Fore Info July 2018

Management Corner
Steve Privett leaves
The Management Committee wishes to inform members that Steve Privett, Course Manager, resigned from his position at the club on Wednesday, 20th June 2018 to pursue new opportunities. We have agreed that he will leave immediately, leaving the course in the capable hands of the greenkeeping team.
We should like to thank him on behalf of the membership for all his efforts and hard work over the years spent at the club transforming the course into the condition we all enjoy today.
Access to this newsletter
In order to reduce the workload for our volunteer Editor, Andy Thomsen, the newsletter will not be distributed as a pdf attachment to the email sent by the Club Secretary. Instead, his email will contain a Hyperlink and members who click on this should be taken directly to the relevant part of the Club’s website in order to view ‘Fore Info’. Detailed instructions will be included in the Secretary’s email.
From the Club Captain
We are now well into summer golf and it has been a very successful past few weeks for the Club. We have received many compliments from visitors on both the course condition and the excellent food provided by Chris and his Team. All our major golf events have run smoothly, and both the Ladies and Men’s teams have achieved very good results.
The Triumvirate held on the 7th June proved yet again to be a great success. Fifteen teams of four golfers from various Clubs took part. The Army gained the glory with a one point win over Hartley Wintney. Thanks must go to David Maskery for ensuring the day went like clockwork and also to Keith Monkhouse and David Nightingale for doing the booking in and scoring.
The Seniors Open attracted a 108 players, which was won by Harvey Terry from Cowdray Park with 39 points. It was pleasing to see that four Alresford players were only one point behind.
Eighteen Past Captains took part in the Salver competition. Congratulations to John White who won with an impressive 42 points and with a gross score, which was over 5 strokes less than his age. A magnificent achievement! Although, they did not play, Derek Moorhouse and Robin Good attended the dinner after. A week later, we were advised of Jack Maxwell’s death. He was Captain in 1993 and was a very respected and popular member of our Club. Our thoughts and condolences go to his wife, Tonny.
The Captains’ Charity Day was a lot of fun and a great success. A just reward for all the hard work put in by Mary, Chris T and Celia (Chris’s wife), Sue, Graham M and the rest of the supporting team. Thanks also go to Chris P and his catering team for providing a BBQ and delicious icecream. The winning team for the day was Debbie and Simon Wills, Matt Ball and Mervin Fullbrook with Debbie also winning the individual competition by one point from Graham. Thanks to the generosity of the Club members; a grand sum of £2,400 was raised for Transplant Sport.
At 5.30am on the 16th June, the first of 30 Club members started their round in the annual Dawn patrol. Returning to the Clubhouse a little famished, all were satisfied with a substantial breakfast provided by Chris and his team. Peter Gunn returned an impressive 41 points to win a breakfast Hamper and maintained his handicap in the process! Our thanks to the Social Committee for providing sustenance on the first tee and for arranging the competition.
In the men’s interclub knockout competitions, we had convincing wins for both the Gales and Annodata teams who overcame Camberley Heath at home and a low handicap Blackmoor team away. Regrettably the 7s team lost out to Wellow, who were playing on their own course. In the men’s friendly matches, Alresford had wins over Weybrook Park away and the Hampshire Police / HPLS at home.
This is the second year that the Men’s and Ladies Championships have run concurrently over two days and again it was very successful. To have such a great day you need the course to be in immaculate condition and our thanks must go to our Greens staff for making it so. The greens were fast and true, providing a truly daunting challenge for all who played.
Mary will cover the Ladies results; however, I must congratulate Kelly Travers for defending her title of Ladies Champion and to Lyn Cowser for coming a very close second. The Men’s Champion this year is Rob Kirk with a gross 151 (80 +71) who beat last year’s Champion, William Briggs in a playoff on the 18th hole – congratulations to you both.
The John Holmes Trophy for the best nett score was won by one of our Juniors; Oliver Stuart with a creditable 129 which was 8 points better than Rob who came second. Well played Oliver and I hope you do not consider the loss of 4 shots to a revised handicap of 13 not too unlucky!
Congratulations to Tim Chandler for competing in his 42nd consecutive Club Championship. Although not in the hunt this year, Tim has previously been Club Champion more than once.
Thank you to George and Mandy and their teams for all their hard work and to Chris and his team for the tasty BBQ. The final thanks must go to all the players and Club members who gave their support over the weekend and made it a great event.
Congratulations must also go to another Junior, Patrick Harris for coming second to Phil Armstrong in the Pailthorpe Platter with 41 points.
The recently changed protocol on the first tee seems to be going well. It is interesting to note that Blackmoor Golf Club have also instigated the rule whereby, players starting on the 10th tee should join the queue on the 1st after coming off the 18th green and not rotate as previously was the case.
Brian Wright
Ladies Section
A warm welcome to Sarah Staines who has joined us a 5 day member, and is already joining in with Ladies events.
We have had a glorious June (apart from on the Mary Anderson Trophy!) with so much going on, I feel my feet have hardly touched the ground.
This weekend has been truly amazing with the joint Men’s and Ladies Club Championship. The course was looking at its best with super slick greens, so many thanks to our hardworking greenstaff. And also thanks to George Clelland and all his helpers who just about lived at the Club all weekend. Many congratulations to our Ladies Club Champion Kelly Travers, and runner up Lynne Cowser. The Dorothy Coombs Shield was won by Jan Harring, runner up Kathryn Fielden. The Brenda Hedges Trophy by Lynne Cowser, runner up Lyn Travers and the Best Nett score in Round 2 won by Sarah Densham. Fantastic golf by all of them. I played this year for the first time, and would thoroughly recommend you give it a go next year. Its an experience not to be missed!
Let me just go back briefly to May though… we held our Ladies Open on 31st May and once again this was very well organised by Annie Beal. The whole day went really well despite a drizzly start. We had 112 players from 33 Clubs and the feedback about our course, the friendly welcome and the lovely buffet was very encouraging.
One of the main highlights for me has been our Captains Charity Day, and I would like to thank everyone for the support you gave this event. John French, from Transplant Sport attended in the afternoon and was touched to see everyone there, and those of you who played in the morning probably met my Son in Law, Tim with his family, which was made possible by a successful kidney transplant 5 years ago. All in all we raised about £2500 on the day which surpassed expectation, so we are very grateful to you all.
Another good event was the Ladies Away day, at Guildford. We had a beautiful day for it and the course and views were magnificent. A good fun, well organised day with a lovely meal..what more could anyone ask for? Well done to Esme, Barbara and Jean for winning and so will organise next years Away Day.
In the results section you will see we are doing really well with the Friendly matches, Scratch Competition, North Hants Trophy and the Knight Cup. Last year Mandy and Di won the Gosport and Stokes Bay Centenary Trophy, and this year Di went with Sarah Densham to defend their title and guess what… they came back with the Trophy again! With 13 teams competing, Di and Sarah won with 3 points to spare… fantastic!
I am looking forward to my Ladies Captains Day on Tuesday 10th July. I hope as many of you as possible will join me for a Stress Free Fun Day. The sign up sheet is on the Board in the Changing room. For those who are not playing golf, you are more than welcome to join us for the buffet lunch. The more the merrier!
I hope that you all are enjoying your golf in this beautiful weather and that it continues for another couple of months!
With very best wishes as always
Match Committee Report
Club Championships
The 2-day format with an integrated field of men and ladies used again this year, appeared to be well accepted by the majority of competitors. The total entry was similar to last year so that is also an encouraging sign. We are aware that there were a few comments over the two days about slow play. On Sunday there were five 2-balls whose times ranged from 3hrs 11mins to 3hrs 40mins, and there were twenty-four 3-balls whose times ranged from 3hrs 44mins to 4hrs 16mins with an average for the 3-ball groups of 4hrs 5mins. Timings next year may be affected by the change to the Rules of Golf in which the time allowed for searching for a ball is reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes. In addition, for next year, the Committee may consider some changes which may help to address the issue. For example, increasing the starting time interval from 8 minutes to 10 minutes, and reducing the time allowed for a round from 4 hours 15 minutes to 3 hours 55 minutes. Such a change would, of course, mean that the finish could be approximately 1 hour later than this year.
Mandy and I would like to thank all the Committee members and others who helped with the preparation of and running of the competitions over the 2 days – in particular, David Robertson, Richard Calton, David Maskery, Mary Rook (also a starter), Sandra Hooker, Clare Monkhouse, Jennifer Clelland, Peter Harwood and Malcolm Scott plus the starters Peter Spreadbury, Jean Coveyduck, Keith Monkhouse, Ian Swann, Ken Coburn and Brian Bellamy. The Greenstaff are also to be commended for the excellent condition of the course. Thanks are also due to the bar staff and to Chris and Kelly for the catering over the week-end.
Lastly, I would like to thank all the players who entered. Everyone turned up on time and filled in their score cords correctly and legibly (mostly). Well done and thank to you all.
Details of all the winners and results can be found the Captains’ reports and in the Results section.
Other Competitions
There are several competitions and events scheduled over the coming weeks. These include …
- 2nd July – Mixed 9-hole Stableford
- 8th July – Mrs Stratton Bates Medal (Mixed)
- 10th July – Ladies’ Captain’s Day
- 13th July – Pro’s Clubhouse KO (9-hole card play-off in the evening – great fun for all)
- 14th July – Men’s Scratch Medal
- 15th July – Husbands & Wives Foursomes (look out for sign-up sheet)
- 16th & 23rd July – Vets Championship
- 17th July – Ladies’ Invitation
- 22nd July – Open ‘Pro-Am’ Medal (Mixed competition where your score is combined with one of the pro’s playing on the last day of The Open)
- 29th July – Millennium Quaich (Mixed Betterball – look out for the sign-up sheet)
Certainly, something for everyone!
George Clelland
A Look at the Rules
In Stroke play, a players ball rolls down a bank and is accidentally stopped by the player’s foot. The player removes his foot and the ball rolls a little further down the bank. The player then makes a stroke at the ball. How many penalty strokes should the player add to his score?

Vets Section

There are still a few places left for the Vets Invitation on the 9th August but sign up soon because they are going fast.
Meantime the friendly season is going very well for us. We played at Bramshaw, but lost, possibly due to some confusion about the start time, our team having to go out willy nilly as soon as each player arrived. I can’t think why else we would have lost as we have been a fairly consistently successful team this season! The Bramshaw captain was kind enough to offer us a draw (as it was their mistake), but given that it was a friendly match anyway, their friendly gesture was declined, in a friendly sort of way.
Our game against the Juniors Section was a great day of golf. Will Briggs, Junior Captain, with support from Chris Geary in the pro shop and Wynne Tufnell on our part, got a large field together – larger than I can remember for this match. The day was mild and the golf was fine. The old grand-dads won all except one match, which was won by an all girl-pairing who were simply unbeatable (according to the defeated oldies who did battle with them). All the youngsters were well behaved, sportsmanlike and a pleasure to be with. A credit to the game and their parents. What more could one ask.
At Corhampton our esteemed club captain, Brian Wright, played his first match for the vets, finally acknowledging perhaps that he is not so young any more. Over the post-match meal he was duly “roasted” by the (very well-briefed) Corhampton captain and took it like a man. Welcome to Vets Golf, Brian. We won, by the way.
At Royal Winchester, we won 4/2, which is a very good result at that club. The course was in fantastic condition and the main hazard was a strong wind on the way home, which is hard to play against on top of the hill there.
Drew Fielden kindly captained the team for a win at home to Basingstoke, again a good result. We visit them later in the year.
Thank you all for your support of the section. Unlike many clubs we don’t seem to have a problem selecting 14 players (maximum) each time but I am aware we are coming into the holiday season so do keep looking at the board and signing up where you can.
The roll up is always well supported and my thanks go to all the bagmen who have officiated this year so far. If you have been a bagman don’t forget to put the bagman trophy competition in your diary for later in the year. Only a bagman can win it!
Chris Thompson
…from the Secretary
New Members
Welcome to the following new members who have all joined the club starting during June / July so far; Harry Dhand, Mike Mead and Lynne Duncan – all returning from long term injury, Alistair Gray (7 day), Peter Morgan (5 day), Ann Gunn, Ann Lain and Jacqueline Sanger (Academy) and Suzie Batty (Social Extra)
We hope that your time at the club will be a long and enjoyable one for all of you.
May I remind all members that we are welcoming new membership enquiries for all categories? If you know any friends or acquaintances who are thinking of joining a club or changing clubs, please do your best to sell them the benefits of Alresford.
Club ‘Roll Up’
Fancy a game in the week? All members are welcome to come along to the ‘club roll-up’ on Wednesday mornings. The usual start time is 11am all year round but may change subject to any advanced tee reservations. Up to date timings are shown on the main noticeboard and on the website.
Wednesday 4th ~ 11.30am (due to golf society)
Wednesday 11th ~ 11.00am
Wednesday 18th ~ 11.00am (mid-week stableford)
Wednesday 25th ~ 10.30am (due to golf society)
Wednesday 1st ~ 11.00am
Wednesday 8th ~ 11.00am
Wednesday 15th ~ 11.00am
Special Member Referral Offer
Refer a new 5 or 7 day playing member and receive An EXTRA £50 credit on your bar card.
Speak to the Secretary for more information.
Forthcoming Events Your Diary
Friday 13th July
enter and play 9 holes anytime during the day. Come back to the clubhouse in the evening for the card knockout and food. A great fun club night – everyone welcome.
Sunday 29th July
18 holes plus meal *** NEW DATE ***
Sunday 19th August
details coming soon.
Join us on Thursdays from 24th May, 4.30 – 6.30pm
9 holes of social golf (play from 10th tee)
£2 ENTRY (non Team golf squad players)
Pre-ordred food available after golf
Everyone welcome
Help Please
Are you an avid Facebook user? Can you help us with encouraging postings and engagement with members and non-members?
If you would like to help with keeping our Facebook page ‘up to date’ and interesting please speak to the Secretary.
check out our Facebook page
Do you like the regular daily posts which are currently happening? Is there anything which you feel would be useful to include?
Make sure you ‘like’ our Facebook page and you will link to it and get the regular pictures and updates on what’s happening! Share our page to your friends.
Green News
Flaming June lived up to its reputation this year! Record temperatures and ideal golfing conditions for the bulk of the month. The course has held up well, although we do now have some brown patches on fairways. Yes, this is how my July report began last year! 2 years running?
The Club Championship weekend was also blessed by fair weather and the course looked wonderful and played tough but fair. Copy and paste, 2 years running! Great credit to Adam and the boys who have worked hard and effectively to bring the course up to this high standard. As you would expect, we are now concerned about the lack of water and we are hand-watering some at risk areas. We’ve raised heights to 3.5mm and reduced frequency of cutting. More frequent ironing to keep green speeds up. Lots of hand watering going on. Really starting to brown off now. (Copied from the greenstaff Twitter feed which you can access from the Club website home-page). All greens have also been spiked to aid performance.
The FAQ section of the website has been up and running for almost a year now. One topical example is as follows:
Is it true that the course maintenance programme is geared towards the Club Championship and Pro-Am?
This is a common misconception and is not true. In fact, the dates of the Club Championships and Pro-Am have largely been chosen to coincide with the time when the course is most likely to be at its peak condition. However, it is true that in the few days prior to these events the work schedule is likely to be more centred around the greens and fairways to ensure they are presented at their best for these events.
Further to Steve’s resignation, we are now working to ensure that we have the right team in place going forward to maintain and improve the high standard of course we enjoy here at Alresford. We are giving Adam and the team every support during this difficult period. They have certainly done a great job over recent weeks! We will concentrate on course presentation. It is inevitable that some areas may suffer through reduced man-hours and hope for your understanding.
We hope you all enjoy great golfing conditions during July!
Mark Tiplady
A Look at the Rules
The player incurs a penalty of one stroke for stopping his ball in motion (Rule 19-2) and two penalty strokes for moving his ball after it came to rest against his foot and not replacing it (Rule 18-2). Stopping his ball in motion and the failure to replace the ball after he caused his ball to move are considered unrelated acts and he incurs a total penalty of three strokes. If the player had replaced his ball where it came to rest against his foot, he would have only received one penalty stroke as accidently stopping his ball in motion & causing his ball to move were a related act. Decision 19-2/1

Upcoming Social Events
Thursday Evenings
Thursday Evenings
Team Golf
Team Golf is now well under way. The final will be played on 26 July. Full details including tee times and weekly results will be shown on the social notice board. There will be reserved tees. If you are not involved in team golf or not playing on team golf there will be a roll up competition in which you can play at no extra charge.
Club 9 Hole Roll Up
Sadly rain prevented play on the 24th of May, so do come along and join in from 4.30 to 6.30 from the tenth tee. It is open to all members, come and join the fun prizes to be won. These may include, best scores, nearest the pin and Joker hole – choose one to double score on that hole. These will vary from week to week.
Please book in at the reception table before playing and pay £2 entry fee, TG members exempt.
Supper: Food will be available, so make your choice from the evening’s menu when booking in.
If you are interested in taking part in any of these events please sign up on the board in the clubhouse foyer.
New to the club? On your own? Don’t know too many people?
Contact John White at / 01962 732283
or Carol Roe at / 07787 880751
100 Club
The winners of the 100 Club prize draw for July were:
£100 – Wynne Tufnell
£50 – Elaine Spreadbury
£32 – John Goodacre
£32 – Kathryn Fielden
£32 – Diana Hampton
£32 – Jean Coveyduck
Congratulations to this month’s winners. The next draw will take place in the week beginning 23rd July … look for the list of winners on the Secretary’s notice board.
100 Club Salver and Evening Meal – Friday 3rd August
This mixed Stableford competition is open to all members of the 100 Club. There is no entry fee, and since this is primarily a social event, the competition is not a qualifying round for handicap purposes. Please arrange your own playing groups and tee-times, but remember that the evening meal will be served at 7:30pm so make sure you’ll be finished by then. On the day, you must sign-in at the Pro’s Shop before you play to register your entry to the competition and to receive your free ball for participating. There are prizes for the top 3 scores and the winner will also receive the magnificent 100 Club Salver to hold for a year.
Men will play off the Yellow tees; and Ladies from the Red tees. To equalise the scoring, ladies will add 2 strokes to their handicaps and play from their own card. Completed cards should be put into the box in the Entrance Hall.
All members whether they have played or not are invited to attend the evening meal during which the prize winners will be announced. The two course buffet meal with coffee will cost £17 per person and will start promptly at 7:30pm. Please add your name to the sign-up sheet which will be on the Social notice board. Payments in advance to the office would be appreciated; cheques should be made out to Alresford Golf Club 100 Club.
If you need a playing partner and aren’t sure of who is in the 100 Club, contact George Clelland by email: or telephone: 01962735008.
Not a member of the 100 Club?
The objective of the Alresford Golf Club 100 Club is to raise funds for projects and items requiring capital expenditure that will enhance the Golf Course and/or the Clubhouse. Such projects would generally be considered as ‘extras’ and not necessarily be within the Club budget. The 100 Club was launched in 1987 to raise funds to augment the Centenary celebrations of the Golf Club in 1990, but at the request of the members, the 100 Club has continued to raise funds for items such as the Information Board and Clock on the 1st tee and the Automatic External Defibrillator in the Entrance Hall.
If you’re not a member of the 100 Club, you can become one for as little as £1 per month. Shares in the 100 Club are purchased for £1 per month and there is no limit on the number of shares which can be held. In general, most members have between 1 and 5 shares and pay by monthly direct debit, though it’s also possible to pay quarterly or annually. Each share is allocated a number which in entered in the monthly draw. The top prize is £100, with a second prize of £50 and four other prizes of £32. For more information contact George Clelland on 01962 735008 or, or call in to the Secretary’s office.
Over the weekend of 23rd and 24th of June, Alresford Golf Club held its Men’s and Ladies’ Club Championships and associated handicap competitions. On two hot days with little wind the course was presented in perfect condition with hard running fairways, fast greens and difficult rough. The Men’s Champion was Rob Kirk who defeated last year’s champion, Will Briggs in a sudden death play-off on the 18th. Both had gross scores of 151 for the 36 holes with Grant Thorne in third place, one shot behind on 152. The Ladies’ Champion for the 5th year running was Kelly Travers with a gross score of 154 for 36 holes with Lynne Cowser just one shot behind on 155 in a very tight finish which came down to the final putts on the last hole. The winner of the Men’s handicap competition, the John Holmes Trophy, was Oliver Stuart with 129 (9 under par) resulting in a total handicap reduction of 3.7, and in the ladies’ handicap competitions the Brenda Hedges Trophy (Silver Division) was won by Lynne Cowser with a nett 139 (3 under par) and the Dorothy Coombs (Bronze Division) was won by Jan Harring with a nett 148 (6 over par). Full results below.
Club Championships | ||
23rd & 24th June – Men’s Club Championship | ||
1st Rob Kirk | 80+71=151 | |
2nd Will Briggs | 79+72=151 | |
3rd Grant Thorne | 78+74=152 | |
Best Round 1 Score – Dave Fox | 73 | |
Best Round 2 Score – Merv Fullbrook | 75 | |
23rd & 24th June – John Holmes Trophy | ||
1st Oliver Stuart | 65+64=129 (nett) | |
2nd Rob Kirk | 73+64=137 | |
3rd Rob Gates | 72+67=139 | |
4th Paul Wager | 67+72=139 | |
Best Round 1 Score – Dave Fox | 65 (nett) | |
Best Round 2 Score – Will Briggs | 69 | |
23rd & 24th June – Ladies’ Club Championship | ||
1st Kelly Travers | 82+72=154 | |
2nd Lynne Cowser | 79+76=155 | |
24th & 25th June – Brenda Hedges Trophy (Silver Division) | ||
1st Lynne Cowser | 71+68=139 (nett) | |
2nd Lyn Travers | 69+71=138 | |
24th & 25th June – Dorothy Coombs Trophy (Bronze Division) | ||
1st Jan Harring | 74+74-148 | |
2nd Kathryn Fielden | 77+76=153 | |
24th June – Best Nett Score in Championship Rnd 2 | ||
Sarah Densham | 72 | |
Men’s & Mixed Competitions | ||
26th & 27th May – Jubilee Cup | ||
1st Mike Pigott | 68+69=137 (nett) | |
2nd Brian Wright | 72+66=138 | |
3rd Darren Boreham | 68+70=138 | |
4th Bill Ragan | 70+69=139 | |
Lowest Gross | Grant Thorne 157 | |
Best Round 1 Score | Andrew Morffew 68 | |
Best Round 2 Score | Mark Tiplady 68 | |
28th May – Alresford Show Trophy | ||
1st Rob White | 40 pts | |
2nd Jim White | 38 | |
3rd David Nightingale | 38 | |
3rd June – EG Medal | ||
1st Peter Gunn | 67 (nett) | |
2nd Bill Ragan | 68 | |
3rd Karl Evans | 68 | |
4th June – Over 60’s Medal | ||
1st Peter Kennedy | 64 (nett) | |
2nd Ron Chamberlain | 67 | |
3rd Ron Beal | 69 | |
4th Mike Clarkson | 70 | |
9th June – Laming Cup | ||
1st Rob Kirk | 64 (nett) | |
2nd Mike Oliver | 64 | |
3rd Oliver Stuart | 65 | |
4th Brian Wright | 65 | |
Lowest Gross | Rob Kirk 71 | |
15th June – 9-hole Stableford | ||
1st Rob Kirk | 18 points | |
16th June – Dawn Patrol | ||
1st Peter Gunn | 41 points | |
2nd Darren Boreham | 40 | |
3rd Sean Yeates | 39 | |
17th June – Pailthorpe Platter | ||
1st Phil Armstrong | 42 points | |
2nd Patrick Harris | 41 | |
3rd Grant Thorne | 40 | |
Men’s Representative Matches | ||
Gales Hockley (3rd Round) | ||
16th June Alresford v Camberley Heath (Home) | Won | |
Annodata | ||
17th June Alresford v Blackmoor (Away) | Won | |
Men’s Friendly Matches | ||
2nd June Alresford v Weybrook Park (Away) | Won 3? - 1? | |
14th June Alresford v Hants Police v HPLS | ||
(3-way match play – 1st Alresford; 2nd Hants Police; 3rd HPLS) | ||
Mixed Friendly Matches | ||
30th June Alresford v Hockley (H) | Won | |
18th June Alresford v Cowdray Park (H) | Won | |
Ladies’ Competitions | ||
29th May – Mary Anderson Trophy | ||
1st Kathryn McLaughlin & Rita Robinson | 37 points | |
2nd Victoria Mackintosh & Ruth Howdle | 35 | |
2nd & 5th June – Ladies’ Centenary Salver | ||
1st Jan Harring | 71 (nett) | |
2nd Carol Roe | 71 | |
3rd Angela Peel | 72 | |
9th & 12th June – Ping 4BBB | ||
1st Mandy Overton & Jenny Myers | 45 points | |
2nd Jan Harring & Lyn Jones | 42 | |
3rd Gunnel Berry & Chris Hall | 40 | |
16th & 19th June Stableford | ||
Division 1 – Lyn Travers | 36 points | |
Division 2 – Elaine Spreadbury | 35 | |
Division 3 – Charlotte Marsh | 33 | |
21st June – Gosport & Stokes Bay Centenary Trophy | ||
Winners – Di Peisley & Sarah Densham | ||
Ladies Matches | ||
Stoneham Cup | ||
6th June Alresford v South Winchester (Home) | Won | |
13th June Alresford v Boscombe (Home) | Lost | |
Scratch Trophy | ||
3rd June Alresford v Hockley (Home) | Won | |
Friendly Matches | ||
4th June Alresford v Shanklin and Sandown (Away) | Won | |
15th June Alresford v Basingstoke (Home) | Won |
Editor: Andy Thomsen
The Editorial Team take no responsibility for incorrect information received from Contributors.