinner,
£5pp for tickets for the bar area (no food).
2 tables still available. Details of the auction items to be available shortly.
Thursday 2nd November
‘Gunpowder , Treason & Plot’
Theme Evening
Saturday 11th November
Club Dinner and by popular demand featuring Peter Wardell. Early bird tickets available if paid in full by 20th October
check out our Facebook page
Do you like the regular daily posts which are currently happening? Is there anything which you feel would be useful to include?
Make sure you ‘like’ our Facebook page and you will link to it and get the regular pictures and updates on what’s happening! Share our page to your friends.
Green News
Greens are currently in very good condition for the time of year. There is some silver moss on some greens, but this is being treated. We do need to “drill and fill” 6 or 7 greens and Steve has pencilled in 9th and 10th October with contingency dates of 16th and 17th October. The greens to be treated are the 2nd or 17th, 4th, 7th, 8th, 11th and 12th. The process drills holes to a depth of 14 inches on the greens and then fills the holes with kiln dried sand and requires good weather to perform it effectively. The treatment will help water drain away from the surface more quickly during the winter months and should help prevent the grass thinning.
The brown patches appearing on some of the tees and some fairways are signs of a fungal disease called ‘Dollar Spot’. The tees are currently being fed and seeded to help alleviate the problem. However, the most effective treatment is the application of a fungicide, which, due to the large areas involved, we don’t currently have budget for. A prolonged cold spell of sub-zero temperatures in winter should help keep this under control. The situation will be monitored during the next year if necessary will be added into the budget for the following year.
The mark on the edge of the 11th Green was caused by a hydraulic pipe failing (just one of those things that happens). Damage was reduced by the quick reactions of the greenkeeper! Well done! Please be aware that Marc and Jordan are now at college on Wednesdays so we are short of working hours going forward.
The rough has grown vigorously this year. We are encouraged by the display of wild flowers although excessive growth of rye grass has made the rough thicker and tougher than ideal. Treatment to reduce rye grass has been applied and we look forward to our visiting sheep munching through the winter.
The winter program this year will focus on bunkers and tees. Work will begin on reshaping the greenside bunkers on holes 4 and 13 in preparation for the application of the bunker lining. The new lining material will improve drainage of bunkers and eliminate migration of stones from the subsoil. The “volcano” bunker on the 6th will be replaced by a swale. Should time and budget allow, work on the 5th white tee and other tee work will also take place in the new year.
We are concerned about the damage to bunker surrounds caused by rooks (see below). The cost of repairing this could run to thousands unless we control at source. Please see ‘Management Corner’ for update.
We have learned of a recent incident at Dibden GC, where a diseased tree fell on a green keeper causing life changing injuries. We are therefore looking very closely at reducing this area of risk to golfers and staff. There are 2 trees on the course which are dead or dying and require immediate removal. One is the first Silver Birch on the left of the 9th fairway; the other is the 3rd tree on the left of the 12th fairway. We will arrange tree surgeons to come and remove these 2 high risk trees. For your information, a report was put together by external tree consultants 6 years ago, identifying trees which had potential to become H&S risks. The trees identified have been numbered and are regularly checked. We do plan to review and update.
The new ‘Course and Greens Information’ web page is now live on the club website. This web page can be accessed from the ‘members only’ area of the website and contains links to documents and other resources relating to the maintenance and development of our course. Many members have passed very positive feedback regarding the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. This will be a working document and we have already made additions to the content. Many thanks again to Jon Capp who has driven this initiative.
Finally, as we start to think about winter golf, we have prepared a supplementary yardage chart reduced yardages to the temporary greens. These will be available in the Proshop soon.
Happy golfing!
Mark Tiplady
A Look at the Rules
Answer. There is no penalty. However, the player may not again declare the ball (in the same condition) unfit for play. Decision 5-3/2
100 Club
The winners of the 100 Club prize draw for October were:
£100 Gareth Rees
£50 Carol Clark
£32 Sally Willis
£32 Linda Glynn
£32 Simon Wills
£32 Jean Coveyduck
Congratulations to the winners… Gareth and Simon find themselves in the illustrious company of four Ladies’ Captains! The next draw will take place in the week beginning 23rd October.
Not a member of the 100 Club?
If you’re not a member of the 100 Club, you can become one for as little as £1 per month. Shares in the 100 Club are purchased for £1 per month and there is no limit on the number of shares which can be held. In general, most members have between 1 and 5 shares and pay by monthly direct debit, though it’s also possible to pay quarterly or annually. Each share is allocated a number which is entered in the monthly draw. The top prize is £100, with a second prize of £50 and four other prizes of £32. For more information contact George Clelland on 01962735008 or, or call in to the Secretary’s office.
George Clelland
Social Scene
Places have sold out fast for the Auction of Promises evening on 21st October. Additional tables have been added so don’t miss out!.
Look out for the brochure in the Clubhouse in the next couple of weeks – pre bids will be accepted, so if you are not able to make it don’t worry, you will still have the opportunity to bid for some great items, experiences and treats.
Editor: Andy Thomsen
The Editorial Team take no responsibility for incorrect information received from Contributors.