Fore Info July 2019

Management Corner
Clubhouse Development
Three short-listed local Architects have now responded to the detailed brief given them, and have presented their design ideas and proposals as to how they will meet our objectives – within ‘ball-park’ budget guidance.
Apart from their individual creativity, each was judged on how closely they catered for the Club’s key requirements, as voted by so many Members: Discrete dining area for up to 100; better laid out bar, and increased bar seating; additional lounge seating; creation of a ‘spikes’ bar area; room for Sky TV and other social activities; reconfigured patio layout and capacity; covered trolley area. Other considerations were their grasp of the initial concepts, our ability to work together, and above all their understanding of a de-facto budget.
I am delighted to confirm that we have now appointed ‘Lawson Architecture’, an established Practice in Liphook, with experience of golf clubhouse design, whose proposals most effectively met our priorities. These are now the phases of work that we shall be following:
1. Feasibility and Planning Stage
2. Building Regulation Phase
3. Construction contract tendering
4. Contract administration
5. Construction management
As you know, continued communication and consultation with Members remains at the core of this initiative, and so I want to give you some guidance as to what you will see, and ultimately approve, over the coming months.
During July our Architect will be refining detailed designs, as well as putting in place all aspects of the planning phase. The Management Committee then expects to be able to give their support to a ‘preferred set of proposals’ for visual presentation to Members in August. This is likely to take the form of physical representation in the clubhouse, as well as in digital format to members online.
Only when this phase of consultation is completed will we be able to finalise design proposals and hence costings, our plan being to share these with Members in September. If all goes to plan the approved design, costing and funding proposals will then be presented to Members at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) in October, for final approval and sign-off.
Going further forward, we would then expect to be tendering over the winter months, with construction work commencing in the Spring. Suffice to say every forethought and planning will go into how we can ensure as little disruption as possible for Members during the construction phase.
Exciting times indeed!
Nick Duncan
Chair, Planning and Development Committee
From the Club Captain
A big thank you to all who sponsored Sarah and I for our 100 mile bike ride. The day didn’t get off to the best of starts as I fell off my bike before getting to the start line – I had the honour of being the first patient of the day in the First Aid tent!
Not to be deterred we managed to complete the 100 miles. We are very pleased to announce that, with Gift Aid added, we raised £3286 which will be split between the UK Sepsis Trust and Breast Cancer Care.
The Triumvirate held on the 6th June saw 15 teams of four golfers from various Clubs around the county taking part in our club invitation. Waterlooville were the winners on count back from Hockley, Alan Hadfield the winning captain must have been confident as he came with a prepared winners speech!
The day was introduced by Brian Young in his second stint as Club Captain in 2002. It was originally called the Alresford Matchplay Trophy, and I believe it is still a unique format in Hampshire, what is also unique is that we don’t enter a team. The name – Triumvirate Trophy – came about because we had a picture hanging in the mens changing room of the Great Triumvirate – Harry Vardon, James Braid and JH Taylor. Fred Morse, who sadly passed away earlier this year, said he could recreate that picture in glass, thus the glass trophy – thanks Fred we are indebted to you.
The Seniors Open the following day was wet and windy, with a few participants failing to turn up which was a shame. Congratulations to our own Mike Battisson who won the main prize.
We were blessed with dry weather for the Charity Day on the 9th June. The format of the day being slightly different this year with 2 separate competitions, a 6 hole foursomes knockout and a 9 hole stableford. It is fair to say that the change met a mixed response but, those that did take part, thought that it worked well and they would like to play it again. The sudden death nearest the pin element deciding the winners in 4 matches producing additional excitement.
The first semi final between Liz & Les Thorne and Kathryn and Drew Fielden going to sudden death. You will see from the picture that teeing area into the 18th green was about 90 yards from the green with just a hint of tree to mess with the mind when standing over the ball. Congratulations to Mandy and Brian Overton who beat Kathryn and Drew 1up after coming down the 6th (18th) all square.
The weather was kind enough to stay dry to allow our members time to enjoy drinks and a BBQ on the patio.
The entry fees, Tomballa and silent auction for various 4 balls raised a total of £1541 which was a tremendous effort.
The Charity Day concluded a very busy week for the club, our staff and volunteer club members worked tirelessly to make sure all of the events were well organised, with a great course to play on, and good food & drink being served to all of the participants. Well done everyone it shows what can be done when we work together as One Club.
For some the thought of getting up at 4:30 to play in the Dawn Patrol for the Druids Cup is a step too far in completion of their golfing CV. However, the 35 that did on 22nd June found a wonderful sunrise and very pleasant conditions, if not a little chilly early doors.
The event is run by the Social Committee who arrange a drink and snack followed by a Full English breakfast when you finish and a breakfast hamper as a prize, all for £10, great value. There was a clear winner in Tony Hastings, an HPLS member, when scored a magnificent 44 points and, much to the amusement of his friends, had his handicap cut by 3 shots. Playing golf at this time of day on or around the longest day is a very special experience and I would urge you to consider playing next year on the 20th June. I have also been asked whether the event could be opened up to 5 day members next year and the Captain’s Committee will consider this request.
I must mention the Past Captains Salver competition which took place on the 24th June. I was invited to join them for golf and the meal, although I was politely informed I couldn’t win! and was unlikely to either with Simon Cook triumphant with 40 points (and a handicap reduction), well done Simon, he hasn’t been playing that well lately so this was a timely reminder of previous glories.
We go from one of our more mature members to one of our up and coming stars. I’m delighted that Jenny Myers has qualified as a regional winner for the Abraham Trophy which is a competition is to find England’s most improved girl golfer, on the basis of handicap reduction. The final is to be played at Gerrard’s Cross GC on 5th August. The field will comprise of the 8 regional winners plus the next best 12 players. I’m sure you’ll join me in wishing Jenny all the very best.
A couple of dates for diaries, first up is the Pro’s Clubhouse knockout on the 12th July, this is great fun and you can play any time during the day but you must be in attendance in the Clubhouse in the evening when the fun starts. Second is a 3 clubs and a putter stableford on Friday the 26th July, a new competition that I have introduced this year. Again you can play any time during the day and there will be food and entertainment available in the evening.
Finally, I haven’t found a ball to identify this month but I have lost a ball I will award a prize to anyone that finds it. To give you a clue I hooked my tee shot on the 11th on the 12th June, the ball I was using was a TaylorMade. I was playing with Mark Tiplady who remarked “If anyone finds that in the next 50 years I’ll eat my hat”. Good hunting!
Graham Marshallsay
Ladies Section
Maybe not so flaming June then but the golf has still been full on!
I’m quite used to playing in damp conditions these days but as I write this we are approaching the Club Championships and the weather this week is forecasted to reach 29deg on Friday….
This month we welcome Jenny Torbett joining us as a full member from the Academy and Alison King as an HPLS member.
The Ladies Open took place in good weather with 96 ladies competing from 24 different clubs. The event was very well organised and run by Catherine Carberry and Jan Harring with help from the Ladies Committee – thank you again to all those who helped.
The Captains Charity Day with a new format was great fun and all those who took part had a great day in good weather. The awayday at Crane Valley was also a good day out in spite of the weather – that is until I discovered I was on the winning team……always a mistake! We have had a discussion in Committee as to the format adopted for this day and changes may be afoot for next year so watch this space.
Huge Congratulations go to Di Peisley and Sarah Densham (left in photo) who returned to Gosport and Stokes Bay to defend their title as holders of their Centenary Trophy and won it again!
Di has now brought the trophy to Alresford three years in a row playing with Mandy Overton the first time.
I have promised Di and Sarah that they don’t have to go back again if they don’t want to!
I am trying in my Captains Year to play golf with as many ladies in the section as possible – I have managed 57 of you so far – some more than once – if you want to play with me then do get in touch and arrange a game meanwhile I will try and extend the list over the next five months – yes I am over half way through the year already!
The sign-up sheet for my Ladies Captains Day is still on the board – first let me dispel the rumours – no you do not have to play golf in a dress and yes you are allowed a full set of irons in your bag – just not your putter and not a “chipper”, a club that is sold specifically with that name. I do hope you will all join me for some fun golf and good food afterwards on what I hope will be a very special day.
Meanwhile can I wish everyone taking part in the Club Championships this weekend good luck and best wishes to you all and good golfing!
Match Committee Report
New Handicapping System
Entry Criteria for Competitions
On the basis that the new World Handicapping System (WHS) will be implemented on schedule in the 1st quarter of 2020, we have been reviewing the entry criteria we have for Board and Trophy competitions, Summer Knock-outs, Winter Leagues and the Club Championships. In addition to specific competition requirements relating to membership category, age, etc, for the past few years the main criteria has been that players must have a handicap with competition status and have submitted scores from at least 3 qualifying competitions in the current or previous year.
However, in WHS, competition status for handicaps will not exist so we must change this element of our entry criteria.
The Match Committee have proposed, and the Captain’s Committee have agreed, that we return to the criteria used until 2014 which is that all players must have submitted at least 6 scores from qualifying competitions in the 12 months prior to the closing date of entry for the competition or the date of the competition, whichever occurs first. With the exception of Knock-out competitions and Championships, players who do not meet this specific element of the entry criteria may play in the competition for handicap purposes only; specifically they are not eligible for the trophy or any prize money.
This will apply to the upcoming Winter Leagues which will have a closing date for entry of 20th October 2019, and then to all other competitions from 1st January 2020. Also, this change will apply whether WHS is implemented in 1st quarter 2020 or not.
Similarly, from 1st January 2020, the criteria for awarding of prize money for Monthly and Mid-week Medals and Stablefords and Over 60’s Medals and Stablefords will also change. Thus, prize money will only be awarded to those players who have submitted scores from at least 6 qualifying competitions in the previous 12 months.
Men’s & Mixed Invitation Events
The sign-up sheets for these events will be posted in the next week or two. We need you to sign-up now!
The Men’s Invitation is on Sunday 18th August. This has always been a good event which has been greatly enjoyed by members and their guests. We play 12 holes of American Greensomes in the morning before the main event of 18 holes 4BBB in the afternoon. The cost is £68 per pair for coffee and bacon roll on arrival, lunch and 2-course meal in the evening. Guests who have society handicaps or handicaps which don’t have competitive status are welcome and would compete for a separate prize fund.
The Mixed Invitation is on Sunday 8th September so still a few weeks away. The format this year is a round of 4BBB followed by dinner. The cost is £48 per pair to include a 2-course meal in the evening.
I would urge you to support both these events which are a great way to show off our beautiful course and our hospitality to your friends.
Winter League/Knock-outs
In the blazing heat of the summer, the Winter Mixed Foursomes and Lombard Foursomes have come to an end in the past few weeks. The Winter Mixed was won by Simon and Gill Freemantle with Trevor and Sue Pearce as runners-up. The Lombard was won by Rob Gwilliam and Tim O’Connor with Sean Yeates and Ashley Wilmott as runners-up. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who participated.
George Clelland
A Look at the Rules
A players ball hits his fellow competitor or opponents golf trolley.
What is the ruling in both stroke play and match play?
Vets Section
The middle of summer (!) and two thirds of the way through the Vets’ golfing year (AGM to AGM) and an opportunity to take stock. More particularly to recognise the efforts of some of those Vets that do the heavy lifting behind the scenes to make our events and matches happen, allowing the rest of us simply to enjoy the golf.
Most notably, Ed Tinley Vets vice-captain who ramrods the Bagman roster for our Wednesday roll ups and is the mainstay of our Vets match teams; Wynne Tufnell sorting the multiplicity of Vets’ events and competitions and generally keeping us all in line; Tony Freeman the fixtures secretary already finalising the 2020 diary; and Ken Coburn keeping an eagle eye on our finances. Grateful thanks to them and the many others who work hard to promote and support the activities of the Vets section.
Our summer matches continue apace, come rain or shine (rather more of the former of late), with 13 wins and 4 draws from our 22 matches this year to date. Congratulations to Tom McGrath and Bob Sanger who recently beat their Hockley opponents by a ‘dog’s licence’ (7/6) enabling us to halve the match against a strong team. Summer holidays reduce the field of players so more volunteers would be most welcome; a 28 competition handicap or lower is all that is required. The bagman roster could also benefit from new names; it is not an onerous task and still enables you to play in that day’s roll-up.
The next big event is the Vets invitation on Thursday 8 August; your chance to bring a (senior) golfing friend to Alresford for a stableford competition and an enjoyable lunch to follow. The entry sheet is on the Vets notice board and the closing date is 19 July; please sign up!
Drew Fielden
…from the Secretary
Welcome to the following new members who have all joined the club starting during May and June so far ; David Renton (7 day), Phillip Kitchen (Country),Alastair Bayliss, and Oliver Searles (Student), Jonathan Didlick (PGA), Toby Mottram , Jack Cropley and Sinead Knell, Pat Tiplady, Kate Buer, Helen Godley, Debra Buscombe and Judith Moore (Social Extra), Jenny Doel, Joyce Kent (Social Extra), Tom Floyd and Frank Harris (HPLS).
We hope that your time at the club will be a long and enjoyable one for all of you.
Remember – it is YOU, our members who are our best salespeople. We need new members and have vacancies in all categories? If you know any friends or acquaintances who are thinking of joining a club or changing clubs or have new neighbours who have recently moved to the area, please do your best to sell them the benefits of Alresford Golf Club.
Fancy a game in the week? All members are welcome to come along to the ‘club roll-up’ on Wednesday mornings. The usual start time is 11am all year round but may change subject to any advanced tee reservations. Everyone welcome.
Wednesday 3rd ~ 11.30am (due to Golf society / midweek medal)
Wednesday 10th ~ 11.15am (due to Golf society)
Wednesday 17th ~ 11.00am (midweek stableford)
Wednesday 24th ~ 11.00am
Wednesday 31st ~ 11.00am
Wednesday 7th ~ 11.00am (midweek medal)
Wednesday 14th ~11.00am
Wednesday 21st ~ 11.00am (midweek stableford)
Friday 26th July
‘NEW’ 3 Clubs & a putter
Sunday 28th July
Sunday 18th August
Friday 30th August
(entry form
or Hampshire Golf Website)
Sunday 8th September
Saturday 12th October
VOX BEATLES (tribute act) ~ Limited tickets
You may NOT begin or resume your round from the 10th tee if there is a group playing the 9th hole and they have left the tee. It does not matter whether your playing group is smaller or larger than the one playing the hole.
If you start from the 10th tee you DO NOT have priority on the 1st tee if there is a queue. You must take your turn at the back of the queue.
Volunteers needed
A study being undertaken by University Hospital Southampton and funded by the R&A is aimed at providing the public, NHS and government with more precise information about the benefits of activities such as golf and how to maintain an active lifestyle in later life.
Exercise is good for us and recreational golfers are known to be fitter and live longer than people who are inactive. What is less clear is whether golf is associated with better muscle strength and balance, which are two of the elements needed to meet recommended guidelines for physical activities.
The research therefore focusses on strength and balance, rather than general fitness. As well as aiming to provide evidence of the health benefits of playing golf we also aim to promote golf as a worthwhile activity for people of all ages and backgrounds. This involves finding effective ways to motivate people to take up golf and keep playing in later life, to help them stay physically independent for as long as possible.
The first step is to compare people of various ages who already play golf with those who are not active. This will show if playing golf is associated with better health but will not prove that golf is the actual cause of good health. To test the true effects of playing golf will need a study of people taking up golf and monitoring them over time.
They are looking for volunteers 65 years and over and especially anyone 80 years and over. If you are interested and would like to help please contact David Wilson, Research Fellow and Senior Physiotherapist, email:, Tel: 02380 595908
‘Allowing faster groups to play through’
Players need to be aware of their group’s position on the course, and how they are impacting on the pace of play of other groups.
If a group cannot keep its position on the course for whatever reason, and / or is delaying the group behind, then it should invite the group behind to play through so that group can play at the pace it is capable of. This should happen whether the group behind is a single player, 2, 3 or 4 ball, juniors, male or female.
Inviting a group behind to play through means that it may take a little longer for the group doing the calling through to complete the round. This is due to having to wait for the “playing through” group to get out of range before continuing play. However, while the round time may be slightly increased, it is likely that the “inviting“ group will enjoy its game more without being constantly pressurised by the group behind, and the group that has been allowed to play through will have had their enjoyment enhanced.
‘Calling through’ is not a bad reflection on one’s golfing ability or standing within the club.
Not ‘calling through’ is however poor etiquette and manners.
Alresford GC App ~ Are you registered yet?
You can check course status and leaderboard as well as your bar card balance!
You will have no doubt noticed that the fixtures diary no longer contains members contact details. This was due to the changes in the GDPR laws.
As part of our effort of providing an enhanced range of member information and communication, we are pleased to inform you that the new member’s app is now live and available.
To download the app please visit the App Store (Apple) or Play Store (Android) and search for ClubV1 Members Hub. The app is completely free. If you wish to download the Club app to your laptop or home computer use the web link below, creating a HDIDO registration as above and saving onto your desktop.
You will need to register before you can use the app.
The app will direct you through the HowDidIDo Passport registration process. If you are already a HDIDO user, you will not need to re-register, simply use the same login details.
In order to verify that you are a registered member of Alresford GC you will be prompted to verify your membership. You may need some or all of the following information:
- Registered Email Address (needs to match the one held at the club)
- Registered Address
You will be sent an email to confirm the validity of your email address.
Once you have registered you will be able to login.
One of the key benefits of the app is that it will provide a secure access to members contact information.
However, members must edit / confirm their details and privacy settings to enable other members to be able to access their contact details. If you do not do this, others will not be able to view your details.
Within the Members area you will also be able to view:
• Course Status
• Live Competition Leaderboard
• Club News
• Competition Results
• Bar Balance and Receipts
• Members List
• IMPORTANT ~ Edit your personal details and privacy settings (You must ‘opt in’ for other members to be able to view your contact details)
• Club Diary
Please inform the club if you wish your name to be not visible to other members.
We will begin to utilise these additional features over the coming weeks and months.
The green staff are already using the COURSE STATUS feature and this will provide daily notifications.
We hope you find this easy to complete and please contact the Club in the event you do have any challenges with this.
David Maskery
FACEBOOK – check out our Facebook page
Make sure you ‘like’ our Facebook page and you will link to it and get the regular pictures and updates on what’s happening !
Twitter follow the green staff and see what’s happening on and around the course. @GreenstaffAGC
Green News
I write these 2 days before the Club Championships and the course looks wonderful.
The long awaited rain arrived and 108mm of rain has been recorded so far this month, giving the irrigation system a well-earned break.
Our greens are now performing well and running true. Some disease has been present in the sward due to high levels of humidity. This has been treated with a fungicide and is now fading away. A wetting agent has been applied to help balance water in the profile in addition to 2 applications of top dressing. Stimp readings have been between 9 and 10.5 feet this month. Extra cutting and rolling kept the roll speed around 10 feet as we approached the weekend. Root growth is improving on all greens which is great news.
Many of you will have noticed unprecedented numbers of garden chafer beetles emerging from the ground.
Simon and the boys have never seen these populations before. Weather conditions are perfect for their laying cycle with warm and damp conditions. A pesticide application has been applied to all the areas (2 hectares in total) that were affected last winter but the bugs are appearing in untreated areas as well. We are only allowed enough product to cover 3 hectares and we plan to fully use this allowance.
Tees, Aprons and Fairways have all been sprayed with iron and nitrogen to help with colour. Bunkers have all had a make-over with sand being moved around and stone picking being done. Heavy rainfall flooded out some bunkers but that drained away fairly quickly. Special thanks to Andy Morffew and Ian Jones who have both given up their time to rake bunkers. This does make a huge difference. Paths are being tidied, weeded and strimmed. The car park hedges and other hedges around the course have also had a tidy.
You may have recognised Lee Padwick who joined the team this week to help prepare the course for Club Championships. Lee is a qualified green keeper and a previous employee of the club between 1993 and 2002. He has remarked on the changes in that time! When he left, the trees on the ‘new’ holes (4 to 6 and 14/15) were head high!
We expect work to start on essential repairs to Curleys Barn soon.
We are frequently asked what this is used for. Of course, you could check our FAQ’s on the website which reads “The barn adjacent to the 12th green contains two large water tanks and the course irrigation system. The water is pumped from here around the whole course. We utilise both mains water supply and a bore hole supply. The bore hole is located just outside the barn in the direction of the 13th green. The barn is also used as a general storage facility and for the storing of less frequently used maintenance machinery.” but the attached photo’s show it partially cleared in readiness.
Last month I asked that we avoid taking trolleys on the fringe areas and particularly between bunkers and greens. We are adding a ‘Course etiquette’ section to our FAQ’s and this will be included.
Best wishes for a great month of golf!
Mark Tiplady
A Look at the Rules
In stroke play and match play, there is no penalty and the ball must be played as it lies.
- When ball played from putting green, shot must be replayed.
- When ball played from putting green hits another ball at rest on the putting green, 2 shot penalty. Rule 11.1

100 Club
The winners of the 100 Club prize draw for July were:
£100 Philip Cartwright
£50 Bob Germon
£32 Simon Wills
£32 Trevor Nice
£32 Ray Grainger
£32 Chris Chapman
Congratulations to our winners this month. The next draw will take place on 23rd July 2019 – look for the winners on the Secretary’s notice board.
100 Club Salver and Evening Meal – Friday 2nd August
This mixed Stableford competition is open to all members of the 100 Club. There is no entry fee, and since this is primarily a social event, the competition is not a qualifying round for handicap purposes. Please arrange your own playing groups and tee-times but remember that the evening meal will be served at 7:30pm so make sure you’ll be finished by then. On the day, you must sign-in at the Pro’s Shop before you play to register your entry to the competition and you will receive a free ball for taking part. You should also sign in on the computer. There are prizes for the top 3 scores and the winner will also receive the magnificent 100 Club Salver to hold for a year.
Men will play off the Yellow tees and Ladies from the Red tees. To equalise the scoring, ladies will add 2 strokes to their handicaps and play from their own card. Scores should be entered into the computer and completed cards put into the box in the Entrance Hall.
All members whether they have played or not are invited to attend the evening meal during which the prize winners will be announced. The two-course meal with coffee will cost £16 per person and will start promptly at 7:30pm. There is a choice of main course so please indicate your option when you add your name to the sign-up sheet which is on the Social notice board. Payments in advance to the office would be appreciated; cheques should be made out to Alresford Golf Club 100 Club.
If you need a playing partner and aren’t sure who is in the 100 Club, then please contact Pat Wallis by email on or phone 01420 564417
What is the 100 Club?
The Alresford Golf Club 100 Share Club was started in 1987 to raise extra funds to support and enhance the club Centenary celebrations which took place in 1990. Almost £5,000 was added to the Centenary Fund – a fantastic contribution.
It proved so popular that members who had joined chose to continue the scheme indefinitely. The ongoing objective of the 100 Club was then agreed as being “to provide funds for capital expenditure to enhance the Golf Course and/or Club House”. This is still very much the objective and projects supported by the 100 Club would generally be considered ‘extras’ and not necessarily within the Golf Club budget.
Many items have been purchased over the years with the new rattan patio furniture being the most recent. In recent years the 100 Club has purchased the drinking fountain on the 4th/15th holes, the finger post signage, the Information Board and Clock at the first tee and the automated Defibrillator in the Entrance Hall.
So, can I join the 100 Club?
Yes of course. New members are always welcome and so as a Golf Club member you can actively contribute towards future enhancements to the facilities on the Golf Course or Clubhouse whilst having the opportunity to win a monthly cash prize. Or why not increase your existing shareholding for an even better chance of a prize. Shares can be purchased for £1 per month paid for by Direct Debit and there is no limit on the number which can be held – most members have between 1 and 5 shares. Each share is allocated a number which is entered into the monthly draw with a top prize of £100, a second prize of £50 and four other prizes of £32. For more information contact Pat Wallis on 01420 564417 or, or call in to the Secretary’s Office.
Pat Wallis
Men’s & Mixed Competitions | ||
29th May – Mid-week Medal | ||
1st | Chris Reilly | 64 Net |
2nd | Peter Gunn | 65 |
3rd | Dennis Jones | 68 |
2nd June – Mens EG Medal | ||
1st | Norman McDowall | 65 Net |
2nd | Michael Johnson | 67 |
3rd | Steve Hopkins | 67 |
4th | Chris Manktelow | 67 |
3rd June – Over 60's Medal | ||
1st | Ron Beal | 66 Net |
2nd | Ray Coleshill | 66 |
3rd | Les Widdicombe | 66 |
8th June – Laming Cup | ||
1st | Neil Gandy | 65 Net |
2nd | Chris Reilly | 65 |
3rd | Jon Capp | 65 |
4th | Peter Grant | 65 (Lowest Gross 76) |
12th June – Mid-week Medal | ||
1st | Graham Marshallsay | 66 Net |
2nd | Peter Gunn | 67 |
3rd | Will Pakenham-Walsh | 68 |
4th | Josh Evans | 69 |
15th June – Mrs Stratton-Bates Medal | ||
1st | Mark Ogden | 64 net |
2nd | Ron Markwick | 64 |
3rd | Simon Tillson | 65 (Lowest Gross 71) |
4th | Chris Reilly | 66 |
16th June – Harry May Two Generations | ||
1st | Ian & Rhys Jones | 39 points |
2nd | Will Holmes & Duncan Webb | 34 |
3rd | John White & Sarah White | 34 |
19th June – Mid-week Stableford | ||
1st | Paul Dimmer | 43 points |
2nd | Nick Austin | 41 |
3rd | Josh Evans | 40 |
4th | Simon Freemantle | 40 |
22nd June – Dawn Patrol (Druids’ Cup) | ||
1st | Tony Hastings | 44 points |
2nd | Liz Williams | 39 |
3rd | David Pain | 38 |
23rd June – Pailthorpe Platter | ||
1st | Peter Gunn | 40 points |
2nd | Will Pakenham-Walsh | 39 |
3rd | Rob Gates | 38 |
4th | Will Holmes | 38 |
24th June – Past Captains’ Salver | ||
1st | Simon Cook | 40 points |
2nd | David Nightingale | 40 |
3rd | Dave Farr | 38 |
Ladies’ Results | ||
Mary Anderson Trophy | ||
Winners | Jackie Coulson and Gunnel Berry | 40 pts |
Centenary Salver | ||
1st | Debbie Wills | Net 68 |
2nd | Annabel Laird | Net 71 |
3rd | Liz Thorne | Net 71 |
Best Gross | Becky Scott | Gross 77 |
Ping 4BBB | ||
Winners | Pat Palmer and Gunnel Berry | 43 pts |
June Stableford – 15th and 18th June | ||
Div 1 | Liz Thorne | 40 pts |
Div 2 | Lynne Duncan | 38 pts |
Div 3 | Viv Pain | 34 pts |
Stoneham Cup | ||
v Southampton | Home | Won 6-1 |
v Barton-on-Sea | Away | Lost 5-2 |
v Southampton | Away | Lost 6-1 |
Friendly Matches | ||
v Basingstoke | Away | Won 3 1/2 to 1/2 |
v Sandford Springs | Away | Lost 3-1 |
Mixed Matches
A full list of all our mixed match fixtures is on the board in the foyer. Volunteer lists for subsequent matches will be posted periodically. Any member with a CONGU handicap is welcome to play. It is very much hoped that more members will avail themselves of the opportunity to play mixed golf both at home and on some good away courses. All the matches are played in a very friendly manner and everyone is welcome, no matter what their handicap. An e-mail will be sent to all those chosen to play and the team list will be posted on the board.
A decision has been made that Five Day members may play in the weekend matches if we are unable to field a team from amongst the Seven Day members. There will be a column on the volunteer sheet for Five Day members to sign up. No green fees will be payable. It is hoped that Five Day Members will take advantage of this opportunity to play at the weekend, both at home and away, if required.
Again this year we will be continuing with a smart/casual dress code for our match meals at home and it seems likely that other clubs are also going down this path. There will be no need for gentlemen to wear jacket and tie, unless they so wish. We are also looking at the possibility of serving brunch prior to some of our home matches, instead of having a meal afterwards. Any feedback on this (no pun intended!) would be welcome.
For more information or any queries please contact Jan Harring (07980474448).
Editor: Trevor Hodgkinson
The Editorial Team take no responsibility for incorrect information received from Contributors.