Fore Info Febuary 2025


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Welcome to those new members who have joined the club this month.

Matthew Haskell, Alex Haskell, Nick hooper, Will Oscroft and Carrie Tout (7 day), Garth Heyhurst and Jamie Pedrosa (5 day), Tara O’Herlihy, Connor Dale and Ben Mackrell (Intermediate), Joseph Williams, Alexander Smythe and Joseph Smythe (Junior), Jack Rushton and Peter Freeland (Social Extra).

We hope that you all have a long and enjoyable time at the club. Even though we lose some members each year for personal reasons, it’s great to see we attract new members to fill their places. The AGC membership offer is very competitive in the region.

This month we hear more about our new Club Captain – Gary Mugford.

This edition also covers key information on signing up for AGC and County Competitions. Summer Knockouts will be soon upon us, hopefully with matching weather.

The Greens Section is again filled with details of our winter projects and how the adverse weather has affected our course.

Despite the bad weather conditions there was a great round of 63 recently. Although the course was not qualifying, Henry Glanfield deserves a mention. He has a +2 handicap (2 shots better than scratch) and I hear is a joy to watch. Well done Henry.

It’s great to see the next Quiz is sold out and that the Chinese Dinner was well attended. Onward and upward with our Social scene. Don’t miss out on the other events coming soon and highlighted in the Social Section this month.

Congratulations to Jane Andrews who won the main £100 prize in this months 100 Club. The club is highly recommended to all new and continuing members- read the 100 Club Section to find out how you can participate and help the club.

Finally you can always access this Newsletter directly from the AGC website/About section. It is usually there from the 3rd of every month. So you don’t need to hunt David Maskery’s email each month!! No excuse for not reading it…

All the best

David Marshall




Interview: our new Club Captain- Gary Mugford

So Gary, Let’s kick off with finding a bit more about you. Tell us about yourself.

Gary: A big year this year with my 60th as well as a “working” Club Captain

I am UK Technical Director of an Injection moulding Business with 2 factories in the UK (Petersfield and Midlands), 2 in France, 1 in Poland and 1 in India.

We make plastic components for Interior and Exterior Trim on Cars, Ground Work Vehicles, and various Large Non-Automotive products.

Editor: Did you work on some big car brands?

Gary: I was lucky enough to work on such luxury cars such as Bentley, Aston Martin and JLR

I moved, aged one, to Basingstoke in 1966 and lived there to 36, with a brief break in Tenerife, then off to Taiwan and Shanghai, before returning to Alcester then Four Marks. My Wife Lisa Wu (also a member now) pushed me to get back in to golf and having tried most in a 20 mile radius, I instantly wanted to join Alresford once I played it as a guest.

I have 3 children from my first marriage and a step-daughter with Lisa. A very proud father of all 4 of them.

Editor: When did you first start playing golf and what are some of the golfing highlights?

Gary:  I played places like Southampton municipal and Dibden Purlieu maybe 2 or 3 times a year and with a group of friends started a society back in the eighties. We went on golf trips to Devon and such like for a week each year but I probably play more in a month now than I did in a year back then. We were all more into football and golf was an extra hobby. Golf took off for me when I moved to Taiwan. I had a great practice range nearby, few friends and plenty of time. I got really into hitting lots of balls and watching ball flight and impact, etc. I found some expats to start visiting the amazing Taiwan courses, getting down from 18 to 5 hcp in a few years. The expats grew from 3 or 4 to 30+ every Saturday and Sunday always playing different courses. Great for my game and my enthusiasm for it. I was invited to play on the Taiwan Mid-Ametuer Tour (Taiwan’s Televised Golf Show at the time) I was the only “westerner” at that time and so was regularly teeing off with big tv cameras in my face 30 yards away…yep you thought about hitting them a lot in your downswing!! In 12+ years in Taiwan I played all over Asia and represented Lexus at various big events too. My trophy cabinet is something I am quite proud of.

EditorQuite impressive Gary. Probably many members are not so familiar with the Club Captain role? What are you responsible for and what are the main activities you cover for the Club?

Gary:  The Club Captain is primarily focused on the Golfing side but also as the Social side. Fixtures, Matches, Events and such relating to golfing. Representing and promoting the club and course and our membership at external functions away from Alresford Golf Club.

CapComm (Captains Committee reporting to MANCOM) as a committee helps the direction and support for Competitions and Handicaps Committee, Social Committee and the other Captains area in Ladies, Vets, Juniors and the various competitions we submit entries for each year across all 4 of these areas.

Editor: What is your biggest challenge you face in your role?

Gary: Apart from time the diary is very full already. The main aim is to try to help keep the path of the club heading in the right way, constantly improving the membership experience. I think the club is in a better place today than it was when I joined nearly 10 years ago. Yes, there will always be a difference of opinion when as Captain you have to listen to 600+ members but we have a great course, the real foundation of this club, we have some good steps forward in the club house development and as I say, I feel we are moving in the right direction. The Solar panels are now doing their job, as an example, and we will keep pushing to improve on course (eg toilets asap), but we still need to keep a tight hold on the purse strings as a business to ensure longevity and minimise cost impact to the membership. There are some areas of change we have to react to and comply with, such as the water project. We have to adapt with these new R&A Sustainability directives, understand the demands and implications, develop a cost effective compliant plan but still try not to interrupt our “club improvements” plans. All such topics need to be balanced carefully as controlling a healthy financial side to the business is critical, in these times. It’s another part of Alresford Golf Club I have been very impressed with.Image

Editor: The Social side of the club is a key part of the club and the Social Committee Chair sits on the Captains Committee (CAPCOM). I know the Social Committee is struggling to find new members, why do you think that is?

Gary: The events put on by the Social Committee have been great over the years but they have always had a core set of people that do most of the work behind the scenes. They definitely need more help and we have been advertising to the members to join up and help choose, organise and run events. With 600+ members, it’s a shame we can’t find more help, many are quick to criticise when it’s not always to their liking but not so many want to give up their time and effort to help share the load and develop more events.

Those that do give up their time have been doing a great job. The bingo, the Horse Racing, the music nights and such events were very well attended but it’s the same people giving up their time to do all the work. One or two extra helpers really would give Alicia Hardy and her team more opportunity to increase their promotions.

Editor: I know Bar and Catering is not technically your area of responsibility but what would you like to see for the future?

Gary: Again a difficult area. We have a membership with very diverse opinions on “what our club needs” and this I am sure is hard for Ben and his team to please all the people all the time. Some people only pop in once in a while and have a one off order from the menu, others do that regularly, others only come to the bigger social and dinner related events. All of these bring different feedback and finding the balance to please all is a tough one. I am hoping to sit down with Ben soon and discuss some of the things shared with me, but I wish as many people that comment to me and to others made the effort to attend the Forum’s and share those views directly. Individual food quality has always been good for me, the team match meals with 20-30 players have always been great too, the bigger events get more feedback but as does the menu for snacks – its very hard to please 600+ different opinions whether its course, shop, social, bar and catering….but one thing I believe…we are all trying our best to please!!

Editor: What disappoints you most about the club? What are some of your concerns?

Gary: I have a great example. I was playing the 3rd in a Saturday medal and someone walks over from the 7th to complain about slow play.. I am playing in a comp and trying to concentrate and they are going to grab me at the 19th anyway, so let my round finish first would be nicer. Slow play gets over-played and let’s say sometimes, it’s slow players complaining. It’s simple really…. If there is a gap of one or two holes or more ahead of you and 3 groups on your hole behind you….it’s a good chance you are the issue!! Keep an eye on the group in front and keep up or move aside when the time is right. Many move aside at the wrong time when it just causes more congestion as they then struggle to get going again.

Editor: What are your aspirations for the role? What would you like to achieve?

Gary: My focus this year is on representing the club in it’s best light at all events. There are some key projects I am keen to see finished but these are not solely in my hands and are cross functional across the committees but I will keep supporting and pushing. I am keen to make the right decisions quickly to ensure all our events as successful as they can be. Ultimately I believe this can further strengthen our reputation locally and across Hampshire as a premier golf and social club.

Editor: with a full membership many members struggle to get tee times when they want them. What can they expect for the future? Less visitors/societies? Are Tee times are here to stay?

Gary: Tee times is another area where you have 600+ differences of opinion. We have to be sensible and follow the data. With tee-times or without tee-times there is the same amount of daylight. The gap between each group has a limit. What we have to do is maximise the flow of golfers, to control the gaps trying to avoid slow play but at the same time not have wasted space out there that is not being used. Again there are times when the majority all want to play at the same time and there are times when they don’t and the gaps appear. I have my own opinion on how it should work best but I am here to represent our 600+ members, so I have to keep that in mind. The balance of visitors and society attendance has to be managed. If we don’t want this income stream, we would have to recover that lost revenue somehow to still balance our books. All are working to keep the right balance and minimise the impact on the membership.

Editor: There are many ladies, vets and juniors from their club sections reading this. What is your message to them?

Gary: At CapComm they are all well represented by their relevant captains and they are all considered equally. Polly, Andy and Tobias, along with their Vice’s and Charlie all give very good support to the various different groups requirements. Our aim for sure to grow all aspects of the clubs member experience. Just recently we have seen great work from Gareth Rees and Mark with the Juniors, something the club and CapComm are keen to keep improving.

Quickfire Q and A

Favourite holiday destination: Hawaii for our Wedding in 2006 was amazing!

Favourite food – Anything my wife cooks  Plum Chicken is awesome

Favourite drink after a round… was San Miguel now Grolsh or Guinness

Favourite Car – A Jaguar man so F-Type probably, although I worked on/designed so many for JLR, Aston, Bentley, Lambo, I might dream higher.

Best scoring round at AGC: I think its 73 and I had a 72 in Taiwan but have not broken par yet!!


Occupation UK Technical Director
Children Craig, Liam, Rebecca and Celeste
HobbiesGolf, Social drinking and eating
Golf Handicap Currently 8.4 but hope to get back down after next year


From the Club Captain

The Captain’s year is picking up momentum fast.

These last few weeks have been spent organising the diaries for meetings, matches and representative work that needs to be supported. The diary is now very clear and I am ready to push forward and fulfil these duties.

Charlie has processed all the Men’s friendlies into ClubV1 so please support making yourselves available to allow Charlie a chance to pick from a good spread of the members that qualify to play in these matches. Please feel free to contact Charlie or myself if there are any questions regarding these matches.

Our first match against the Hampshire County Team is coming around fast, closely followed by the County juniors. Charlie is busy putting the early events together so if you can make yourselves available to him, please do.

Polly and I have been interviewing New Member Applications and hope those joining will be welcomed into the club with the usual warmness given by Alresford Golf Club members.

I am hoping to see more activity this year on the Marshalling so anybody interested to spare some time, please feel free to contact myself or David Maskery and we can explain how you can access booking a time slot you wish to support and any details not clear to you at this stage.

I would like to request all members try to support the first impressions for all visitors to our club including the members. Be considerate when parking as the spaces are clearly defined, the foyer is not a lost property area – please refrain from dumping findings on the table – either pass to the pro-shop or the office.

The Green staff are working hard to complete the winter projects, we can help by repairing Divots and Pitch marks, etc. and respecting this great course we have.

Lastly, the Social Committee are busy developing events for the year. They have space for additional Committee Members, people who can actively help promote, organise and run events and help develop the Social Committee back to full strength.

Happy Golfing all…..

Gary Mugford

Club Captain

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Ladies Section

This month I am pleased to announce that Mary Rook has been appointed president of Hampshire Ladies Golf (HLG), a huge honour for Alresford Golf Club and a testament to her dedication to the sport.

The recent ”Mix and Meet” event was a resounding success, with 24 ladies taking part. Congratulations to Kim Johnson, Jane Hendry and Jeanne Renshaw, who achieved an amazing score in the team event, and we all stayed dry!!

Looking ahead, the next ”Mix and Meet” is scheduled for the 18th February. It will be the final event before the Stableford and Medal competitions which begin in March, so we hope to see plenty of you there!

On a bittersweet note, we bid a fond farewell to Caroline Warne, who is moving to the Isle of Wight. Caroline has been an invaluable asset to the club, serving as the ladies section treasurer for four years, and playing in numerous matches and events organised by the club. While we will greatly miss her, Sandown and Shanklin Golf Club are lucky to have her.


Lastly a heartfelt thank you to local businesses for their support of my chosen charity, Breast Cancer Care. Their generosity in donating raffle gifts will help raise much-needed funds for Southampton, Winchester and Basingstoke hospitals.

Here’s to another exciting month of golf and community spirit!

Polly Church

Ladies Captain

Hampshire Ladies Golf

The HLG AGM took place at Basingstoke Golf Club on Friday 10th January 2025. A very good turnout especially from Alresford Golf Club who were there to show our thanks to Jane Scott and our support for Mary Rook the new Hampshire Ladies Golf President.

Good Luck to Jill England who is the new County Secretary and Jenny Myers who is assisting Kate Dymott with the contents for the social media accounts.

Entries open on 1st February for the 2025 County Competitions – I urge everyone to sign up!! As Ann pointed out at the AGM they are an inexpensive way to play other lovely clubs whilst supporting the county at the same time.

Please email me if you have any queries about anything to do with the county and if I don’t know I will find out who does!

Sandra Hooker

AGC Delegate Hampshire Ladies Golf.

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Vets Section

Well not been the greatest month for playing, but in spite of the weather the Wednesday roll up has been reasonably well attended. Indeed one week we just managed to get all players out. We also have attracted several new members and all those over 60 are welcome to join the Vets and the benefits that can enhance their golf.

Wessex Seniors Winter League
We started the month in poll position however our match at home to Salisbury & South Wilts was postponed with the course being closed with the frosty/snowy conditions, we did however manage an away draw at Corhampton so with 4 matches remaining, we are still in front. Great work from Steve Oldham who heads up our winter league team.
Summer Friendlies
As the days get longer we look forward to a fabulous fixture list, all the fixtures are available for input of your availability on Club V1 so all Vets members please have a look and all are welcome and all will get selected for some of the matches.
Upcoming events in March 
Captain v Vice Captains match 5th March
Vets and Ladies Breeze Up 20th March
Sign up sheets will be on the notice board this week
Not yet signed up for the Vets…… open to all Male members, 60 or over, drop me a line or give me a call (contact details on Club V1) and I’ll get you signed up.


Andy Gagen

Vets Captain

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Juniors Section

February sees the first of this years Junior Competitions with a  Stableford arranged for the half term holiday on Thursday 20th February.  The tee has been reserved from 11.15. It would be great to have a good turnout to get the season off to a flying start. Look out for a sign up sheet on the Junior Notice Board. If, for any reason, you can’t sign  up  don’t worry  just turn up on the day. We are also trying to arrange some matches with other clubs in the area. There is already have a fixture arranged at Liphook on the 27th April and we are hoping to arrange a date to invite Hockley to Alresford for a return match. Bramshott GC have also been in touch looking to see if we can put a date in the diary, this would be a new  fixture to add to our calendar.

Tobias Cobb

Juniors Captain

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Competitions and Handicap Committee Report

Summer Knockouts

Entry for the following knockouts open on 9th February and close on 23rd March 2025

Entry for all the knockout competitions will be via the Club V1 App/HowDidiDo.  From the Dashboard; select the appropriate knockouts and select the drop down arrow and “view details” and then “enter knockout”.  The £3 entry fee will be deducted from your members gold card on entry.

Competition Analysis 2021-24

Below is an executive summary of a full document which is available to view soon on the members section of our website under C&H.

In 2024, following the full review of competitions that took place in 2023 the C&H Committee implemented new Handicap Index boundaries for divisional competitions as well as increased prize payments, for both Mixed and Men’s competitions.  The membership data from 2024 was compared against these boundaries.  (See section 1. of the full report)

The C&H Committee also have reviewed competition result data for the years 2021 to 2024  and have recommended to CapCom that no upper Handicap Index limits should be applied to trophy competitions, as the data reflects winners across all divisions.  (See section 2. of the full report).

In 2024, to encourage lower handicap player’s participation in more trophy competitions the C&H Committee introduced an Order of Merit competition.  This was a trial competition which was received well.  Improvements to the format of the competition will be recommended to CapCom for introduction in 2025.  In addition, the C&H Committee are working with the Ladies Committee as to how the Order of Merit programme may be introduced for the Ladies Section.  It is hoped that both the Men’s and the Ladies competitions will have separate nett and gross competitions.

Having reviewed the Ladies trophy competition analysis and particularly that of the alternate day competitions, the C&H Committee recommend that the Ladies Section have at least one competition specifically for Division 1 players that is not an alternate day competition.  In addition, C&H recommend the introduction of a further weekend only competition, possibly with an upper handicap index limit.  It should be highlighted that data shows ALL Division 1 players are 7 day members.  (See section 3. of the full report)

The Ladies Committee have taken both of these recommendations on board and will trial the Silver Salver being played on one day only as well as a new 36 hole competition to be played on consecutive Saturday and Sunday alongside a similar men’s competition.  As well as the introduction of an Order of Merit competition.

Order of Merit 2025

Entry for the revised Order of Merit competition for 2025 is now open.  Full details are displayed on the notice board in the men’s changing room.

A similar competition for ladies is currently being considered by the Ladies Committee who will publish further details when ready.

Gill Freemantle

Chair Competitions & Handicap Committee, Handicap Secretary

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A Look at the Rules


A player finds their ball under a tree. They move a branch out of the way to make
their next shot easier. A fellow competitor tells them they are not allowed to do that and is subject to a two stroke penalty. May the player avoid the penalty if they move the branch back into it’s original position before playing their next shot?


January has certainly been a challenging month for golf at the club, with extreme weather creating conditions that have tested the course. Hard frosts, heavy rain, large hailstones, and high winds have all left their mark leading to bans on buggies and trolleys as well as extended periods with temporary greens. Those who have visited the course this month will appreciate that these measures are taken to protect both our members and our course. Large puddles in the swales and bunkers as the result of sudden downpours, slippery fairways and banks, and greens blanketed in hailstones have all been witnessed.

We appreciate your understanding and caution as we continue to navigate these unpredictable conditions.

Despite the weather setbacks, periods of drier weather have allowed for our winter improvement projects to progress well, with the work on the fairway bunkers on the 8th nearing completion. They have been lined and the edges installed, the soil banks formed, and the front edges turfed with rye grass.

Hailstorm covers 4th green

Additionally, please note that Greens Maintenance Week will commence on 24th February. During the week we will undertake the work recommended by the Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI) to improve the health of the greens. This programme which was started last winter, consists of tining the greens to a depth of 300mm (12”) and then back filling with a mixture of kiln dried sand and a porous ceramic material. This mix of sand and ceramic will hold onto moisture during dry periods. Last year greens 7,8,10,11,13,14 and 17 were targeted and this year we hope to do 6 or 7 more completing the rest in the winter of 2026.

One other point to note is that we are hosting a demo day for robotic mowers on Thursday 27th February which could result in a hole being closed, could members please keep an eye on the weekly update and daily course conditions around this time.

Thank you for your continued patience and support as we work to maintain and improve our course for your enjoyment. Here’s hoping for calmer weather and a return to better playing conditions in the coming weeks.


Derek Myers

Chair Greens

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General Manager’s Update

Welcome to those new members who have joined the club for the start of the year;

Matthew Haskell, Alex Haskell, Nick hooper, Will Oscroft and Carrie Tout (7 day), Garth Heyhurst and Jamie Pedrosa (5 day), Tara O’Herlihy, Connor Dale and Ben Mackrell (Intermediate), Joseph Williams, Alexander Smythe and Joseph Smythe (Junior), Jack Rushton and Peter Freeland (Social Extra).

We hope that you will enjoy your time with us.




For those members who play COMPETITIVE GOLF, please be aware of the Terms and Conditions of entry to club competitions found on the website in the Members Area / Competition Committee page.

For example to be eligible for prizes for Men’s Trophy and Board Competitions you must have a handicap index, have playing rights for the day of the competition and should have played in at least 6 qualifying competitions, (Home or Away but not General play) in the 12 months prior to the closing date for entry to the competition.

For the Club Championships (Men’s & Ladies’), you must be a full 7 day, Intermediate or junior member, with a fully developed handicap index (20 scores) and have played in at least 6 qualifying competitions in the 12 months prior to the closing date for entry to the competition (with a minimum of 3 at Alresford).

All members are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the General Terms of Competition at the start of the season to avoid any last minute panic as closing dates for competitions begin to loom! Watch out for entry details and deadlines as they are posted on Club V1, FORE INFO and the Members Updates during the season.


Fancy a game during the week? All members are welcome to come along to the informal ‘club roll-up’ on Wednesday mornings. There is a tee reservation between 11.00-11.45am – members wishing to take part should meet at the starters hut from approx. 10.45am for allocation of groups. As per the times highlighted for the Ladies and Vets Sections, we politely ask members to show courtesy to those who wish to play in this ‘roll up’ at this time. If you do not wish to play with this group please choose another time if possible. If there continues to be a limited use of this time, then the Captains Committee will review the tee allocation.


Want to ease the burden of subscription renewals in January next year?

We do offer an Advanced Payment Scheme for your 2026 subscriptions. You choose how much you wish to pay against your bill for 2026 and your account is credited. Speak to the Office if you would like a Standing Order form.


We all have our regular groups of players we try to play with each week. However part of the benefit of being a member of a club is the opportunity to meet and play with other people. Some members have smaller playing circles than others and especially if you are a new member it might be that you are unsure as to how to get a game. Rather than play alone, try the following;

Making Contact and Playing a Friendly Game

We have initiated a “Make Contact” system for golfers, a system aimed at introducing newer golfers to partners and to established players who can mark cards.  The ‘Make Contact’ sheet is posted in each of the changing rooms.

If you continue to have difficulty finding a game, please do not be embarrassed, speak to the Office and we will find accommodating members for you. Guaranteed! Everybody has been in that situation before.

You may also book a tee time and join an existing group.  However, it is courteous to email the lead name of that group to ask/advise that you have joined them.  There may be occasions when they are playing a match and adding another individual at that time will not be appropriate.

Social Golf

There are plenty of opportunities to meet other players without making prior arrangements. There is a Club Roll-Up on Wednesdays at 11.00 am at which partners are randomly chosen. The Vets and Ladies Sections also run Roll-Ups, these are all ideal for meeting new playing partners.


Mon, Apr 28, 2025 Seniors (Men) Spring Meeting at WEYBROOK PARK

18 Hole Stableford

Players must be 53 or over on the day of play

Handicap Qualifying- Yellow Tees

Entry includes Coffee and Bacon Roll on Arrival

Handicap Limit 24.4

Hampshire Seniors Order Of Merit Event

Competitors can only win one prize 

Tue 20th  – Weds 21st May 2025 Hampshire Seniors County Championships at BROKENHURST MANOR GC

36 Hole Strokeplay (18 Holes Per Day)

White Tees

Handicap Limit 14.4

Scratch & Handicap Prizes

Competitors can only win one voucher but can win both overall trophies

Prizes for various age categories- 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70+

Mon 9th June 2005 – Hampshire Mixed Greensomes at ALRESFORD GC

Tees – White (Men), Red (Ladies)  Greensomes H’cap

Cost per pair £80

Thurs 3rd July 2025 – The Hampshire Open at ALRESFORD GC


Cost £65pp


The golfing season is almost upon us. Can you assist with Starter or Course marshall duties?

Course Marshalls along with our Starters, will be our Club Ambassadors and will be used at times when we anticipate the course being busy (competition and non-competition days) as well as for golf societies.

Marshalling on busy days is one of the most important duties to be performed on the golf course. Marshalls are there to help make the members and visitors experience a more positive one. Whilst they can not make you play any better, they can help with making your round more enjoyable. Unfortunately, in many cases flow of play is the only measure of how some groups enjoy their day – it is down to the Marshall to assess this and ensure that a comfortable pace of play is maintained. Please bear in mind that 10% of players think that pace is too fast, 10% think it is too slow and 80% are happy with the current pace. The Marshall will try to assist you in speeding up your play if they believe you are delaying the groups behind. They will give you the opportunity to do so before requesting that you allow a group to ‘play thru’.

As well as ‘pace of play’ , Course Marshalls will be on the course to remind players of etiquette, course care and to check bag tags and visitor green fee tags. Do not be offended if they do not recognise you or ask to see your tag.

Starters are there to enhance the experience for visiting golfers and ensure a smooth transition between members bookings and visitor play and vice versa.

If you would like to assist us with either of these roles, please contact David ,General Manager who will provide full details of the roles, remuneration and training.


Due to the unevenness of the sloped gravel path from the patio to the 9th green, Buggies including single seater buggies should not ascend back towards the patio/clubhouse using this slope until further notice

Please drive around in front of the 18th green, keeping at least 5m away from the approach area.

Thank you

David Maskery

General Manager

FACEBOOK – check out our Facebook page

Make sure you ‘like’ our Facebook page and you will link to it and get the regular pictures and updates on what’s happening ! Share with your friends to help us boost our online and social media profiles.


INSTAGRAM Follow our brand-new Official Instagram page.

Expect to see media content of our picturesque course, golfing competitions, fun social events, and lots more.

Make sure to follow @alresfordgolf and stay tuned for new post updates on our page.


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Nick‘s Quiz on the 10th of January certainly woke up sleepy New Year’s brains with a full house of 14 tables. Following tasty pies, challenging rounds tested the wit and wisdom of the contestants, but a closely fought competition produced some impressive scores by the end of the night. Highly commended but no cigar went to 4th place “Maureen no gravy“ including Ladies Captain, Polly Church and Vice-Captain, Charlie McLaughlin. Third place went to “Looked good on the ground” with previous winners Nash, Allen, Sturges and Slater; second place to the “Muddle”  with the combined forces of Chair Marshallsay, Masser, Berry, Wager, Mrs Hooker and the Thomases …“ And the ultimate winners with a very impressive score of over 80 were Table 13 “Unlucky for Some”(but not them, clearly) with new members Jill and Eben Wilson, Liz Thorne, Kit Neilson and Jeanne and David Renshaw.
Come on down and pit your wits on 15 February for Ben’s Blockbusting Quiz and a spot of curry!
Sign up is also open for our popular Bingo night on 22 March – eyes down at 7pm with Terry the Tiger Nelson. It’s a lot of fun!

Alicia Hardy

Chair Social


TEAM GOLF – 25th Years and going strong!

Welcome to the 25th year of Team Golf at Alresford GC, so a huge thank you and well done to all our players and supporters, old and potentially new!

Once again, Team Golf will see pairs of players representing their team, in fun, weekly 9-hole matches for the ‘League Title’ plus two ‘all play’ evenings at the start and end of the year for ‘The Championship’ Trophy.

Last year we maxed-out at 14 teams, so places are limited but as always, there may be a few changes in personnel or teams, so please do keep an eye on the Social Noticeboard and Team Golf button in the Members section of the club website, for the latest news and information.

All fixtures are on Thursday evenings plus two Tuesdays and a Friday this year, as we accommodate club fixtures – all details will be confirmed and published asap.

Key dates for your diary:

  • 17th April – First Round (of two) of the Team Golf Championship
  • 24th April – First Round of the Team Golf League
  • 3rd July – Last Round of the Team Golf League
  • 10th July – Second Round (of two) of the Team Golf Championship (and Presentation night)

The Entry list will open at the end of February, so we hope you keep fit and well and we look forward to seeing you in the Spring!

PLUS we are planning a 25th Year celebratory event in August, so watch this space!

Jan, John and Jim White

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A Look at the Rules


Yes, Rule 8.1c – Avoiding Penalty by Restoring Conditions Improved in Breach of Rule 8.1a(1) or 8.1a(2)

Thanks to Brian Overton for all these Rules Q and A’s. If you have any rulings questions for Brian he will answer them here in future editions, just email 

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Our winners for February 2025

£100   Jane Andrews

£50     Jean Coveyduck

£35 Prizewinners

George Clelland

Pat Voak

Gareth Rees

Elizabeth Hesse

Nigel James



Congratulations to our lucky ladies this month.  This is Jane’s first time in the prize winners list so what a way to do it – winning the top prize.

How is the draw done each month?

The Draw:  If you have wondered why your number never seems to be lucky in the draw then you may be interested to know a few statistics relating to the draws made during 2024.  A database of shares and shareholders (members) is held on David’s office computer and he runs a programme which generates the seven random numbers each month.

Each year there are 84 prizes drawn so obviously the more shares you have the better your chance.

Share Numbers:  There are currently 733 shares in play and the winning numbers in 2024 ranged from 14 to 731 so a good wide spread of those available.  However only two numbers appeared twice during the year.

Prize Winners:  15 people were lucky enough to appear in the winners list more than once and 12 people won something for the very first time during 2024 – a number of those having joined the 100 Club in recent months.  You never know when it may be your turn.  As I’m always saying – you have to be in to win it!

For further information about the 100 Club or for an application form please give me a call or send me an email – Pat Wallis phone 01420 564417 or email  Or you can pick up a form from the Office.

Wishing you all a very Happy and Healthy 2025

Pat Wallis

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Editor: David Marshall


The Editorial Team take no responsibility for incorrect information received from Contributors.