Fore Info March 2019

Management Corner
By the time you read this we will have concluded the first-phase consultation of members regarding clubhouse development, capturing your thoughts and ideas.
The level of response to the survey has been well above our expectations, with an extremely encouraging overall percentage of members giving us their favoured considerations for the future.
Analysis and conclusions from the survey will be made available to the Management Committee, who meet in March, and these will then be communicated to members, along with the overall ‘direction of travel’ we feel the survey mandates us to pursue.
Suffice to say as our plans develop, you will continue to be consulted for your comments, views and support.
On other matters our contract with HPLS (Hampshire Police Leisure and Sport) has been renewed for a further year, giving locally serving and retired police staff planned access to our course, in return for a significant level of incremental ‘corporate’ income for the club.
Marketing and promoting the excellence of our club to the local community is a core responsibility of the Planning and Development Committee, but does not take the form of a series of single activities, rather a continuing and on-going process. In this regard we are always looking for new ideas and initiatives, if this helps to secure the club’s legacy going forward. So if you have a burning idea or suggestion, or you feel there is something we are not doing, then please don’t keep it to yourself; contact any of us on the PD committee, and we will surely give it every consideration. Many thanks
Nick Duncan
Chair, Planning and Development Committee
From the Club Captain
The good old days are yet to come – I often speak to some of our longer serving, and more experienced, members about how our fine golf club has developed. They speak of fond memories, about the days of the railway carriage as our Clubhouse. The History of Alresford Golf Club book (a good read and even better value at £10 available from the Secretary’s office) has interesting articles about those days. The railway carriage, whilst charming and quaint, was not large enough for the growing membership (it almost doubled) during the 1960’s and the Alresford by-pass was planned, although it didn’t arrive for another 20 years! it became obvious that a new clubhouse was required. If it were not for the foresight of the members who built our current clubhouse at that time we would not be in the position we are today. Many of those members knew that they were investing in their club for the benefit of future members, and this is true today as it was then. The chance to refurbish and develop our clubhouse is a once in a generation opportunity let’s seize it, embrace the change and move forward together – One Club
The first Mens match of 2019 took place on Sunday 17th Feb against the full County Team congratulations to Grant Thorne and our Junior Captain – James Parry in winning their match and to Tony Stanton and Dave Seager who has no skin left as, according to Tony, Dave played out of it to win their match! The final score was 8-2 to the County. The match against the County Juniors took place on Sunday 3rd March in wet and windy conditions, the County winning 4 1/2 – 1/2.
The ball in the new feature last month – WHO’S BALL IS THIS hasn’t been claimed so here’s another for you to identify, as before, you may claim your ball from the Secretary’s office, if you wish to donate a few pennies to the Captain’s Charity bottle on the bar that would be appreciated but entirely voluntary. If you recognise the ball as belonging to one of your playing partners please email me and I may embarrass them!.
The second Fun Pub Quiz was again well supported on the 22nd February with 58 participants. My thanks go to David Maskery for setting the questions and for the arrangements on the night. The winning team donated their winnings to the Club charity. The draw for the Charity Parking Space Raffle took place during the Quiz evening, congratulations to Derek Myers who has the parking space for the next 12 months.
Looking back 40 years to March 1979, whilst working as a volunteer at Limuru Boys Centre, a charity near Nairobi I spent some of my free time as a marshal at the Kenya Open at Muthaiga Golf Club, Nairobi . The PGA at that time organised a “European Tour” (the forerunner of the current European Tour) played between April and October and mainly at venues in the UK and Ireland, over the winter months the players went in search of some fun in the sun. The first 3 rounds of the event in those days were played as a pro-am, a large number of celebrities were invited along to enjoy winter sunshine and play some golf in a number of African countries, some of the stars playing in 1979 included Henry Cooper and Bobby Charlton and I got to walk around chatting to them – great fun.
Notable players included the likes of Nick Faldo, Bernard Gallagher and Tony Jacklin. Also playing in the event was one M Scott who was at that time a young trainee pro at Karen Golf Club The tournament was won by Maurice Bembridge, a record 3rd win and one that still stands. Malcolm will tell you where he finished if you ask him, he may also be able to demonstrate the full shoulder turn captured in the photo – yes it is Malcolm at Karen GC wow!
The Kenya Open will be played this month as part of the full European Tour, the prize fund is now over €1 million and you can watch it on Sky TV – how times change.
Graham Marshallsay
Ladies Section
I started February with a skiing holiday – the snow was fantastic but I panicked slightly that if I damaged myself in any way it was going to have a dramatic effect on my Captains Year! Luckily I came back in one piece and raring to go.
The ladies handicap review took place on the 5th February so if your handicap has changed as a result of the review you will know by now – this year as many ladies were cut as were put up and I hope all of you affected are happy with your new handicaps.
The first week of February saw some wet and cold weather but on 11th February we hosted the 2nd leg of the Winter Triple on a mainly sunny day in reasonable conditions. The day was closely fought with scores of 94 from Alresford and Corhampton and 92 from Lee on the Solent so we go into the 3rd and final leg in March with a six point lead – fingers crossed that we can maintain this lead and bring the Trophy back again to Alresford.
The Maple Leaf Ladies enjoyed an away tie at Dummer having played a practice round the week before which we found very useful. Sadly we lost 3/2 with some very closely fought matches. We have one more tie this year away at Weybrook Park in March so good luck Ladies.
The annual team challenge between the County 7’s, Gales Hockley and Stoneham Teams took place on Sunday 24th February. The format is three way matchplay and there were some very close fought matches. Stoneham ladies gained great matchplay experience in glorious weather.
Next month sees the start of the Friendly Matches and the return of qualifying competitions so our golf really begins in earnest. Good luck everyone and play well!
Please do enter the Vets and Ladies Breeze Up on the 4th April –always a good day when you are partnered with a vet not pitted against them – the sheet is on the noticeboard. Sign up sheets will also soon be out up for the Mixed Flag Competition on Easter Bank Holiday Monday and the Spring Meeting on the 30th April.
Sadly we learnt of the death of Joan Stephens – Joan was Ladies Captain in 1995 – a year in which we won the Stoneham Cup, something that she was very proud of. Joan had been one of the longest standing lady members at the club playing golf for over forty years and finally giving up her social membership in 2018. She will be remembered by many of us at her funeral on the 27th February.
Best wishes
Match Committee Report
Winter Leagues & Summer Knock-outs
The draws for the knock-out phases of the Winter Mixed and Lombard 4BBB were posted on the notice boards on Monday 25th February. The first round of matches in the knock-out stage must be completed by 31st March for the Lombard and 7th April for the Winter Mixed.
The draws for all the Summer Knock-outs will be done on Monday 4thMarch in the Clubhouse and posted on the notice boards and on the website as soon as possible thereafter.
Please remember that both parties in these draws are equally responsible for arranging the match and make sure you take notice of the closing date for each round. Note that for all knock-out competitions no extensions to the play-by dates will be granted.
Score Cards
As the main playing season starts this month, this an appropriate time to remind everyone to please complete their competition score cards correctly. You should ensure that your card has the name of the Competition, your Name and Handicap, the Date, your Entry Number, and that you and your marker sign the card.
In Foursomes and 4BBB competitions, the names and handicaps of both players must be on the card. Players whose cards are not signed or have no handicap or a higher handicap than that to which the player is entitled will be disqualified.
Cards for a Supplementary Score should be marked Supplementary Score under Competition and cards for an initial handicap should be marked For Initial Handicap under Competition. As well as Name and Date, it is essential that these cards also show which set of tees has been used.
Score cards should always be returned regardless of the circumstances. Members who persistently fail to return score cards may be sanctioned.
New Rules
A reminder that the new Rules of Golf now apply. Many of you may have heard that Ricky Fowler was penalised one shot at the WGC-Mexico Championship for failing to correct an illegal drop from shoulder height. Dropping from shoulder height is likely to be the most common mistake the average golfer will make … but as long as you correct the mistake by dropping from knee height before playing your shot there is no penalty.
George Clelland
A Look at the Rules
You are 95% certain that your ball has come to rest under a pile of large logs that are awaiting removal by the greenkeepers. Some of the logs are too large and potentially dangerous to move and, you can’t find your ball. What’s the ruling?

Vets Section
We had the very sad news of the passing of Joe Kitchen on 7 February. A memorial service was held in Alresford on 28 February at which Simon Cooke on behalf of the Vets gave a moving eulogy; the club and the Vets were strongly represented. Joe was Vets captain in 1995 but had for many years, both before and since, been the power and driving force behind the Vets Section and an outstanding and loyal supporter. His cheerful whistle and irrepressible presence, on and off the course, will be sorely missed.
The spring-like weather has brought out in droves the many Vets who have been ‘hibernating’ through the winter months. The course is in great shape after extensive tree works and greens maintenance; now it’s the Vets turn to shape up for the busy season ahead. Starting on 6 March with Vets captain versus vice captain match and followed a month later with the Vets and Ladies Breeze-up – the closing date for the Breeze up is Friday 22 March.
The Vets Friendly matches launch in mid March and lists for players have now been posted for the initial matches This is a great opportunity to play competitive but friendly golf against other local clubs both at home and away. Their success depends on Vets volunteering to play: YOUR VETS SECTION NEEDS YOU!
We finished the Winter league matches with a pleasing win against Royal Winchester Golf Club at home on a balmy day. Not enough to get us to the top of the table but some good results, mixed golf in a variety of weather and course conditions and a small nucleus of 22 players flying the AGC Vets flag in the 7 matches we played.
The lighter mornings and warmer weather has seen more Vets turning out for the roll-up on Wednesday mornings. Ed Tinley our vice captain is introducing some new team events this yearfor greater variety (watch this space) and is always on the look-out for volunteers for the bagman roster; so please put your name down – it is not an onerous duty and does not mean missing playing that morning.
And finally …………….. there are invitations on the Vets notice board for Seniors opens at Wellow Golf Club for a team of 4 (on 16 May) and Petersfield Golf Club (on 13 June) for a team of 3. Please follow these up if you would like to take part.
Drew Fielden
…from the Secretary
Welcome to the following new members who have all joined the club starting during January and February so far ; Andrew Perkins (7 day) Chris Spicer and Camilla Mortimer (5 day), Garreth Duncan and Ian Shanks ( Academy), Hugh Lewis, Toby Scorey, Alex Pulling, Olivia Pulling, Maya Cheeseman, Harry Molden and William Perkins (Junior), Linda Moroney, Cheryl Greenwood and Sarah Marshallsay (social)
We hope that your time at the club will be a long and enjoyable one for all of you.
Remember -YOU , our members are our best salespeople. We need new members and have vacancies in all categories? If you know any friends or acquaintances who are thinking of joining a club or changing clubs, or have new neighbours who have recently moved to the area, please do your best to sell them the benefits of Alresford Golf Club.
Members ‘Meet & Greet’ evening
The Captains invite all new members (including Winter members and HPLS) as well as existing members to join them on Friday 6th April 7.00 -8.30pm for drinks and nibbles.
Please rsvp to the office if you intend to come along. Partners welcome.
Fancy a game in the week? All members are welcome to come along to the ‘club roll-up’ on Wednesday mornings. The usual start time is 11am all year round but may change subject to any advanced tee reservations. Everyone welcome.
Wednesday 6th ~ 11.00am TBC (Vets Capt.v Vets V-Capt)
Wednesday 13th ~ 11.00am (mid-week stableford)
Wednesday 20th ~ 11.00am
Wednesday 27th ~ 11.00am
Wednesday 3rd ~ 10.30am (Skool Golf & Dinner)
Wednesday 10th ~ 11.00am (mid-week stableford)
Wednesday 17th ~ 11.00am
Back by popular demand
ALLO, ALLO, Don’t Panic!
On Saturday 13th April 2019
This is a light hearted, interactive Murder Mystery Dinner Show – come in themed dress (1940’s, vintage, TV character or detectives etc).
Limited ticket spaces – don’t miss out so book your space today
£30 per head (includes a themed 3 course meal)
Saturday 9th March
Club Quiz Night (Kit’s Quiz)
Sunday 17th March
St Patrick’s Day Lunch
Sunday 31st March
Mothering Sunday Lunch
Saturday 13th April
Allo, Allo Murder Mystery Evening
– Limited tickets , don’t miss out !
Sunday 21st April
Easter Sunday Lunch
Over the Winter / Spring period the Clubhouse (and Bar) will close on Fridays as per the normal weekday times, unless there is an event or pre-booked function. Below is the current list of dates when the bar will be closed earlier.
Friday 1st March
Friday 8th March
Friday 15th March
Friday 22nd March
Friday 29th March
Please check the club website and main noticeboard for changes to these dates.
Are you a good player , a good golfer or both ?
Good players have low handicaps, usually hit the ball a mile, and occasionally post very low scores. Good golfers fill divots, repair ball marks, and practice good etiquette each and every time they are on the course.
Filling divots
Golfers often ask if they should replace their divot, fill it with whatever has been provided in the divot buckets, or just leave it for the greenstaff. The best option is to fill the divot with the material provided by the greens staff. Typically, this is a sand/seed mixture. Replacing a divot is the second-best option, assuming the divot is deep enough to include a significant amount of soil but do tread it down . Without the soil, the divot quickly dries out and is pulled back out of the ground during the next mowing.
Do – Fill divot holes with the material provided by the greens staff on the Par 3 holes.
Pitch marks on the green
We all complain about this but are all guilty of leaving marks whether we think we have or not ! Think about where your ball first hit the green, not where in ended up. Watch this YOU TUBE video for a demonstration as to fixing a pitch mark on the green.
Bunker manners
Shoving sand around with your foot or the clubhead is no substitute for raking. However, for those who are willing to rake, it is important to do the job correctly. Avoid pulling sand down the bunker face when raking. Doing so results in very shallow sand on the face, leading to exposed soil which is easily erodible. Similarly do not pull all the sand away from the middle of the bunker towards the edges – maintain an even coverage of sand.
Climbing in and out of the steep side of a bunker can cause significant damage to liners and the sod on the bunker face. Entry and exit should always be from the low side even if it means walking a few extra paces.
Twitter follow the green staff and see what’s happening on and around the course. @GreenstaffAGC
check out our Facebook page
Do you like the regular daily posts which are currently happening? Is there anything which you feel would be useful to include?
Make sure you ‘like’ our Facebook page and you will link to it and get the regular pictures and updates on what’s happening! Share our page to your friends.
Green News
Greens are performing well, with stimp readings of around nine and a half feet after a cut and roll. Some disease is present in the sward and we have been plugging this out on greens 3,5,9,18 and the putting green. Until we get some consistent temperature and warmth below the surface, we won’t see any great recovery on this. All greens have been treated with a fungicide and turf hardeners to combat this problem.
Greens maintenance week was blessed with ideal weather and progressed well. We are taking care as the greens had a hard time during the long hot summer. The extra watering has weakened the plant. This time we solid spiked. We plan to drill and fill in the Autumn.
Tees and Aprons are being divot filled on a regular basis and are holding up well after a lot of play. Fertiliser for these areas is in stock and will be applied when the next rainfall is due.
Fairways have been cut with very little grass coming off again we need some warmer days/nights to get them going. Fertiliser will also be applied to the fairways towards the end of March. As I look out on the 9th/18th today (27th Feb) the fairways are coming back to life!
Snow falling at the beginning of February closed the course for 3 days and there was some sledge damage caused on the 11th bunker face but this will recover quickly as we go into spring.
Tree work. Six days of tree work completed off the back of the survey. 16 trees have been felled and deadwood has been removed in another 16 trees. We obviously expected these trees to be weak but have been shocked by how dangerous some were. Colin Luff really cracked on well and he only has 16 trees to attend to when he returns early March. Colin has removed the large logs this week, taking care to minimise damage to the course. Inhouse, we have also been crown raising trees around the course and some trees have been felled behind the 13th tee in readiness for the tee extension. Around 50 stumps have also been removed.
Some more turfing around bunker edges has been done to visually improve these areas. All bunkers that have been worked on have had sand added and are now in play the newly turfed banks are lift and drop areas as the turf is still rooting. 14th greenside bunker on the right has not washed out even after 75mm of rain so I am hoping we have solved the problem.
The footpath track to the gate by the 13th tee has been cleared so that materials for Curlys barn improvements can be delivered from that access point rather than being taken across the course.In the workshop we have treated the wooden yardage posts and painted half of the 150 markers. Machines are being serviced and old worn parts being replaced with new ones ready for the playing season. All mats have been levelled on the academy course.
All Greenkeeping staff have attended a first aid course and passed.
Finally, at last the rooks seem to be feeding somewhere else, but I might have spoken too soon!!
Mark Tiplady
A Look at the Rules
From Definitions;
- Grass cuttings, leaves and any other material piled for later removal are Ground Under Repair (GUR).
- But:
- Any natural materials that are piled for removal are also loose impediments, and
- Any materials left on the course that are not intended to be removed are not ground under repair unless the Committee has defined them as such.
If the logs are piled for later removal, you may take free relief under rule 16.1e by estimating the position of where your ball entered the logs (GUR) and finding your nearest point of complete relief. You must then drop your ball from knee height within one club length not nearer the hole.
If there is any doubt as to whether they are piled for removal, then;
In Stroke play, the player should play two balls stating which one he/she wishes to count if the rules allow and raise the issue with the committee. One ball taking relief from GUR, Rule 16.1e and one ball played under penalty of stroke & distance, Rule 18.2
In Match play, If players don’t agree, the player should proceed as he/she wishes and the opponent may state that they will make a claim when the committee is available.

100 Club
The winners of the 100 Club prize draw for February were:
£100 Ashley Wright
£50 Sarah Thorne
£32 Chris Chapman
£32 Tim Chandler
£32 Chris Thompson
£32 Arthur Maule
Congratulations to this month’s winners. The next draw will take place in the week beginning 25th March 2019.
For those of you who like to mark significant dates in your diary at the beginning of the year then the important one this year is Friday 2 August which is the annual 100 Club Salver competition and Evening Meal. Put it in your diary now as this is one not to be missed!
Not a member of the 100 Club?
The objective of the Alresford Golf Club 100 Club is to raise funds for projects and items requiring capital expenditure that will enhance the Golf Course and/or the Clubhouse. Such projects would generally be considered ‘extras’ and not necessarily be within the Club budget. The 100 Club was launched in 1987 to raise funds to augment the Centenary celebrations of the Golf Club in 1990, but at the request of the members, the 100 Club has continued to raise funds for items such as the Information Board and Clock on the 1st tee and the Automatic External Defibrillator in the Entrance Hall.
If you’re not a member of the 100 Club, you can become one for as little as £1 per month. Shares in the 100 Club are purchased for £1 per month and there is no limit on the number of shares which can be held. In general, most members have between 1 and 5 shares and pay by monthly direct debit, though it’s also possible to pay quarterly or annually. Each share is allocated a number which is entered in the monthly draw. The top prize is £100, with a second prize of £50 and four other prizes of £32. For more information contact Pat Wallis on 01420 564417 or, or call in to the Secretary’s Office.
Pat Wallis
Men’s & Mixed Competitions | ||
9th February – Pro's Stableford | ||
1st Dennis Jones | 36 points | |
2nd Adrian Leese | 34 | |
3rd Rob Gwilliam | 33 | |
10th February – Pro's Stableford | ||
1st Andrew Axton | 36 points | |
2nd Peter Whiting | 33 | |
23rd February – Pro's Stableford | ||
1st Steve Morgan | 39 Points | |
2nd David Derrick | 38 | |
3rd Alan Green | 36 | |
24th February – Pro's Stableford | ||
1st Richard Boden | 37 Points | |
2nd Louis Parker | 34 | |
3rd Andrew Axton | 33 | |
Ladies’ Competitions | ||
February Stableford - 5th February | ||
Div 1 | Jill England | 36 Points |
Div 2 | Sue Masser | 26 |
Div 3 | Barbara Hutcheson | 28 |
February Stableford - 5th February | ||
Div 1 | Linda Wager | 33 Points |
Div 2 | Elaine Spreadbury | 33 |
Div 3 | Jean Coveyduck | 34 |
Winter Triple 2nd Leg 11th February @ Alresford | ||
Alresford | 94 | Aggregate - 194 |
Corhampton | 94 | Aggregate - 188 |
Lee-on-the-Solent | 92 | Aggregate - 188 |
Maple Leaf | ||
Alresford v Dummer (Away) | Lost 3-2 | |
This popular social golf competition will commence earlier this year on Thursday evening 2nd May, with the ‘Bonding’ evening, when all six of the team play the front nine holes. Pairs from each team play a pair from another team, with the best four team scores to be added to finals evening on 11th July
We are looking for ten teams again this year, so Captains please start gathering a team together ready for the entry list, which will be posted on the Social notice board on 14th March.
The Format and Rules are online in the Members section under Competitions.
Newer members are particularly welcome as it is great way of meeting other members, as each team plays every other team during the eleven weeks competition, and the minimum requirement is only four evenings participation.
There will be an ‘Availability’ list to help Captains form a team, so please enter your name if you would like to join in, or better still form a team yourself.
Start getting your friends together and form a team and choose its name please.
A great fun competition, do join in. Any queries Tel John White 01962732283
Editor: Newsletter Editor
The Editorial Team take no responsibility for incorrect information received from Contributors.