Fore Info March 2023
- New challenges to greenkeeping: Simon Justice keeps us up to date
- An update from the Chair: important updates on our club
- Club and Ladies Captain News: news and results
- Rules Quiz Question and Answer: a very surprising rule! Very useful too…
- Competitions: Summer Knockouts and upcoming competitions: key deadlines, don’t miss out
- Hampshire Ladies golf: some key information and our ladies on the ‘red carpet’
- County Cards: don’t miss out on some great value golf away-days
- Team Updates: results and upcoming matches for sign up
- Juniors: upcoming roll ups and first Trophy results
- Vets update: competition news and upcoming events for sign up now
- General Managers update: Course Marshal training and Masters Charity Sweepstake
- Social : a review of last month and future events- team sign up for the ‘Fore Info’ (Ryder Cup style) Team Challenge
- Team Golf: get your team together before its too late
- Greens News: key update on winter projects and course conditioning
- Winners in the 100 Club: did you win?
Welcome to our first new format edition- single column. Following on from member feedback we are trying to satisfy the needs of readers on all the different devices (laptops, phones and tablets). Tell us what you think!
In this edition our course manager tells us about the challenges facing greenkeeping and how it may affect our course. The R&A recently published their Golf course 2030 strategy- well worth a read on R& Climate change and a more sustainable approach will test AGC too.
Thanks to those that emailed me with ideas for future articles. Keep them coming.
Finally congratulations to Neil Gandy for his ace on the 6th in the Stoneham vs Gales Hockley vs County 7s match. Unfortunately I was not in the bar…
Enjoy the read, keep in touch.
David Marshall
Greenkeeping under threat: BIGGA Conference report
Our Course Manager Simon attended the flagship annual BIGGA Exhibition in Harrogate recently and I caught up with him to find out more.
Editor: Simon, how important is this BIGGA Turf Management Exhibition (BTME)?
Simon: Every January the north Yorkshire town of Harrogate comes alive with over 200 exhibitors and 5,000 delegates from across the world to Europe’s premier exhibition for golf greenkeepers and amenity turf professionals.
The golf industry is changing faster than ever with new rules, new technology and new challenges posed by the economy and our changing climate.
BTME features a mix of exhibition, educational seminars and most importantly networking opportunities.
Editor: What were the highlights for you this year?
Simon: The main talking point was the R&A sustainability outlook and their strategy for golf: Golf Course 2030.
Editor: What are the issues we face?
Simon: One of the most concerning is access to water. Today we are able to keep our course in premium condition through supply of bore hole water, topped up with limited volumes of mains water. The R&A expect that after 2028, golf courses will no longer be able to source mains water. Also bore hole water usage will be curtailed. We need to find ways to capture rainwater to make up the shortfall. The R&A have run several projects in the UK where clubs have built reservoirs, improved irrigation systems reducing run off and reused drainage water. Some of these clubs have already vastly reduced water consumption and saved running costs with mains water becoming increasingly expensive. A trend to grass seed varieties that need less water will also contribute to a solution. With climate change bring less rain and at times more heavy rains these project opportunities will be even more critical.
Editor: So does that mean one day we might have the 10th as an island green?
Simon: you never know. Perhaps a benefit of climate change.
The second issue is regulatory impact on chemical pesticide and fertiliser usage. We are already suffering with the loss of registration of key chemicals used for controlling insects. The rook and crow damage is a direct result, as we are unable to control chafer bugs and leatherjackets in the fairways and rough. On the smaller greens areas we were able to reduce these insect populations by covering with tarpaulins last year and raking out thousands of the pests. We will look to do this again, if in our monitoring we see new flushes of either of these insects. You will have seen we have tried other non-chemical solutions such as kites, bird scarers and last year a falconer. Unfortunately, the birds are not easily outwitted.
Editor: How about Fertilisers?
Simon: Fertilisers will also come under pressure and are increasingly expensive anyway. At BTME we heard about new ‘slow release’ fertiliser technologies that will make the fertiliser last longer to reduce the number of applications and therefore cost. Also there is a move to more biodegradable coatings and expected legislation by 2028.
Editor: Does this mean we will have to change the way we manage the turf?
Simon: Yes. In the 2030 strategy the R&A challenges the need to mow so much. To reduce our carbon footprint they describe eliminating ‘striping’ the fairways and not mowing under trees etc. This will in my view make the course look less manicured but all in the pursuit of sustainability. We are custodians of the land and need to reduce the burden on the soil, fauna and flora. The challenge is to create a top performance course in a sustainable way.
Editor: Do you think chemicals could get banned on golf courses?
Simon: Yes they could. The industry is lobbying for defence of a sustainable, integrated turf management approach with targeted, reduced usage rather than outright bans. Compared to agriculture we already have a much lower chemical usage.
Editor: Do you see electric vehicles and robots coming soon to golf?
Simon: We already see some all-electric golf course equipment. John Deere even makes a mower that drives by satellite navigation and is semi-automatic with mowing and spraying areas loaded into the system. Like for cars it is in its infancy but in agriculture it is expanding faster. We are considering leasing an electric mower to see how it performs. We are also trialling an electric ‘green iron’ for 3 months.
Editor: What are the issues facing the other greenkeepers you met?
Simon: The main gripes I hear are the increasing input costs but clubs are not increasing greenkeeping budgets accordingly. We are lucky at Alresford that our requests were listened to.
Many clubs are struggling keeping their staff. We need to make sure we train and develop our team.
Editor: What are your next steps with the learnings from the conference?
Simon: I have already started working with Derek Myers, Greens Chair and we will need to look at our sustainability in line with R&A 2030.
Management Corner
Clubhouse Development – Snagging
Following extensive background work and negotiation we have been able to order the patio canopy for installation during the Spring.
You may recall that the provision of the canopy had been removed from the builders contract due to ongoing delays centred around the actual specification and cost. It became apparent that the type of canopy preferred by the Club was not able to provided within the original contract price, so the Club decided to go direct to suppliers.
Our chosen, direct supplier would now like to use our design for the canopy as a model for other clubs, again; Alresford leading where others may follow. Chair of House, Alan Farrell, has negotiated a better price enabling the order to be supported by our Finance Committee.
The rigour of our financial structures was again upheld by David Crawshaw, Chair of Finance, in gaining approval of the Management Committee and the Finance Committee prior to placing the order. The canopy is a completely bespoke design, which will take 8 to 10 weeks to fabricate, so we expect installation to be completed in early May.
Rising costs continue to be obstacle to completing the relocation of the large refuse bins. The works to relocate the bins are outside of the Clubhouse Development budget and will be completed once costs permit.
The Club is due to make a final payment to the contractors for the Clubhouse Development, however, there is snagging to address before that payment can be made. We continue to predict that the final costs will be within 1% to 2% of the budgeted costs, which will be an incredible outcome during hugely inflationary times. Since placing the contract for the Clubhouse Development works, general prices have risen by 15% so we continue to be very proud of our financial rigour and governance of spending at our Club.
Financial Budgets for our Financial Year 2023/24
Work is already starting amongst our sub-committees to plan for the Financial Year 2023/24. Our governance arrangements require the Finance Committee to approve/amend requested spending by our Sub-committees, which is ultimately further approved/amended by the Management Committee.
The Finance Committee generally completes our draft budget in August each year which is finally signed off by the Management Committee in September/October. This annual budget ultimately determines the level of subscriptions that we bring to the Annual General Meeting in November of each year.
Our Lenders’ Trustees are embedded in our Finance Committee and add an additional layer of scrutiny and governance which provides assurance to those holding Members’ Loan Notes.
Continuous Improvement
The Management Committee approved working parties to be set up to manage continuous improvement for both our Course & Practice Facilities, and our Built Environment. Terms of Reference will be tabled at the next Management Committee for both working parties. In addition, the Management Committee will be asked whether it is also appropriate to consider a review of our administration and governance arrangements to ensure continuous improvement in this area too.
We have been delighted with the continuous improvement delivered already by our Head Professional, Mark Wood, and the bar and catering service delivered by the Kitchen@. Our Club has enjoyed significant change in our environment and the services provided for the benefit of members and our visitors, we will continue to focus on the best use of resources to deliver continuous improvement.
Honorary Membership
The Management Committee has asked Nick Duncan to raise a working party to consider the criteria and process in awarding Honorary Membership at our Club. At my request, this review will take place ‘at arms-length’ of the Management Committee and should be completed during the summer.
In signing off; I note that it is only four weeks until we enter British Summer Time on 26th March which for me heralds the onset of the competitive golfing season. We do place an enormous workload on our Competitions and Handicap Committee to manage each and every competition. I think we are in for a great season this year and thank the Competitions and Handicap Committee in advance for the huge, voluntary workload that they will share under the leadership of Gill Freemantle.
Robert White
Chair of the Management Committee
Honorary Membership
From the Club Captain
Spring is around the corner, maybe!
Last month I wrote about our 50th County match fixture. First of all, thank you to all members for patience and understanding as 48 players took part in this anniversary match on 12th February. The day itself certainly didn’t disappoint. It was a wonderful day with Alresford Golf Club at it’s very best in every way – welcoming, friendly, competitive and with superb winter greens.
The day started, following coffee and bacon rolls of course, with David Harrison teeing off to a round of applause on the first tee. David invited Greg Richardson back to partner him. Greg is a 5 times Club Champion, 3 times Junior Champion, a onetime course record holder and great supporter of this fixture in years gone by. I partnered Laurance Cherry the County Captain who plays off plus 2 (so my involvement was minimal!). The format was 12 fourball scratch matches with County fielding mostly plus handicap players. Alresford faired very well with many close games; however, the result not surprisingly was a victory for County, 8 ½ to 3 ½.
After golf there was dinner for 60 people including past and current Captains, County Presidents, Secretaries and of course our guest of honour David. After a few words from myself and Alan Drayton, the County President, David then reflected warmly on how this now traditional fixture started. To close, fittingly, County and Alresford presented David with a 50-year-old bottle of port.
I consider the County match to be the shotgun start for the Club’s golfing season. In March we restart the qualifying medals and stableford competitions. The first ‘Foursomes Day’ falls on March 12th this year, featuring Famous Grouse (men) and Centenary Foursomes (ladies) so grab yourself a partner (entry details in C&H article below). At the end of March, we have our first two-day competition Curly’s Cup.
Curly’s Cup is now in its 26th year and was presented in memory of Harold “Curly” Young (1911-1985). Curly was a Club Captain in 1942 and 1953. An unusual competition format of Round 1 stroke play and the Round 2 stableford score being subtracted to give the lowest overall nett score to the winner. Whoever wins is expected to drink a half pint of Curly’s favourite tipple Guinness at the November trophy evening in his memory. If you don’t like Guinness, don’t enter!
It is due to feedback from members that we are trialling Marshals in 2023. It will only work with the support and compliance of members. Several shifts during midweek will cover our busier times including Society bookings and Marshals will also be on duty over the weekends. Together let’s make this work, feedback over the coming months would be welcome.
I enjoyed the Quiz Night on 17th February, thank you to all involved from the Social Committee. With thanks to Margaret Lumb, we had an impromptu collection that raised £330 for a Save the Children fund which has been created to help get life-saving supplies to terrified children caught up in the two earthquakes that struck southern Turkey and the border with Syria. Thank you for your generous donations on the evening, very thoughtful and generous.
Back to golf – enjoy the start of the season everyone!
Simon Freemantle
Ladies Section
February has continued to challenge our patience with harsh weather and temporary greens. However, we kept going and did it well!
Thanks to all the captains trying hard to organise games and competitions.
Matches Played:
2nd Feb Legg Bowl against Royal Winchester finished +1 for Alresford. Well done teams: Jane Hendry/ Esme Goodacre and Caroline Warne/ Mel Gates. Maintaining a 3matches win so far, they are awaiting the last match at the end of March.
The Hayling Trophy team has so far played 4 matches ( won 2, lost 2) and 2 to play in March.
The Maple Leaf Trophy team has played 5 matches ( won 3, lost 2) and 1 more to play.
The Winter Triple Trophy has just played their 1st match giving AGC a lead.
2 organised roll-ups were played on 24th Jan and 14th Feb with degrees of variable weather conditions resulting in fewer players. Neverthless, the rollups were enjoyed by those taking part. Many thanks go to Jo Youngs and Sue Pearce for organising!
Ladies Captain and Vice-Captain spent holidays abroad in January and February in completely opposite longitudinal directions – the North and South Pole respectively.
With my very best wishes,
Gunnel Berry
Ladies Captain
Hampshire Ladies Golf
Check out all the good courses on offer in 2023.
Competitions and Handicap Committee Report
Sunday 12th March 2023
Open to male 7-day, Intermediate and junior members with a current Handicap Index who have played in at least 6 qualifying competitions since 13th March 2022.
Entry £3 per person
Competition Booking will open at @ 9pm on Thursday 2nd March 2023.
No Casual Tee Bookings between 07:06 and 13:51 hours will be permissible on this day*
Competition booking will be open to pairs and individuals. If you do not have a partner but wish to play, sign up individually and a player may join you.
Players will still be required to sign into the competition before commencing play and enter their score after their round.
This can only be done on the PSI terminal located in the Pro Shop.
Greensomes Medal
You and your partner both drive from the tee. You then select the best ball and play alternate shots with it until holed out.
As prizes are bottles of “Grouse”, juniors cannot win whisky and will receive golf balls.
Handicap Allowance = 60% of lower + 40% of higher Course Handicap
*Any unused tee times will be released 48 hours prior to the competition of casual play but only for 2 balls for pace of play on the course
Ladies Centenary Foursomes
Maximum Combined Handicap Index = 72.0
Handicap Allowance = 50% of combined Course Handicap (rounded)
Open to 5 and 7 day lady members
Sunday 12th March 2023
Competition Booking will open at @ 9pm on Thursday 2nd March 2023.
No Casual Tee Bookings between 07:06 and 13:51 hours will be permissible on this day*
Entry £2 per person
Competition booking will be open to pairs and individuals. If you do not have a partner but wish to play, sign up individually and a player may join you.
Alternate Competition Day:
Tuesday 14th March 2022
Tee bookings in the usual way
Casual play will be allowed on the course on this day
Foursomes Stableford
The aggregate winners of the Sunday and Tuesday competition will represent Alresford Golf Club at the Regional Final to take place at
Waterlooville Golf Club on 10th August 2023
If you do not have a playing partner but wish to play, please email
Players will still be required to sign into the competition before commencing play and enter their score after their round.
This can only be done on the PSI terminal located in the Pro Shop.
*Any unused tee times will be released 48 hours prior to the competition of casual play but only for 2 balls for pace of play on the course
17th & 18th March
25th & 28th March – Ladies
All entry monies from these competition are donated to the RNLI charity.
Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th March 2023
Our first major of the year – Curly Cup, 36 holes with a different scoring method.
Overall Score = Round 1 medal nett score less Round 2 stableford points
Summer Knockouts
Rotherham: Mixed Foursomes Knockout
Cooper: Men’s Foursomes Knockout
Company Cup: Singles Knockout (by invitation)
Entries Close on 5th March 2023
The following men’s knockout competitions are now open for entries. Entrants must have a Handicap Index and have played in at least 6 qualifying competitions between 25th March 2022 and 26th March 2023 (General Play Scores do not count).
To enter the knockouts (it does depend a little on what device you use) Club V1> Club (or drop down menu)> Knockouts> select the down arrow for each knockout to view details and enter.
Wessex Salver:
Men’s Singles Knockout
Entry by gender through Club V1:
“Wessex 2023”
Entry Fee £3 (taken on sign up)
Ross (Over 50s) Singles Knockout:
Players must be over 50 by 3rd April 2022
Enter through Club V1:
“Ross (Over 50s) 2023”
Entry Fee £3 (taken on sign up)
Entry will close on Sunday 26th March 2023 at 10pm.
Gill Freemantle
Chair Competitions & Handicap Committee, Handicap Secretary
The new County Card App will be available from March for AGC members after Hampshire Golf has received renewal fees.
Benefits for members:
Those that paid the £15 subscription for the County Card, will no longer need to pay (see note below).
All other members, will now get the benefit of being able to use the County Cards for discounted golf around the country (over 1300 courses).
The increase in Affiliation Fee is equivalent to 17p per month. For those members that do not see the need to have a County Card, the increase will ensure that the development of the Juniors and elite players in the County, continues for years to come…and it is hoped members will be supportive of this, even if not wishing to use the card.
Note 1: The County Card will be available to all affiliated members of Clubs that offer a discounted County Card rate to others. If a Club does not offer a County Card rate, their members will not be able to make use of the County Card elsewhere.
Note 2: For those that currently subscribe to the County Card, they can decide when to cancel their Standing Order. This decision will no doubt be dependent on when their current card runs out and when they will be eligible to get the free card. We don’t want members to feel they need to have a period without the card, consequently, if anyone renews their £15 subscription, but gets less than the 12 months value out of the card, they can contact the County Office and who can offer a pro rata refund, or the balance will/can be left in the County Junior Development Fund. This will hopefully make sure members do not need to be without the card as we make the transition over.
The Bank Account that Standing Orders are paid into, is planned to be closed by the end of 2023, when all clubs will have transitioned over to the new Affiliation Fee rates.
Gandy’s Ace provides the icing on the Nachos!
Thankfully the weather played it’s part in the re-arranged fixture between the County 7s, Gales Hockley and Stoneham Cup teams, played on Sunday 19th February. Bright sunshine and increasingly drier conditions were gratefully welcomed for the 10th playing of this yearly three-way matchplay competition, at the start of the competitive season.
All three teams put out strong players with the highlight being group number 5 consisting of the three Thornes – son Grant, Dad Les and Mum Liz, although unfortunately Les did have to ‘turn back’ as he suffered an injury trying to hit a hook to keep up with the others…!
A mixture of results were spread across the groups, some players winning two matches, others none, and a fair number of halves too.
Clearly the individual highlight of the day was Neil Gandy holing his tee shot on the 6th, with Ash Wilmott’s chip-in with a 5 wood from the swale on the 18th for a birdie, a close second.
All three teams enjoyed a post match drink on the patio before sitting down to a feast of sandwiches and chips and platters of Nachos!
Many thanks to all players, as well as the club greenstaff and catering team who looked after us very well.
Result – County 7s 12pts, Gales Hockley 9.5pts, Stoneham Cup 8.5pts
Jim, Gary and Rosemary The ‘Three Amigos’ Captains
A Look at the Rules
A player finds their ball embedded in the front sloping wall of a bunker as seen in the photo.
Can the player get free relief for an embedded ball?
If so, can/must the player drop the ball in the bunker?
Juniors Section
Oscar Vaughan
Juniors Captain
Vets Section
In total contrast to January, February was a very busy month for the Vets who played in five Hampshire Seniors Winter League matches which included three matches postponed from earlier in the season due adverse weather conditions. In a normal season it is unusual for one match to be postponed but this season four of our ten matches were postponed at least once.
Although mathematically we could have retained the Winter League trophy if results had gone our way in February it was not meant to be. Results with one match still to play are as follows:
Hockley (Away) Halved 2:2
Royal Winchester (Home) Won 3:1
Hockley (Home) Lost 1:3
Salisbury & South Wilts (Away) Lost 0:4
So a disappointing end to the campaign this year but hey, we cannot win every year! I would like to take this opportunity to thank Gareth Rees for managing our participation in the league this season, a particularly difficult task with all of the postponements.
The photograph below shows our optimistic team just before taking to the course at Salisbury & South Wilts, little did we know we were in for a sound beating! The result of this game, a 0:4 loss, was particularly disappointing as last year we beat them 4:0 away to retain the trophy. Hopefully we will have better fortune (and fewer postponements) next season.
We are now just a couple of weeks away from our season opening event, the Vets Captain v Vice Captain Competition on 8 March. Sign ups for this competition and the Vets and Ladies Breeze Up on 23 March are open on the Vets Noticeboard and on ClubV1. Although signup is progressing well we have space for more players so if you are free why not give it a try? As well as enjoying a very friendly competitive game of golf you just might win a prize……..
The sign-up for the first summer friendly at home to Petersfield on 15 March plus the next few matches is also open on the Noticeboard and ClubV1. We are looking for maximum participation so why not give it a go?
Steve Oldham
Vets Captain
General Manager’s Update
Welcome to the following members who have all joined us since 1st February; Cody Rooke ,Simon Clews, Martin Baker (7 day), Martin Wadsworth, Michael Cole, Mel Harvey, Stephen Price ( 5 day) , Joseph Fielder, Finn Bunce, Kyle Bunce, Tom Humphris, (Student), Ryan Baker and Louie Power (Intermediate)
Welcome to Alresford and we hope you enjoy your time at the club.
Fancy a game during the week? All members are welcome to come along to the informal ‘club roll-up’ on Wednesday mornings. There is a tee reservation between 11.00-12.00 – members wishing to take part should meet at the starters hut from approx. 10.45am for allocation of groups. As per the times highlighted for the Ladies and Vets Sections, we politely ask members to show courtesy to those who wish to play in this ‘roll up’ at this time. If you do not wish to play with this group please choose another time if possible. If there continues to be a limited use of this time, then the Captains Committee will review the tee allocation.
Thank you to everybody who came along to our recent information sessions.
I hope you found them useful and gave a clearer understanding of the role and what we are hoping to achieve by having Course Marshall (and Starters)?
We will now be running two training sessions specifically for potential Course Marshalls.
These will be held on ;
Thursday 2nd March at 2.00pm
Saturday 4th March at 9.30am
The sessions will provide information and clarification of the role, key areas of responsibility and advice on routes, monitoring of players plus some scenarios you may encounter on the course.
It will also give an opportunity to specify day and times when you can assist as a Course Marshall.
If anyone is still interested but unsure as to whether to offer their time and services , please speak to the General Manager who can discuss the roles in detail with you.
Have you finished all your box sets, read all your Christmas present books and now looking for something to occupy your time?
Did you know that we have copies of the History of Alresford Golf Club available for purchase from the Office at a cost of £10.
This is a fascinating insight into how the club was established and its transition from 9 hole course to the 18 hole course we have today. There are stories and memories from members past and present as well as photos. It’s a great coffee table book !
The MASTERS takes place again at Augusta National 6-9 April.
We will shortly be running THE MASTERS CHARITY SWEEPSTAKE once again to give you all some added excitement over the four days.
The entry fee is £3. The winner will receive 40% of the pot, the runner[1]up 20%, and third place will receive 10% and fourth place 5% with 25% going to the Captains Charity.
Entry will be via the Club V1 app – watch out for the entry information towards the end of March. We had 102 entrants last year and Derek Sweetenham won with a fantastic 82 points.
Fun Quiz – Friday 17th March
Mothering Sunday Lunch – Sunday 19th March
Fawlty Towers Theme night – Saturday 25th March
FACEBOOK – check out our Facebook page
Make sure you ‘like’ our Facebook page and you will link to it and get the regular pictures and updates on what’s happening ! Share with your friends to help us boost our online and social media profiles
Follow us at
Another well supported quiz on Friday 13th February. Garreth Duncan was the question master and topics were varied and good quality questions.It may come as a little surprise to you all but Kit was again in the winning team
Upcoming Events
Friday 17th March – SoCom Quiz hosted by David Maskery
Saturday 25th March – Fawlty Towers Dinner. Sign up sheet on the notice board and is filling up quick
April 30th & Monday May 1st (Bank Holiday weekend)– Fore Info Team Challenge (our Ryder Cup style event)
This is an early reminder that the ‘Fore Info’ Team Challenge held in June 2022 will become a regular event and in 2023 it will be held on April 30th and May 1st (bank holiday weekend). The format is between teams of 6 players, playing 3 fourball betterball matches on Sunday 30th April and six singles knockout matches on Monday (bank holiday) May 1st.
In true ‘Ryder Cup’ style, Papa Morph the 2022 winners, will defend the trophy. Team dress will again be required and add to the fun with prizes for the best turned out team.
We will make it a social event with a BBQ on the Monday afternoon followed by trophy and prize giving. We welcome teams from all sections of our membership. If you do not have a team we will have a waiting list and help if possible to make up a team for you.
If you want to enter a team, Team Captains can register by sending an email to David Marshall at There is only room for 12 teams so sign up today. As it’s a bank holiday weekend we recommend you secure your squad soonest. The names of all players and your Team name will be requested in early April with ClubV1 signup.
Thank you to those that attended our informal gathering on the 16th Feb – good to meet and chat all things TG’23!
Teams of six players are now being put together by Captains for the new season starting Thursday 27th April, so if you are not already in a team but interested in joining, please contact John or Jim White asap, and we will endeavour to match you to a team.
TEAM GOLF CAPTAINS please note –
- REGISTRATION is OPEN at 8am on THURSDAY 2nd of March TO REGISTER your team players, handicaps, category and team name
- Simply download the form sent to you on Club V1 or from the TEAM GOLF page on the club website and /or email back with the relevant details to
- The Closing date is planned for 2nd April
We are grateful to Mark and the new club Assistant Professional, Liam Spencer, who have helped encourage and recruit a full turnout of juniors this year, so ask him or John W to make sure you have one, and JUNIORS – make sure you find a team – news to follow…!
Full TG’23 details, including start times, rules and format will be sent to the new 2023 TG Captains via the CLUB V1 email by the 20th April and to all players on CLUB V1 ahead of week 1.
NB – If any players in a team are not available for the first round of ‘The Championship’ on the 27th of April, when everyone plays, please let us know by the 2nd April, as it may affect pre-allocated tee times.
We are looking forward to another great season – on and off the golf course!
John, Jan, and Jim White
Organisers on behalf of the Social Committee.
Simon Justice, our Course Manager (Head Greenkeeper), reports that Greens Maintenance has gone well. Every green was “deep solid tined” to 7 inches (175mm), micro hollow core removed from each tine hollow and then top dressed. This deep solid aeration should help push oxygen well into the profile of the green and provide channels for the roots to get into. The hollow core is basically removing organic matter or “thatch”. Thatch is often described as the number one enemy of putting surfaces and sports pitches across the country making surfaces soft and spongy when wet and quickly killing grass during prolonged dry spells. Thatch is a layer of organic material which forms between the grass and the soil beneath. Because thatch forms between the grass layer and the soil it can prevent essential water and nutrients from reaching soil. This makes the grass weak and easily damaged since the roots will grow into the thatch and not penetrate deeper into the soil below.
After recent tests on thatch depth on our greens Simon targeted the top two inches (50mm). Too much thatch causes a poorly draining top layer so removal of the thatch in this way will improve drainage and firm up surfaces. When Simon analysed the cores, he noted that the cores removed from our most shaded greens contained a considerable proportion of black thatch caused by poor or insufficient light, too much shade. This creates anaerobic conditions (a clogged surface that can’t breathe) for the roots of the grass plant which affects the quality of the sward. A good green, with a firm surface would ideally have 5-8mm of thatch. Current thatch levels are 15mm on the shady greens (holes 4,7,10,11,12 &14) and 10-12mm on the other greens (holes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17 & 18).
Aeration (and more light) and top dressing are key interventions to reduce thatch and firm up the greens. The recent visit by the Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI) Agronomy Operations Manager confirmed that this is the correct strategy and recommended that we increase this activity over the year – more aeration and more top dressing. The STRI Agronomy Operations Manager also noted that a “drill and fill” on all greens would help the health of our greens. This process involves drilling holes to a depth of 300 mm (12”) into the surface and then back filling each hole with a porous ceramic material coupled with kiln dried sand. The end result is hundreds of drain holes, good for rooting and better greens in the long run. Both recommendations will be considered for the future but as with all things there are cost implications.
The work on the winter projects, to extend the fifth tee, to improve the condition of the course (specifically the turf and bunkers), the removal of the hump next to the first green and the extension to the grass tee on the range continues.
By the time you read this the Greenkeeping Team should have completed the turfing and irrigation system of the extended fifth tee. It is always difficult when you are “tapping into” an existing tee but the team have successfully matched the fall of the extension to the fall of the existing red/yellow tee. You will notice that the tee slopes slightly upward from back to front, a fall of about 75mm every 10m or in old money about 3” every 10 yards. The boundary fence will be erected early in March and will mark the completion of the tee. Depending on the weather and related growing conditions we hope to have the tee in play for the first of the 36 hole board competitions.
The Greenkeeping Team are using a range of strategies to repair bare areas on the course including returfing. They even used the cores from greens maintenance to cover the tree roots on the path between the first green and the second tee. This should improve the wearability of the pathway. Bunker work also continues, the team are currently checking sand depths in bunkers and as we go through March, they will add sand if needed. The 15th fairway bunker banks will be turfed next week, and the team will be edging the worst faces around the course, conditions and time permitting.
The extension and repair of the grass tee on the range is on hold at the moment and I’ll be able to provide an update in due course. In the meantime the green keeping team will begin the next winter development, the removal of the hump next to the first green and the creation of a swale. More details of this can be found on the website in both the Hawtree report and the Ten-year Plan.
Finally, both green staff and members (who have complained) are noticing an significant increase in unrepaired divots on fairways and pitch marks on greens. This is your golf course and if you do not repair the damage you cause the Greenkeeping Team will not be able to present the course in the condition we would like. So, please can we all do all we can to protect our course, do the right things at this time of the year so the course will be in the best shape possible as we head into the spring – please replace your divots and fix your pitch marks correctly.
Derek Myers
Chair of Greens
A Look at the Rules
Yes, the player is entitled to free relief for an embedded ball in the general area as the ball is not touching the sand. The ball must be dropped within one club length of the reference point immediately behind the embedded ball. In this case that reference point is still on the sloping wall of the bunker. As the ball will not stay out of the bunker when dropped and the player is NOT allowed to drop the ball in the bunker, the player is entitled to place the ball in the general area at the nearest point where it will remain at rest using the reference point where the ball touched the wall of the bunker for the second drop.
Note; It the reference point behind the embedded ball was in the bunker and within one club length is also in the bunker, the player is not allowed to get free relief under Rule 16.3. The player must play the ball as it lies or proceed under unplayable ball Rule 19.1 The ball may be dropped in or out of the bunker keeping the flag inline with the spot of the original ball and not nearer the hole for a one shot penalty.
Thanks to Brian Overton for all these Rules Q and A’s. If you have any rulings questions for Brian he will answer them here in future editions, just email the editor.
Pro’s Corner
Golf Bidder Returns
Golf Bidder are back with us on Friday 10th March from 10am – 2pm. Back after the success of their last visit in November where members made over £3000 from their old clubs!
No booking necessary. Valuation will take place in the clubhouse.
Trade in your old golf bag and get £15 off your new bag
During the month of March we are offering you the chance to trade in your old golf bag for £15 worth of credit towards your new bag!
We stock Motocaddy, Titleist, Callaway, Ping and Powakaddy.
Glove Trade In
In addition to bag trade in we are offering a glove trade in in the month of March. Hand in your old glove and receive £1.50 credit towards a new glove.
Price Match Guarantee
Your Professional Shop at Alresford Golf Club Price Matches with the big online retailers like American Golf and Clubhouse Golf. In some cases, we are cheaper than the online retailers, for example; Footboy Premier Shoes are £159.99 in our shop and online they are £169.99 saving you £10.00.
So next time you are looking at making your next purchase, please consider us as we always give a warm and professional service.
Lesson Offer with Liam
Liam has settled in to the AGC family and is already getting booked up for lessons. Take advantage of this great offer for March and book in a player evaluation for just £9.99.
Tip of the Month
In this video PGA Golf Coach Mark Wood shows you how to Stop the Chicken Wing in Your Golf Swing. The chicken wing happens when you pull up away from the golf ball and the arms collapse down through impact. Click the link below:
(3) Stop the Chicken Wing in Your Golf Swing – YouTube
Thank you as always for all your support and look forward in seeing you all very soon.
Mark Wood
Head Professional
100 Club
Who has won this month?
Our winners in the 100 Club prize draw for March 2023
£100 Andrew Thorne
£50 Gunnel Berry
£35 Prizewinners
John Allen
Jeff Staines
Peter Wallis
Trevor Nice
Rita Robinson
Congratulations to our March winners. Well done to Trevor Nice for having winning numbers for two months in succession.
Calling all our new golf club members
If you have recently joined the golf club then how about making 2023 the year that you join the 100 Club. You will be actively contributing towards future enhancements to our golf club facilities and have the chance of winning a cash prize each month.
There is an annual Summer Stableford competition and Dinner where you can meet up with fellow 100 Club members – this year it’s on Friday 28 July.
To know more about the 100 Club, how it began and what the funds are used for then please give me a call or email – details below.
For those who already belong then please encourage your fellow golfers to join us too.
The monthly draw is for seven cash prizes: £100, £50 and five at £35.
Each share cost £1 per month paid for by monthly standing order and there is no limit to the number you can purchase. Members generally have between 1 and 10 shares with 5 being the most common holding.
For further information about the 100 Club or for an application form please give me a call or send me an email – Pat Wallis phone 01420 564417 or email Or you can pick up a form from the Office.
Pat Wallis
Editor: David Marshall
The Editorial Team take no responsibility for incorrect information received from Contributors.