Fore Info October 2019

Management Corner

Clubhouse Development

The Management Committee met on the 23rd September and has finally approved our Architect’s specifications and drawings for membership consultation.

These are now being prepared for presentation to you, which we hope will take no more than two weeks, at the time of writing. This probably means that consultation will now start in the first half of October. 

I am conscious that we are slightly behind our timetable, as indeed I am for your considerable patience in waiting for the consultation period to start.  In mitigation I am sure you will understand the complexities of working with third parties and bringing all members of the Management Committee to the point of agreement and approval to proceed.

It is still our intention to hold an EGM, which we shall call with two weeks’ notice, following conclusion of membership consultation.

Social Media

The Planning and Development Committee’s task is to manage both internal and external club communications and we have as a goal how we might make better use of our Facebook page, and other Social Media, in promoting the club and its activities to potential golfers.

We recently undertook a mailing to members to invite enthusiastic users of Social Media to offer their expertise, advice and potentially on-going help to the Committee. We received a positive response to this mailing and are currently in discussion as to how best to take forward this offer of help. We will report further as developments advance, but suffice to say we will do everything we can to ensure these channels of communication are used both professionally and effectively, rather than a source for potential trivia. 

Non-Paying Visitors

We have had a recent spate of non-paying visitors; a problem faced by all golf clubs, yet one we should all help in keeping to a minimum occurrence. When challenged “we were going to pay at the end of our round” is a typical response.  Whilst many might resist making such a challenge, if you have any suspicion of a non-paying player, then please do approach and report. It is your course and we all need to do what we can to ensure these are rare incidents. Many thanks.

Nick Duncan
Chair, Planning and Development Committee

From the Club Captain

I start by reporting a superb result from one of our Junior Stars – Rosie Rooney – who, on 15th September, beat Cara Patient of Meon Valley 3 & 1 at Corhampton in the final, to win the Hampshire Ladies County Golf Association Junior Summer Knockout. A brilliant performance Rosie – well done!

Jenny Myers narrowly lost her semi-final match in the same competition.

I reported last month Rosie Rooney also won the Munro Spencer Bowl at the end of August with Harriet Riches in 2nd place. Not to be outdone, Millie Jonathan followed this up by winning the Ladies Captains Macmillan Rose with 41 pts with our Lady Captain in 2nd place.

It’s fantastic that our Juniors are playing so well.

The Mens Friendly matches conclude when we host Ryde Pirates on the 5th October. Whilst these matches are billed as “friendly”, every player has a desire to perform well and win their game and pride is at stake – there is no such thing as a friendly match!

It’s enjoyable to show off our course to visitors and also to visit new courses, to sample the hospitality on offer and to play a competitive game for a very modest amount of money. This season, with one match to go, we have played 17 – won 8 – lost 7 – halved 2.

Our happy team at Tidworth Garrison Golf Club

The Francis Holmes Shield was hosted by Romsey on 1st September. It is fair to say that the course wasn’t in great condition, but it was the same for all competitors. Despite a good performance by our team in the morning foursomes, just 1.5 shots behind the eventual winners, the afternoon round didn’t go so well with Derek Myers having to withdraw due to injury. Home advantage was of great benefit and Romsey were the winners with Alresford in last place – we hope for better luck next year when Andover host the competition.

The Pro Am was another huge success for Malcolm, Jane and Alresford Golf Club. The course was in fine condition and all competitors were very

complementary about the whole package – a great example of everyone pulling together!

Another excellent example of everyone working together was on Captain’s Day139 members enjoyed the great weather, Chris and Kelly were on hand with a constant supply of sausage rolls and (later in the afternoon) their very popular BBQ. We had a lot of fun serving drinks and food at the halfway house, the Pimms especially proved a suitable choice on a sunny afternoon! I would like to thank my wife Sarah and my friend, Martin Froment (social member), for their help in running the halfway house throughout the day. 

Jeff Staines was the eventual winner of the Captains Prize with 41 points on count back from Kevin Jury.

A performance worthy of a special mention was Jasmine Jury’s. She won the Best Junior prize matching her father’s score of 41 points, won ‘nearest the pin’ on the 6th hole and finished in the winning team well done Jasmine!

It is fantastic to see another of our junior players doing so well!


The owner of the August’s ‘WHO’S BALL IS THIS?’ has been claimed, thank you Steve for fessing up.

Here’s another for you to identify, looks like “23” might be someone’s lucky number?

So 23, you may claim your ball from the Secretary’s Office.

If you wish to donate a few pennies to the Captain’s Charity bottle on the bar that would be appreciated, but entirely voluntary, of course! 


Graham Marshallsay

Ladies Section

As I “put pen to paper”, the weather has changed with torrential rain interspersed with bright sunshine – not conducive to golf in my book!  We have been so lucky with the weather this year lets hope this is just a small blip.

Since I last wrote I have enjoyed playing in a couple of the competitions with Junior Girls  – the Munro Spencer Bowl which I played with Harriet Riches – the winner with a net 65 and then the Ladies Captains Macmillan Rose with Millie Jonathan which she won with 41 pts! 

I have to say it has been a pleasure to play with the girls whose etiquette and manners have been exemplary.  I do hope they will join us again when studies allow.  

September has seen several of our ladies representing us in external competitions including the Hull Shield, Hayling and Corhampton Eclectics and the Hockley Centenary Trophy.  Whilst we haven’t been in the prizes I thank everyone who played and I know you all had an enjoyable day. 

The Alresford Scratch Trophy round robin games are now over and we came a close second to Stoneham in our division.  The finals day is at Alresford on the 6th October and will be between Stoneham and Royal Winchester.   Thank you very much to Lynne Cowser – Team Captain – and her committee for organising the Trophy – Alresford is extremely proud to have started this competition which has proved very popular with the clubs taking part.

I also really enjoyed playing in the ProAm, Millennium Quaiche and the Mixed Invitation – all for the first time.  It is always a pleasure to play at Alresford – the course has been in excellent condition and many handicap reductions have occurred as a result so well done to everyone who has come down.

Graham Marshallsay’s Captains Day was a great success very much enjoyed by all who took part.  The halfway house was particularly good with many temptations both alcoholic and nibbly!  I know Graham really enjoyed his day and was delighted by your support.

Our congratulations go to Di Peisley who has accepted my Vice Captain Mal Hope Mason’s nomination as next years Ladies Vice Captain. Di will become Ladies Captain in November 2020.   With just two months left of my Captaincy it feels like the year has gone incredibly quickly – I hope you have all got the message about the Ladies AGM being moved to the 23rd November to enable me to have a holiday before Christmas!

October brings the Autumn Meeting, Vets v Ladies the last of the Friendly matches, the start of the Nine-hole competitions and the mixed winter knockout.  The draws for these are already on the noticeboard – good luck to everyone taking part!

Happy Golfing!



Match Committee Report

Mixed Invitation

The Mixed Invitation was held on 8th September with an entry of 16 pairs, the same as last year. Winners this year were David and Sophie Marshall (Royal Mid-Surrey) with 46 points; taking second place on count-back was Sue Masser and Keith Ganter (Leckford) with 43 points; and third was David and Wendy Nightingale (Army) also on 43 points. Gracefully, the Alresford members allowed the guests to collect the ‘nearest the pin’ prizes with Sophie Marshall being the closest Lady on the 10th and John Tierney (Ham Manor) the closest man on the 13th.

Winter Leagues

The sign-up sheets for the Winter Mixed Foursomes and the Men’s Lombard 4BBB are now available in the Pro’s Shop. These competitions are open to 7-day members with competition handicaps and have played in 6 qualifying competitions since 27/10/2018. The closing date for entries is Sunday 27th October and the draw for the leagues will be posted by Wednesday 30th October. Generally, each team will have 3 matches to play and all matches in the leagues must be completed by Sunday 23rd February 2020 after which the draw will be made for the Knock-out phase.

Cock & Hen Trophy

The closing date for the Cock & Hen Trophy of 11th October is fast approaching, The Cock & Hen Trophy is a mixed 4BBB Stableford competition with drawn partners, and will be played on Sunday 20th October. The draw and start sheet will be posted on 13th October.

World Handicapping System

England Golf have just announced that the new handicapping system will be implemented on 2nd November 2020. David Maskery and myself will be attending a County Workshop on 4th November (this year) to hear the latest information and plans for WHS. Subsequently we will pass on the information by posters in the Clubhouse and through Fore Info.

Presentation Evening

Advance notice of the Trophy Presentation Evening which will be on Friday 15th November. A list of all the trophy winners will be posted on the notice boards by the end of October. We encourage all those who have won a major competition during the year to attend and receive their trophy and the plaudits from the assembled company. If you won a trophy last year and have kept it at home, could you please return it to the Office as soon as possible so that it can be engraved with this year’s winner.

The Sheep are Back!

A reminder that the sheep enclosure is a no-play zone and you should not enter the enclosure to retrieve your ball as the fence is electrified. The enclosure, wherever it might be, is defined as an abnormal course condition – no play zone. You may claim free relief if your ball is known or virtually certain to be in the enclosure. For the purposes of finding the nearest point of complete relief, if the ball can be seen and identified, the reference point for the relief area will be the spot outside the enclosure, not nearer the hole which gives complete relief from the condition; if the ball cannot be seen and identified then the reference point is the spot outside the enclosure from the estimated point where the ball crossed the edge of the enclosure

George Clelland

A Look at the Rules


A players ball is found in a drainage ditch full of water. The ditch has not been marked by the committee.

Should the player treat it as:

  • not being in a penalty area,
  • being in a Yellow penalty area, or
  • being in a Red penalty area.

Vets Section

The Vets’ season is drawing to a close and with it the final rounds of the Vets’ knockout competitions have been completed.

The results are as follows and the winners and runners up are to be congratulated:

Vets Individual Knockout:

Winner                Tom McGrath
Runner up          Steve Oldham

Vets Over 70s Knockout:

Winner                Ian Foden
Runner up          Jonathan Scott

Fred White Foursomes:

Winners                Steve Oldham and Gareth Rees
Runners up          Tom McGrath and Trevor Hodgkinson

The summer friendly matches are also drawing to an end with 38 out of 39 played; 20 wins recorded and 8 halved matches. A total of 58 Vets participated in these matches.

There are still a few vacancies for the Vets and Partners Dinner on Thursday 24 October. Those who have signed up but not yet paid or made their menu selection should do so by no later, but preferably sooner, than the closing date of 18 October or risk being excluded.

The Vets’ AGM will take place on Wednesday 6 November Those wishing to raise any issues should contact Graham Lumb the secretary.

Drew Fielden

…from the Secretary

Welcome to the following new members who have all joined the club starting during August so far;

Mark Pyne (7 day), Peter Bailey and Melanie Gregory-Pulling (Academy), Rodney and Sarah Jordan (Social).

We hope that your time at the club will be a long and enjoyable one for all of you.

Remember – YOU, our members are our best salespeople. We need new members and have vacancies in all categories? If you know any friends or acquaintances who are thinking of joining a club or changing clubs or have new neighbours who have recently moved to the area, please do your best to sell them the benefits of Alresford Golf Club.

Fancy a game in the week? All members are welcome to come along to the ‘club roll-up’ on Wednesday mornings. The usual start time is 11am all year round but may change subject to any advanced tee reservations. Everyone welcome.

Wednesday 2nd ~ 11.15am (golf society / mid-week medal)
Wednesday 9th ~ 11.00am (midweek medal)
Wednesday 16th ~ 11.00am
Wednesday 23rd ~ mid-week stableford
Wednesday 30th ~ 11.00am

Wednesday 6th ~ 11.00am (Vets AGM Trophy)
Wednesday 13th ~ 11.15am (golf society)
Wednesday 20th ~ 11.00am (mid-week stableford)

Texas Scramble format for casual play is not permitted accept after permission has been granted in advance from the Club Secretary and on no occasion on Wednesday or Friday mornings when the course is liable to be at its busiest.


Sunday 20th October – COCK & HEN TROPHY
mixed pairs board competition (drawn partners) with tee times from 10.00am. All welcome.

Saturday 2nd November – CLUB DINNER
5 course themed dinner, £40pp

Wednesday 6th November – VETS SECTION AGM


Saturday 23rd November – LADIES SECTION AGM

Friday 29th November – CLUB AGM

BAR CARD ‘TOP UPS’ – Your Help Please?

If you are coming to a function, please ‘top up’ your card beforehand. This helps the staff and your fellow members when it is very busy at the start of the evening and you are not taking the attention of one of the bar staff for a longer period of time than necessary and perhaps having to wait for the credit card machine as well etc etc. ‘Top Up’ the day before whenever possible.

Dave Cooper Charity Day
in aid of the Wessex Colorectal Cancer Unit
Thursday 10th October

This event takes place on Thursday 10th October at Alresford Golf Club and was fantastically supported last year by Dave’s friends both in and outside of the golf club. If you would like to play again this year please contact Keith Turner or 01962 734764.

The day will be a 18 hole stableford event with individual and spot prizes.
Entry fees; £15 (members) and £45 (visitors) – which includes prizes and a 2 c meal after golf.
If you would like to support the day by just coming for the evening meal – you will be very welcome.
Any donations of raffle prizes in aid of the charity would be gratefully received.

FACEBOOK – check out our Facebook page

Make sure you ‘like’ our Facebook page and you will link to it and get the regular pictures and updates on what’s happening !

Twitter follow the green staff and see what’s happening on and around the course. @GreenstaffAGC

Would all trophy winners please start to return their trophies to the club for engraving and re-presentation at the Trophy Evening on 15th November. 

All Trophies must be returned to the Office by Friday 4th  October. 

Every year we are left with a few unhappy members who either do not have an engraved trophy or a trophy at all , where previous winners have forgotten to return their silverware. 


Members should remember that the wearing of golf shoes (with or without spikes) in the clubhouse is NOT permitted. The only exception being in dry and fine weather when entering the bar to order a drink, which then must be taken outside onto the patio.

As the weather turns wetter and the conditions underfoot softer you will not be permitted to enter the bar at all with wet and muddy golf shoes.

Please note there is an air shoe cleaner adjacent to the putting green which should be used to clean grass and debris from golf shoes before entering the clubhouse at ALL times.

Please help us keep the clubhouse clean and tidy.

We have had some occasions recently when players have begun their competition rounds so early that they get ahead of the Greenstaff ‘setting up the course. Whilst this is not a problem for social golf, it means that if the Greenstaff then change the tee positions or flags, those starting early will automatically NR in the competition. To avoid this situation and allow the Greenstaff time to prepare the course and following consultation with both the Match and Greens Committees, it is recommended that the earliest start times for those entering competitions is;

SUMMER 06.45 hrs
WINTER 07.30 hrs

This does not effect your ability to start early with social golf, but please be mindful that the Greenstaff do have priority on the course until 8.30am.

It’s the time of year when the greens are becoming softer. Repairing pitchmarks and replacing divots is a basic responsibility of all golfers, so please look around the green when walking to your ball and try to repair a pitchmark on every green even if it is not yours.


Grass growth will be less over the winter and so damage to greens takes longer to repair. Lets all do our bit to help ensure our greens stay in good condition for as long as possible.

If you are not quite sure how to repair a pitchmark properly please view this video by copying and pasting this link into your web browser;



Sheep have appeared again for their winter stay with us

Sheep on the course (2019 Rule update)

All members are reminded that entry into the sheep enclosure is NOT permitted and any members with pace makers must stay away from the electric fence.

Any part of the general area of the course which is being used as a sheep enclosure is defined as an abnormal ground condition all of which is a ‘no play zone’. Rule 16.1f applies and free relief must be taken under Rule 16.1b. The nearest point of complete relief should be identified and a substitute ball must be dropped and come to rest in the relief area.

If it is known (or virtually certain) that a ball that has not been found is in the sheep enclosure, then Rule 16.1e applies. The player may take free relief under Rule 16.1b using the estimated point where the ball crossed the edge of the sheep enclosure for the purposes of finding the nearest point of compete relief. 

If, however, it is not known (or uncertain) that the ball came to rest in the sheep enclosure, the ball is lost and the player must take stroke-and-distance relief under Rule 18.2.

This local rule is not optionalall players must take note … … … baa none!


David Maskery

Green News

The Greens are recovering well after the Graden machine injected sand and seed in early August. The seed has germinated and nutrients have been applied. After lots of cutting and rolling the greens have been aerated to get some oxygen back in to combat fusarium.

The Tees and Aprons have been scarified with a fair amount of debris removed.

It’s easy to take our Fairway conditions for granted so keep in mind many other local courses are already applying ‘preferred lies’ due to their poor fairways. Thankfully our Staff have done a tremendous job so we do

not have that issue. The fairways will be dressed this Autumn using the three year old leaf pile, which produces a lovely fine material.

We could do with some more rainfall though, as having used our borehole quota for the summer, we now switch to Mains water that is 40 times more expensive.

We are very pleased to report we are finally up to full manpower level and welcome Dominic Say onto the Team. Dominic has fitted in really well and will be learning the trade by attending Sparsholt College every Wednesday. 

A sub-committee has been working on a 1st Impressions project: The approach and surrounds to the 1st Tee being our “shop window” and therefore we should strive to be making a good impression.

The outcome will be presented to MANCOM soon for approval with the hope that it can be implemented over the next three years from our annual budget. The new practice bunker was part of that and we hope to reshape the old first tee now used for putting and add a practice swale this winter. Should anyone have CAD skills we would welcome some help to merge photos and plans to help communicate the proposals for the whole 1st Impressions Project.

There is a wealth of information on our Greens Page within the members section of the club website. We are particularly pleased with the “Frequently Asked Questions”.

For example you might wonder “why” we ask for rakes to be placed completely in the bunkers with the handle pointing back towards the Tee you have played from.

All being well if you double click on this web link you will see the answer

If you are having trouble with your short game, when was the last time you played on the Academy Course? Take a look, it’s currently in excellent condition and well worth a visit.

Finally, on behalf of the Greens Committee, we extend our sincere congratulations to Mark Tiplady (Tip) on being nominated by Mary for the position of Club Vice-Captain for next season. 

Bob Moore
For the Greens Committee
(Tip is on holiday)

A Look at the Rules


The player should treat it as lying in a Red penalty area.

“See definition of Penalty Area. For relief options and penalties, see rule 17.1d”

100 Club

The winners of the 100 Club prize draw for October were:

£100 Phillip Cartwright

£50 Robin Good

£32 Chris Thompson

£32 Carol Clark

£32 Liz Petheram

£32 John Harmes

This is the third time this year that Phillip has won the top prize so congratulations – and to all our winners this month.  The next draw will take place week beginning 14 october 2019 – look for the result on the Secretary’s notice board. 

What is the 100 Club?  

The Alresford Golf Club 100 Share Club was started in 1987 to raise extra funds to support and enhance the club Centenary celebrations which took place in 1990. Almost £5,000 was added to the Centenary Fund – a fantastic contribution. It proved so popular that members who had joined chose to continue the scheme indefinitely.  The ongoing objective of the 100 Club was then agreed as being “to provide funds for capital expenditure to enhance the Golf Course and/or Club House”. 

This is still very much the objective and projects supported by the 100 Club would generally be considered ‘extras’ and not necessarily within the Golf Club budget.

Many items have been purchased over the years with the new rattan patio furniture being the most recent.  In recent years the 100 Club has purchased the drinking fountain on the 4th/15th holes, the finger post signage, the Information Board and Clock at the first tee and the automated Defibrillator in the Entrance Hall.

So, can I join the 100 Club?  

Yes of course. New members are always welcome and so as a Golf Club member you can actively contribute towards future enhancements to the facilities on the Golf Course or Clubhouse whilst having the opportunity to win a monthly cash prize. Or why not increase your existing shareholding for an even better chance of a prize.  Shares can be purchased for £1 per month paid for by Standing Order and there is no limit on the number which can be held – most members have between 1 and 5 shares.  Each share is allocated a number which is entered into the monthly draw with a top prize of £100, with a second prize of £50 and four other prizes of £32. For more information contact Pat Wallis on 01420 564417 or, or call in to the Secretary’s Office.


Pat Wallis


Men’s & Mixed Competitions
31st August – Cornhill Trophy
1stChris Reilly43 pts
2ndRichard Lane40
3rdSteve Hopkins40
4thAlan Powell39
1st September – Millennium Quaich
1st Stuart Smith & Mark Simpson43 pts
2ndSue Masser & Mary Panter43
4th September – Mid-Week Medal
1stBarry Norgate67 nett
2ndTony Stanton68
3rdBill Ragan69
7th September – September Stableford
Division 1
1stAlistair Gray43 pts
2ndHarry Dhand41
3rdPaul Wager40
4thMartin Cornforth40
Division 2
1stGeoff Colwill40 pts
2ndPhillip Cartwright39
3rdGraham Maycock39
4thBob Moore38
8th September – Mixed Invitation
1stDavid & Sophie Marshall (Royal Mid-Surrey)46 pts
2ndSue Masser & Keith Ganter (Leckford)43
3rdDavid & Wendy Nightingale (Army)43
9th September – Mixed Invitation Over 60’s Stableford
1stDavid Mason44 pts
2ndDuncan Webb43
3rdRay Coleshill40
14th September – September Medal
1stDave Farr68 nett
2ndKarl Evans69
3rdAndrew Thorne69
4thMike Wooding69
17th September – Captain’s Day Individual Stableford
1stJeff Staines41 pts
2ndJasmine Jury41
3rdKevin Jury40
4thSimon Cook39
20th September – Golf Foundation
1stLes Widdicombe37 pts
2ndChris Reilly36
3rdAndrew Skirton36
4thMike Johnson35
21st September – Golf Foundation
1stAlistair Gray43 pts
2ndWill Holmes40
3rdLouis Parker38
4thDrew Fielden38
25th September – Mid-Week Stableford
1stMark Pyne41 pts
2ndWilliam Bennett40
3rdStuart Smith37
Ladies’ Competitions
Munro Spencer Bowl
1stRosie Rooneynet 65
2ndHarriet Richesnet 68
3rdAmelia Aikenheadnet 69
Best GrossJane Scottgross 76
Ladies Captain Macmillan Rose Stableford
Div 1Sally Reid36 pts
Div 2Millie Jonathan41 pts (and winner of the Rose)
Div 3Barbara Hutcheson35 pts
September Medal
Div 1Sarah Stainesnet 67
Div 2Gunnel Berrynet 67
Div 3Mo Brookingnet 75
September 9 hole Stableford
1stJan White18 pts
Daily Mail Foursomes
WinnersMal Hope Mason & Sarah Staines40 pts
September Stableford
Div 1Debbie Wills37 pts
Friendly Matches
v The ParkAwayWon 3-1
v PetersfieldHomeWon 3 1/2 - 1/2
v FarnhamAwayLost 3 - 2

Mixed Matches 2019

We have just played our last Mixed Friendly match against Basingstoke.  It is our last match of the season but more importantly and sadly, it may be the last friendly we play on that course as Basingstoke is in the throes of moving to Dummer GC.  We will continue with this mixed match though and look forward to welcoming Basingstoke to us next year.  The icing on the cake is that we won the match 4 and 3 so a good result.

We have played ten matches this season.  Unfortunately, our match against Alton was cancelled by them as they could not raise a team and it is with regret that they will not be arranging any more matches during 2020.  In view of this fact and because we have been approached by them, we are looking forward to having mixed matches next year against North Hants and Rowlands Castle.  

We have had some wins and some losses.  One of the more important wins was led by our Lady Captain, against Petersfield whom we managed to leave in second place securing the Petersfield Plate.  So, for Burns Night in 2020, at least, we now have something on which to put the haggis!

Over fifty people have volunteered to play in these matches and my thanks goes to them all, particularly those who have stepped in at the last minute.  It has also been good that some new members have volunteered to play in these matches, and it is hoped they will continue to do so next year.

Catering at these matches has varied between brunch prior to play and a formal sit down to a delightful two course meal.  However, most of the clubs now appear to be adopting a more informal approach with regard to post match attire – an approach that seems popular.

If anyone who has played in any of these matches has any comments, ideas on how things may be improved next year, please let me know so these can be put forward for discussion.

Thanks again to all.

Jan Harring (07980 474448)

Editor: Trevor Hodgkinson


The Editorial Team take no responsibility for incorrect information received from Contributors.