Fore Info January 2021

Management Corner
Clubhouse Development
You should by now have received notice of the forthcoming Special General Meeting (SGM), finally to reach a decision to proceed with Phase 1 of the planned programme of Clubhouse Development.
It is hard to believe the length of time that has passed since my last update on the subject, but for reasons we all understand it has not been possible to advance matters any further, until this time.
The background to the project, and the originally surveyed options, are well understood by the membership, but it is perhaps worth reprising on the outcome of the more recent survey, which concluded this last September.
This second survey aimed to measure members’ on-going appetite to continue with the Programme, and to quantify potential participation in a voluntary loan scheme. This survey closed on 30th August 2020 and attracted 352 participants; again, something of a record for such initiatives.
Results, in summary were that:
· 81.9% of members remained in favour of continuing with the Clubhouse Development Project, with 18.1% against
· 135 members would consider making voluntary loans to Club totalling a minimum (theoretical) sum of £935,000
The Management Committee therefore accepted the result of the survey as in favour of continuing with the development programme
The SGM is being held by Zoom on Friday 15th January, with members receiving in advance a significant amount of supporting information, necessary to take the final decision to proceed.

The information pack included the following:
- Background to the project – how and why we have got to where we are now
- Summary perceptions of the existing clubhouse
- Initial survey conclusions (hierarchy or proposed improvements)
- Expected benefits from the development (membership, revenue, savings, the intangible gains)
- 2nd survey findings
- Questions and Answers, covering in detail:
- Cash management
- Profit and loss
- Planning
- Project management
- Security
- Lease
- Timing
The journey to taking a final decision to start this much-needed project has been long and eventful, but at last we have in sight the starter’s gun…..
In concluding, it is perhaps worth reminding ourselves why this project is so important for us.
As with all golf clubs we are an ageing membership, with some perhaps tempted to think ‘what’s in it for me’, or maybe ‘it’s really just about the course. I’m only here for the golf’.
The Clubhouse, and the services it provides, is as much a part of the club as the course itself. The completion of this project will provide a legacy for future generations of members that we – the current membership – can all be proud of.
PLEASE NOTE that in order to vote at the meeting on the 15th, or by proxy before that, you will need to have paid your subscription and renewed your club membership.
Nick Duncan
Chair, Planning and Development Committee
From the Club Captain
I do hope you all had a very enjoyable Christmas. There will have been very few of us who were able to celebrate as planned. The changes to the rules did create problems and opportunities. Although disappointed to be unable to travel to my mum and sister, I was delighted to take my place in the Boxing Day Captain v Professional Challenge match. We were blessed with a fine day of weather and over 60 members and guests took part. Mark’s team was always going to win this year! I’m delighted to report that Mark Tiplady’s team came out on top 18-14!
Less than 4 weeks after we were able to re-open the course, tier 4 came and limited us to 2-balls only (apart from players from the same household). In that short time the match committee arranged a number of competitions and Pro Stablefords filled the gaps.
The Turkey Trot’s were well supported, with some good scores recorded.
One winner wanted to donate his prize to a deserving cause. Lady Captain contacted The Carroll Centre (one of our Captain’s Charities 2021) and they were thrilled.
Mark and Mandy, Di and I added to the voucher and a total of £108 bought 20 kilos of minced beef which will go to 40 families. More information about Captains Charities here Captains Charity – Alresford Golf Club.
The uncertainty continues but during January we will be making our plans for 2021 team and competition golf. Let’s hope we get back to something like normal soon.
Very best wishes for a Happy New Year.
Mark Tiplady
Ladies Section
‘Lockdown”, Collins Dictionary word of the year. How many more weeks/ months shall we suffer before the Pandemic ends? One thing all can be thankful for is that we can still play Golf, albeit under restrictions, however it’s still fun, social and healthy.
In December the Ladies still managed their annual Turkey Trot and Christmas Texas Scramble. The Turkey trot ran over two days under completely different weather conditions. Saturday’s competition, although a qualifier, was played by some stalwarts despite horrendous weather of wind and heavy rain with mixed results. Tuesday, despite finer weather could not be a qualifier due to too many temporary greens, resulting in the dilemma of choosing the Overall winners. This was resolved by the creation of two separate competitions, and dividing the vouchers equally.
Saturday’s winners: Div 1. Nicki White , Div 2. Lynne Duncan, Div 3. Melanie Gregory-Pulling (Overall winner)
Tuesday’s Winners: Div 1. Elaine Capp, Div 2. Linda Wager (Overall winner), Div 3. Ann Gunn Well done.
83 Ladies Managed to play in our Nine hole Texas Scramble despite the early weather not being conducive with one or two heavy showers. However it dried up and most competitors enjoyed a shot of sloe gin, a mince pie and one or two chocolates on finishing. I was delighted that Viv Pain came to help with the refreshments, and despite her illness so brave, positive and looking great.
Congratulations to the winning teams:
Front 9: Fee Garber, Tessa Feilden, Patricia Clark, Melanie Gregory-Pulling
Back 9: Cathy Hilton, Sarah Scott, Tonny Maxwell, Elaine Sutherland.
One of my December highlights was the privilege of being able view our competent green Staff working on the Ladies New First tee adding to my enjoyment of Starter Duty, which I highly recommend. The other highlight was my delivery of 20 kilos of minced beef to the Carroll Centre for their Food Bank, instigated by a kind donation from Simon Tillson of his Turkey Trot Voucher and generously added to by our Captain, Mark Tiplady and Pro, Mark Wood and his Wife, Mandy. Their generosity is greatly appreciated by all at the Carroll.
It is with great sadness that we heard of the death of Dorothy Coombes, a very special Member who celebrated her 90th Birthday with some of us earlier this year. We all offer our sympathy and condolences for the Panter family whose son-in-law sadly died just before Christmas.
Despite local rules I hope all enjoyed their COVID Christmas and let us all hope for a brighter 2021 to follow.
Happy New Year.
Di Peisley
Mixed Matches 2020/2021
No Mixed Match News this month- stay tuned for updates in forthcoming issues…
Match Committee Report
Turkey Trots
The entries this year were slight down on last year, though the weather may have been a factor. Unlike other men’s competitions, for the Turkey Trots the total of the entry fees for each round is paid out as prizes in the form of vouchers for Evans the Butcher in Alresford. Simon Tillson, Saturday’s winner, graciously donated his voucher to the Captains’ Charity so it was given to The Caroll Centre in Winchester who have been able to make good use of their purchase over the Christmas period.
Annual Review of Handicaps
Even with the implementation of WHS the Committee are still required to carry out a review of handicaps at least annually. As yet the reports which we need to carry out the review are not yet available, so it is unlikely we will do a full review until the end of the 2021 playing season. However, you may ask us to review your handicap if you feel that your scoring returns don’t align with your current Handicap Index.
Winter Knockouts
Since we are currently unable to play in 4 person groups, play in the Lombard 4BBB, Winter Mixed Foursomes and the Ladies Winter Foursomes is suspended. When the restriction on 4 person groups is lifted, we will review the situation as it may be impractical to continue with one or more of these competitions.
Wrong Green
Now that we have temporary greens marked on the course, a reminder about wrong greens. A Wrong Green is any green on the course other than the putting green of the hole being played. This includes all marked temporary greens. You must take free relief if your ball comes to rest on a wrong green or the wrong green physically interferes with your stance – ie you must not stand on the wrong green to play your shot. The relief area is 1 club length from the reference point.
WHS Software Updates
We’ve been assured that there will shortly be an update to competition software, so that when you sign-in for a competition the system will display your Course Handicap and Playing Handicap. This should make filling in your scorecard correctly much easier.
Casual Play Rounds
Casual Play rounds must be pre-registered on the day of play before tee-off and the score entered into the system on completion of the round. The scorecard must be left in the green box; we need the scorecard for audit purposes. If these requirements aren’t met, the score will be ignored.
George Clelland
A Look at the Rules
A players ball comes to rest near a boundery fence that is leaning onto the course. The player backs into the fence moving the fence which allows the player to play a stroke.
Is the player subject to penalty?
Vets Section
I hope you all had a good and enjoyable Christmas even though it may have been very different in many ways than you would have wished. The Vets Texas Scramble on the 14th December was very well supported with 54 players enjoying 9 hole competitions held in mainly dry conditions, although the last groups unfortunately got caught by a rather heavy wintery shower. The front nine was won by George Skayman, Terry Lane, Ben Green and Andy Petley with a score of 28.2 with the team of Ian Johnson, Philip Cartwright, Roger Corkhill and Pete Dowse in second place with 29.4.
The back nine was won by Tony Freeman, Hugh Brown, Peter Armitage and Chris Thompson scoring 26.5 with the team of Bob Sanger, Stuart Slater, Henk Ribbink and Ed Tinley coming second with a score of 27.2. We had the pleasure of being joined by our invited guests, Club Captain Mark Tiplady, Ladies Captain Di Peisley and Course Manager Simon Justice. It was also good to see our Honorary Member of the Vets Section, Malcolm Scott, joining us and we look forward to seeing him again at future Vets events in the year ahead.
It is interesting what you discover about your playing partners while enjoying a round of golf. Some members have really interesting stories. You may not know that amongst our members is Gerald Marsh, a horologist of some note. Gerald told me a rather fascinating story about a clock that he twice had the pleasure of working with…
Built by Thomas Tompion, who is recognised as the father of English clockmaking, the clock was commissioned by William lll, circa 1700, to be presented to his cousin, the Duke of Florence, a member of the Medici family. When the King died in 1702 Tompion had still not been paid so he sent an invoice to Queen Anne for the sum of £564.15s. Quite a large amount at the time. Records show he never did get his money. Standing at 28 inches high in an ebony and gilded ormolu case this is a very complicated clock. The movement runs for 8 days and strikes the hours, half hours and quarter hours on 6 bells.
The clock was re discovered in Germany in 1985 and is probably the most important and complicated piece pass through the business of Marsh Clocks in Winchester. I am told it is still in perfect working order with its current owner and its value today would comfortably exceed anything ever seen on the Antiques Roadshow. Gerald is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers, a Freeman of the City of London and a member of AGC Vets Section! As we are at the time of subscription renewal I would like to invite any member over 60’s yrs. of age, to join the Vets. Section for 2021. We have a full calendar of inter club matches alongside a number of competitions and social events. Annual membership is just £10 and can be paid via the Club office. If you wish to know more please feel free to contact me for a chat. May I wish you all a Happy New Year and look forward, optimistically, to a full year of golf ahead.
Gareth Rees
…from the General Manager
CURRENT TIER 4 RESTRICTIONS (subject to Government review on 30/12)
2 balls only (tee intervals 7mins. As of Wednesday 6th January).
Range and practice areas open as normal
NO travel into a Tier 4 area to play permitted
Pro-Shop closed apart from ‘click ‘n collect’, golf ‘sign in’ and range balls.
Clubhouse toilets open until lunchtime most days.
Lessons (outdoor and studio) still available
All members should display their bag tag with a current year sticker whenever on the course.
WHITE = Academy or Winter member
RED = Junior (Under 12)
MAROON = 5 day member
YELLOW = Introductory (n/a after 31/12/20)
BLUE = 7 day member
2021 stickers are available upon payment of your subscriptions via the Office.
As temperatures have now dropped – winter is here and will no doubt disrupt our golf with rain, frost , fog , snow and ice on numerous occasions before the clocks return to summertime.
Please bear the following in mind when playing.
- If it is frosty or icy, the chance is that the car park will be slippery too ! Take care when driving around the car park. SLOWLY PLEASE. We will endeavour to grit the main walking areas around the clubhouse and car park but can not guarantee that every surface will be slip free!
- The fact that the course has not been officially closed does not warrant that it is entirely fit for play.
- Players have a duty of care not to behave in a manner that may be dangerous or cause harm to other players. DO NOT tee off the 1st tee until you have heard the bell or if you arrive on the tee and can not see a group ahead of you – wait a couple of minutes before teeing off JUST IN CASE …
- They also have a duty of care not to injure themselves by paying particular care and attention to the conditions.
- Please take extra care with regards to slipping on the wet, muddy or frozen ground – golf shoes will collect the mud and ice on the soles rendering your spikes useless.
- Avoid walking up or down slopes and banks wherever possible especially if with a trolley – use the proper paths.
- Do not walk across any slope or bank with your trolley, your golf shoes are not skis and you will not be able to traverse safely along a slope. Holding the weight of your golf trolley will cause you to loose footing !
- Please obey all course signage and avoid area’s roped off – there is a reason for this !
- Wooden sleeper edges will stay slippery and so do not walk on them.
Playing in such conditions can be dangerous – Players do so at their own risk !
FACEBOOK – check out our Facebook page
Make sure you ‘like’ our Facebook page and you will link to it and get the regular pictures and updates on what’s happening ! Share with your friends to help us boost our online and social media profiles
Follow us at
Subscription Renewals 2021
ALL Subscription invoices have been either emailed or posted and are now due. If you have not received yours please contact the Office immediately as payment is due on 1st January – but yes, you do have until 31st January to make your payment and still receive you £50 ‘on time ‘ payment to your bar card.
To help us with this we would appreciate the early settlement of invoices and so ease the burden on the Office.
January is not however ‘a free month on us’ if you are not going to re-join. If you intend not to rejoin – a telephone call or email to let us know is greatly appreciated. Simply to ignore your invoice and subsequent reminders just causes us extra work. You may have told your friends – but that doesn’t count !
Looking for a way to ease the burden of subscription renewal each year ?
Why not join the ADVANCE SUBSCRIPTIONS SCHEME in 2021 ? Choose any amount to pay over 10 months towards your subscription bill in 2022. Build up a credit on your account which is offset against your renewal bill due 1st January 2022. Pay as much or as little as you wish. Speak to the Office for more details and to receive an ADVANCE SUBS mandate form
Have you put the Club V1 App onto your smartphone?To download the app please visit the App Store (Apple) or Play Store (Android) and search for ClubV1 Members Hub. The app is completely free. If you wish to download the Club app to your laptop or home computer use the web link below, creating a HDIDO registration as above and saving onto your desktop.
One of the key benefits of the app is that it will provide a secure access to members contact information. However, members must edit / confirm their details and privacy settings to enable other members to be able to access their contact details. Within the Members area you will also be able to view:
- Course Status
- Live Competition Leaderboard
- Club News
- Competition Results
- Bar Balance and Receipts
- Members List
- Edit your personal details and privacy settings (You must ‘opt in’ for other members to be able to view your contact details)
- Club Diary
Please inform the club if you wish your name to be not visible to other members.
We fully expect changes and guidelines to playing access. It is therefore important that members are able to keep up to date with course availability and any notifications.
The App is an easy way for us to send out information.
There will be a Special General Meeting of Alresford Golf Club
to be held via ZOOM at 7.00pm on Friday 15th January 2021
You must register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
David Maskery
Green News
The damage being done by both Corvids and Covid is fairly depressing. But we are doing everything possible about the former with rotating scarers; bangers; scarecrows and falconry. We do think the situation is easing off a little and maybe as the temperature drops their lunch will be harder to retrieve. Keep in mind the birds can travel long distances so don’t think of them as “residents” although it feels like some of them will soon apply for membership!
We have purchased 6 starling boxes and hope to encourage them to move in. The starling is a natural leather jacket predator but does so in a much tidier way. We are taking advice from a knowledgeable member and will start around the 9th and 12th holes.
Early December we had perfect conditions for fusarium with similar daytime and night time temperatures; 100% humidity and little wind. The Greens could be switched of dew and within a short space of time it simply reformed. There were more applications of fungicide; turf hardeners and dew suppressants being applied. We have three different types of green construction with the 1st green having more sand which is favourable to fusarium. This is partly why some greens are more affected than others. Thankfully the weather has changed so fresh grass is pushing through the scars with the worst area’s being plugged in the future.Tees and Aprons had a winter feed and were also treated for worms which were creating muddy patches by casting. We have some regular muddy area’s that are defended when practical by ropes and hoops but so far few trolley bans. However the green keepers have noticed increased wear away from the 15th tee which is attributed to people cutting from the 6th green to the 7th tee down the 15th fairway. Please use the public footpath instead even if you are carrying. Most of the fairways have been cut with the exception of the 9th; 11th and 12th which will happen when conditions allow.

After the sheep were moved to between the 3rd and 17th the rough was cut to tidy it up.
Shaping the Future
The development projects are coming along nicely with what is done and when being heavily dependent on the ground conditions. The guys were amazing with the speed at which they laid the new grass tee tops with the slopes being done when they are drier and firmer. One of the pictures shows a trench to the side of the new 1st Red Tee, easily taken for granted but this is to connect it into the irrigation system.
The new base for the practice nets has started and the base for the new log cabin won’t be far away. We have an issue with large delivery lorries being unable to go into the green keepers yard due to lack of concrete. So please bear with us when the log cabin is delivered on a pallet as it will probably have to be offloaded in the car park.

Early frosty mornings will be used to continue taking out the smaller Ash trees that are diseased, probably between 3rd and 7th fairways, with Colin Luff due in February to take on the larger tree work. For planting we have settled on just buying new saplings rather than using a tree spade, mainly because of the economics but also to avoid course damage by the tracks. The new double cherry planted near the practice dome and practice swale was kindly donated by Becky and Tom Scott. The location/concept being approved by the Greens Committee as being part of our strategy for trees in this area.
Bob Moore
Chair of Greens Committee
A Look at the Rules
Backing into a branch or a boundary object when that is the only way to take a stance for the selected stroke, even if this moves the branch or boundary object out of the way or causes it to bend or break, is considered as fairly taking a stance.
See Interpretation 8.1b/3

100 Club
The winners of the 100 Club prize draw for January 2021 were:
£100 Terry Foreman
£50 Drew Fielden
£32 Barbara Woolnough
£32 Rosie Hallas
£32 Mike Pigott
£32 Laurie Clark
I would like to wish all our 100 Club members very best wishes for the New Year.
Congratulations to all our winners in this the first draw of 2021 . Next month’s draw will take place during week beginning 18 January so look out for the results on the Secretary’s board in the entrance hall.
For those who like to make a note of forthcoming significant dates then this one is for your diary. Friday 23 July is the date for the 100 Club Stableford and Evening Meal. We were of course unable to have this event in 2020 so let’s hope we can return to our regular events this year.
If you would like to be part of the 100 Club and actively contribute towards future enhancements to our facilities, and have the chance of winning a cash prize each month, then why not join us.
The monthly draw is for six cash prizes: £100, £50 and four at £32.
Each share cost £1 per month paid for by monthly standing order and there is no limit to the number you can purchase. Members generally have between 1 and 10 shares with 5 being the most common holding.
For further information about the 100 Club and its history please refer to this section in previous editions of FORE Info. Application forms can be obtained from the Secretary’s office or from me – Pat Wallis phone 01420 564417 or email
Pat Wallis
Full Results | |
Men's & Mixed Competitions | |
5th December - Men's Turkey Trot | |
1st Simon Tillson | 38 points |
2nd Peter Smith | 37 |
3rd Dan Pulling | 36 |
3rd David Robertson | 36 |
5th Stephen Hopkins | 35 |
6th December - Men's Turkey Trot | |
1st Lee Feast | 41 points |
2nd Stephen Morgan | 40 |
3rd Steven West | 39 |
4th Anthony Briggs | 38 |
5th Paul Bell | 37 |
12th December - Pro's Stableford | |
1st Karl Evans | 43 points |
2nd Peter Smith | 42 |
3rd Harry Dhand | 40 |
4th Adrian Leese | 37 |
19th December - Pro's Stableford | |
1st Lee Phillips | 37 points |
2nd Tim O’Connor | 36 |
3rd Scot Johnston | 34 |
20th December - Pro's Stableford | |
1st Andrew Petley | 39 points |
2nd Paul Robson | 38 |
3rd Michael Johnson | 37 |
4th Simon Freemantle | 37 |
Ladies' Competitions | |
5th December - Ladies Turkey Trot | |
Overall Winner: Melanie Gregory Pulling (Div 3) 27 points | |
Div 1: Nikki White | 25 points |
Div 3: Lynne Duncan | 25 points |
8th December - Ladies Turkey Trot | |
Overall Winner: Linda Wager (Div 2) 35 points | |
Div 1: Elaine Capp | 34 points |
Div 3: Ann Gunn | 34 points |
Editor: David Marshall
The Editorial Team take no responsibility for incorrect information received from Contributors.
Any other business
The Management Committee would like to thank David Marshall for agreeing to take over as Editor of Fore Info from Trevor Hodgkinson. Thanks Trevor and we wish David well in his new role in addition to him serving on Greens and Match & Competitions Committees.