Fore Info January 2019

Burns Supper 2019
Saturday 26th January 7pm for 7.30pm
Now the Christmas and New Year celebrations are over, it’s time to book up for the first big event of 2019 … the Burns Supper. This is an evening which can be enjoyed by everyone. There are many reasons for this… the uniquely Scottish experience of good company with whisky, haggis, neeps (mashed swede) and tatties, and a light-hearted appreciation of Scotland’s Bard, and of course, the skirl of the bagpipes. The sign-up list for the evening is on the Social notice board.
This year the principal speakers will be George Clelland, who will propose the Immortal Memory; Graham Marshallsay will be proposing the Toast tae the Lassies and will be hoping for a gracious reply from Sue Masser.
The cost of the evening will be £26 per person and includes the meal and a glass of your favourite tipple for the toasts after the meal. Please make sure you make your payment to the Office before the event.
Contact George Clelland for further information.
Dress: Black Tie
From the Club Captain
The hunch-weather season is with us! It’s an old 18th century word used to describe weather such as drizzle and strong wind – bad enough to make people hunch over when they walk! It’s a shame that we haven’t had a sustained period of cold frosty weather to drive the grubs, which the rooks have been feeding on, deep into the soil. The green keepers have done a great job repairing the damage that the rooks have caused but I have a feeling that they would prefer to be spending their time on other more important work. A spot of weather as described in the Christmas carol “In the Bleak Midwinter” is what we need – with “earth stood hard as iron” and the “water like a stone”.
Whilst on the subject of carols, our own Carol Roe and her team have been very busy during December, first putting up the festive decorations in our clubhouse, next assisting with the White Christmas Quiz (more on that below) and then on Boxing Day helping with the refreshments after the popular seasonal Captain v Professional challenge where 69 members and guests enjoyed 9 holes followed by savoury snacks and a whisky mac. Malcolm’s team was again triumphant with a 9 ½ – 7 ½ victory to retain the trophy.
Thanks to Malcolm and Jane for squeezing a £1 donation from the participants, plus they included a donation of their own, to add a total of £100 to the Captains Charity. The guests were very complimentary about the quality of our course despite the new damage caused by those pesky rooks. The final social event of the year – New Years Eve dinner dance – sold out very quickly and is eagerly awaited – well done Carol and all of the Social Committee for their efforts in arranging the very diverse set of the events during 2018.
Earlier in the month I was lucky enough to be invited to play in the Vets Xmas Scramble followed by lunch, the first time I had played with the Vets, a very jolly time was concluded by a medley of carols played by George Skayman on his flugelhorn.
An invite to play in the Ladies Xmas Scramble provided another first, playing from the Red Tees! I have played the odd 2nd shot from a ladies tee but this was an entirely new challenge – not to be out driven by the ladies! Sue describes the day in more detail within her report. Another fine lunch was provided by Chris, Kelly and their team with more Carols being sung by the Ladies Choir.
The weekend of the 14th – 16th proved to be a busy weekend, on Friday the clubhouse was full with 15 teams enjoying Rob and Jim White’s Christmas Quiz. The various rounds provided a combination of a test of knowledge, observation and guesswork! Additional thanks go to Phil Campbell (a club member) and Kati Turner who entertained us on bass guitar and keyboard in the “Intros” music round. The Captains’ team did the honourable thing and blobbed the knowledge of the new 2019 Rules round! It’s a good job that George and the match committee are arranging several sessions on the 2019 rules in early January please do come along as you are sure to learn something.
The White Christmas Quiz was won by Carol Roe’s team. It was good to see that the teams were made up with representation from all club members, male, female, young, mature, playing and social members – ONE CLUB – everyone appeared to enjoy themselves with some good food served by Chris and Kelly and good drinks served by the bar staff. The Pro’s draw and the Sunday carvery was next with Malcolm and Jane welcoming members with a new golf ball and a Christmas drink. The draw threw up some interesting random combinations of winners and prizes, a full list is on the Social notice board in the foyer, but I must mention the fact that I won a pair of ladies golf boots, needless to say some wag asked whether I would be wearing them on the Red Tees anytime soon?
The opening Men’s match of the season will soon be with us and a request for players will go up for the scratch match against the County on the 17th February, we need 20 Cat 1 & 2 players and a further 10 Cat 3 players to partner the County team. Please consider putting your names down for this match as it’s an opportunity to play with our top amateur players.
Finally, please keep a look out for details of a free to enter competition that will appear soon, every club member can enter – ONE CLUB
I hope to see as many of you as possible at the New Year’s Day roll up at 11:00 – just 9 holes followed by some refreshments, bring a guest if you can.
To close I wish you all a wealthy, healthy and wise (learn the new rules!) New Year and lots of good golf in 2019
Graham Marshallsay
Ladies Section
Well I have hit the ground running since the AGM and Drive In – if I thought it would be reasonably quiet in the run up to Christmas I was very wrong!
The first thing I did was to attend a rules session together with Gill Freemantle at Dummer golf Club put on by the HLCGA. This highlighted not least the need to make sure that all our Ladies are up to scratch with the 2019 rules before they come into play on January 1st. You will have seen notices and received emails from me on the subject but in case the message has not got through please do attend one of the sessions which will be run by the club in January – the dates can be found below in the Match Committee Report.
The Turkey Trot took place on just one day due to the appalling weather on the Saturday. The Tuesday started frosty but turned into a glorious day and the winner of Division 1 was winter member Dorothy Shore with 33 pts, of Division 3 Gunnel Berry with 32 pts and the overall winner as well as winner of Division 2 was Elaine Spreadbury with 37 pts.
The next day I was invited to play in the Vets Texas Scramble and enjoyed a lovely game of golf followed by Christmas lunch – thank you to Drew Fielden for the Invitation and to Wyn Tufnell for the excellent organisation.
The first round of the Winter Triple took place at Lee on The Solent and we had a cracking game on a beautiful day which ended in a great result for Alresford. We are lying 4 points clear of Lee and 6 points clear of Corhampton at the moment – let’s hope we can keep this up in the next two legs.
I do hope you all enjoyed the Ladies Christmas Texas Scramble and lunch as much as I did. Again we were blessed with lovely weather and a huge field of 84 with a further 8 joining us for lunch. After golf we quizzed and we sang as well as enjoying lovely food and I am so grateful to you all for supporting my first big event.
Since then I have participated in the White Christmas Quiz with my team The Captains & Their Mates and we came third in spite of scoring nil points in the golf section….! A great night with many thanks to Rob White and Jim White
The Pro Christmas Draw and Carvery was also excellent – Malcolm and Jane welcomed us with a glass of Christmas cheer before we sat down to a lovely meal provided by Chris and Kelly and then the draw followed.
The Prize Table for the Ladies Christmas Texas Scramble
There was also sad news as we learned of the death of Susan Lambert past Ladies Secretary. I attended Susan’s funeral on 27th December along with other ladies from the club.
I hope this arrives in your inbox before New Years Day – please don’t forget Mal and I will be running a roll up from 11am for you all with some nibbles to follow and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible – a great way to start 2019.
May I wish you all a very Happy New Year with lots of good results in 2019.
Match Committee Report
Annual Review of Handicaps
The Committee will be conducting the Annual Review of handicaps for men on Friday 18th January. We will also be carrying out a review of the performance of players who have been returning a long sequence of scores above their buffer zone. Players whose handicaps are adjusted as a result of these reviews will be notified by email or letter. The Annual Review for the ladies will be held towards the end of the month.
New Rules of Golf
The new Rules of Golf are effective from 1st January. It is your responsibility to know the Rules. The last few issues of Fore have included information on the changes and links to various websites with further details and graphics. Free copies of the Rules books can be ordered on-line from the R&A Shop (you only pay for the postage), and Apps are available for your Android or Apple smartphone. We are also planning to hold some education sessions in the Clubhouse on the changes to the Rules. These will probably last about 60-90 minutes and the dates which we’ve pencilled in are …
- Saturday 12th January @ 08:30
- Saturday 12th January @ 14:00
- Tuesday 15th January @ 14:00
- Wednesday 16th January @ 13:00
All the sessions are open to everyone.
Sheep Enclosure
The sheep have now arrived. As in previous years, you must not attempt to retrieve your ball from the enclosure as the fence is electrified. The enclosure, wherever it might be, is now defined as an abnormal course condition – no play zone. You may claim free relief is your ball is known or virtually certain to be in the enclosure. For the purposes of finding the nearest point of complete relief, the spot of the ball is the estimated point where it crossed the edge of the sheep enclosure.
Wrong Green
Now that we may have temporary greens in play, a reminder about wrong greens. A Wrong Green is any green on the course other than the putting green of the hole being played. This includes all marked temporary greens. You must take free relief if your ball comes to rest on a wrong green or the wrong green physically interferes with your stance – ie you must not stand on the wrong green to play your shot. The relief area is 1 club length from the reference point.
Summer Knock-outs
The winter isn’t quite over yet, but we’ve started planning for the summer now. The entry sheets for the Men’s and Mixed Summer Knock-outs – Wessex Singles, Ross Over 50’s Singles, Cooper Foursomes, Rotherham Mixed Foursomes and the Company Cup – will in the Pro’s Shop by mid-January. The closing date for entries will be Sunday 3rd March and the draws will be posted in the following week.
George Clelland
A Look at the Rules
A player uses a compass during a stipulated round to help determine the direction of the wind or the direction of the grain in the greens. Is the player in breach of Rule 14-3?

Vets Section
It is already over a month since the changing of the guard at the club Drive–In and for the Vets Section it has been a busy few weeks. Four of the eight winter league matches have been played; some of it in near dark conditions and at South Winchester on a stormy day, the teams endured icy conditions blasted by sleet. Halfway through the season we sit midway in the league and all to play for in the New Year. All signed up Vets with a competition handicap are eligible to play in these matches against local teams which are competitive and fun.
On 5 December we held the Christmas Texas Scramble and lunch, excellently organised by Wynne Tufnell and attended by over half of the Vets Section members. It was a great opportunity to say thank you to our guests David, Melissa and Linda from the Secretary’s office, Adam our acting head green keeper, Malcolm and Jane and the club and ladies captains. We were well fed and watered and entertained to a medley of Christmas carols by George Skayman on his flugelhorn…
The results were:
1st Tee
Graham Lumb
George Hand
Dudley George
Dennis Jones
Runners Up:
Geoff Jenkins
Geoff Procter
David Maskery
Melissa Gori
10th Tee
Tony Hutt
Steve Oldham
Ewan McGregor.
Runners Up:
Terry Lane
Keith Turner
John Miles
A very happy New Year to all of the Vets!
Drew Fielden
…from the Secretary
Welcome to the following new members who have all joined the club starting during December and January so far ; Tim Forster (7 day), Stephen Chandler ( Academy), Sophia Lane (Junior).
We hope that your time at the club will be a long and enjoyable one for all of you.
Remember – YOU , our members are our best salespeople. We need new members and have vacancies in all categories? If you know any friends or acquaintances who are thinking of joining a club or changing clubs, or have new neighbours who have recently moved to the area , please do your best to sell them the benefits of Alresford Golf Club.
Fancy a game in the week?
All members are welcome to come along to the ‘club roll-up’ on Wednesday mornings. The usual start time from January 2017 will be 11.00am all year – all timings subject to any advanced tee reservations.
Wednesday 2nd ~ 11.00am
Wednesday 9th ~ 11.15am (due to society)
Wednesday 16th ~ 11.00am
Wednesday 23rd ~ 11.00am
Wednesday 30th ~ 11.00am
Wednesday 6th ~ 11.00am
Wednesday 13th ~ 11.00am
Wednesday 20th ~ 11.00am
May I remind all members that we are welcoming new membership enquiries for all categories? If you know any friends or acquaintances who are thinking of joining a club or changing clubs, please do your best to sell them the benefits of Alresford.
Special Member Referral Offer
Refer a new 5 or 7 day playing member* and receive an EXTRA £50 credit on your bar card
Speak to the Secretary for more information.
* not applicable to Winter membership applicants
ALL Subscription invoices have been either emailed or posted and are now due. If you have not received yours please contact the Office immediately as payment is now due. To help us with this we would appreciate the early settlement of invoices and so ease the burden on the Office.
If you intend not to rejoin – a telephone call or email to let us know is greatly appreciated. Simply to ignore your invoice and subsequent reminders just causes us extra work. You may have told your friends – but that doesn’t count !
Looking for a way to ease the burden of subscription renewal each year ?
Why not join the ADVANCE SUBSCRIPTIONS SCHEME in 2019 ? Choose any amount to pay over 10 months towards your subscription bill in 2020. Build up a credit on your account which is offset against your renewal bill due 1st January 2020. Pay as much or as little as you wish. Speak to the Office for more details and to receive an ADVANCE SUBS mandate form
Friday 18th January
Fun Pub Quiz
Sunday 20th January
Sunday Lunch Carvery
Saturday 26th January
Burns Night (limited spaces still available)
Saturday 2nd February
Chinese New Year Buffet & Quiz
Friday 22nd February
Fun Pub Quiz
Over the Winter / Spring period the Clubhouse (and Bar) will close on Fridays as per the normal weekday times , unless there is an event or pre-booked function. Below is the current list of dates when the bar will be closed earlier.
Friday 4th January
Friday 11th January
Friday 1st February
Friday 15th February
Please check the club website and main noticeboard for changes to these dates.
Sheep on the course (2019 Rule update)
All members are reminded that entry into the sheep enclosure is NOT permitted.
Members with pace makers must stay away from the electric fence.
Any part of the general area of the course which is being used as a sheep enclosure is defined as an abnormal ground condition all of which is a no play zone. Rule 16.1f applies and free relief must be taken under Rule 16.1b. The nearest point of complete relief should be identified and a substitute ball must be dropped and come to rest in the relief area.
If it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in the sheep enclosure, then Rule 16.1e applies. The player may take free relief under Rule 16.1b using the estimated point where the ball crossed the edge of the sheep enclosure as the spot of the ball for the purposes of finding the nearest point of compete relief. If, however, it is not known or virtually certain that the ball came to rest in the sheep enclosure, the ball is lost and the player must take stroke-and-distance relief under Rule 18.2.
This local rule is not optional – all players must take note.
Help Please
Are you an avid Facebook user? Can you help us with encouraging postings and engagement with members and non-members?
If you would like to help with keeping our Facebook page ‘up to date’ and interesting please speak to the Secretary.
check out our Facebook page
Do you like the regular daily posts which are currently happening? Is there anything which you feel would be useful to include?
Make sure you ‘like’ our Facebook page and you will link to it and get the regular pictures and updates on what’s happening! Share our page to your friends.
- Drop from knee height NOT shoulder height
- Spike marks and other shoe damage on the putting green can be repaired even if its on your putting line. Good to know: But this is not free licence to smooth out the entire line of putt, as natural imperfections are part of the game.
- Ball accidentally moved on putting green = NO penalty and replace
- A double hit is almost always accidental, and the outcome so random as to hardly be beneficial. So golfers are now spared the ignominy of adding a penalty for hitting a ball twice with one swing. It counts as only one stroke.
- Time to search for a ‘lost’ ball is now only 3 minutes – unless you are going to run towards your wayward shot you might as well play a provisional ball straight away !
Or visit
Whilst temperatures have returned to a more balmy level, winter is still here and will no doubt disrupt our golf with rain, frost , fog , snow and ice on numerous occasions before the clocks return to summertime.
Please bear the following in mind when playing.
- If it is frosty or icy, the chance is that the car park will be slippery too ! Take care when driving around the car park. SLOWLY PLEASE. We will endeavour to grit the main walking areas around the clubhouse and car park but can not guarantee that every surface will be slip free!
- The fact that the course has not been officially closed does not warrant that it is entirely fit for play.
- Players have a duty of care not to behave in a manner that may be dangerous or cause harm to other players. DO NOT tee off the 1st tee until you have heard the bell or if you arrive on the tee and can not see a group ahead of you – wait a couple of minutes before teeing off JUST IN CASE …
- They also have a duty of care not to injure themselves by paying particular care and attention to the conditions.
- Please take extra care with regards to slipping on the wet, muddy or frozen ground – golf shoes will collect the mud and ice on the soles rendering your spikes useless.
- Avoid walking up or down slopes and banks wherever possible especially if with a trolley – use the proper paths.
- Do not walk across any slope or bank with your trolley, your golf shoes are not skis and you will not be able to traverse safely along a slope. Holding weight of the trolley will cause you to loose footing !
- Please obey all course signage and avoid area’s roped off – there is a reason for this !
- Wooden sleeper edges will stay slippery and so do not walk on them.
Playing in such conditions can be dangerous – Players do so at their own risk !
We are proud and delighted to announce that we have secured a ‘reciprocal agreement’ with EL PARAISO GOLF CLUB, near Estepona, Málaga, Spain. (10mins. from Puerto Banus).
Alresford GC members can enjoy preferential rates all year round when booking. If you are visiting the area and want to play please speak to the Secretary who will advise of the booking arrangements and preferential rates.
El Paraiso is one of the most established courses on the Costa del Sol. Set out in the peaceful El Paraiso valley with the backdrop of the majestic ‘La Concha’ mountain to the north and the sparkling Mediterranean to the south, El Paraiso has a real members club feel to it and you can be sure of a warm welcome. Lush fairways are punctuated by meandering streams, flanked by palm trees and an abundance of exotic fauna, including oleander, jacaranda and mimosas. Lakes provide a home for waterbirds and the golf balls of the unwary! It is an enjoyable test of golf for both the low and high handicapper. Good practice facilities, very reasonable Pro-Shop and excellent restaurant – all come highly recommended.
Green News
The course has fared exceptionally well with heavy rains over the last few weeks. The greens remain consistent for the time of year with very little flooding. This is due to a repetitive aeration program. Every week we are either pro-coring to a depth of 125mm with a solid 9mm tine or using a sarel spiking roller to just gently spike the top 50mm. Added to this is the use of wetting agents to enhance filtration through the soil profile keeping the playing surface reasonably dry.
The fairways and outfield are performing well although still being pecked by birds the team have been proactive on repair and deterrents. Bunkers have been flooding of late and the team are slowly replenishing the old contaminated sand in areas of flood. This again will aid percolation away from the surface into the substructure.
The team have planted a beech hedge around the yard by the tenth tee. The saplings are 90-110cm in height and will in time shield the unsightly yard giving a similar look to the hedgerow around the carpark. These saplings will grow 30-50cm per year needing two cuts per annum.
John Goodacre has now left the team to go on his winter vacation in France with his wife Esme. We would like to thank John wholeheartedly for the help that he has provided the team since June. We will never forget this, and we are very grateful.
Simon Justice is set to join us on the 2nd of Jan with exciting new ideas for the course and full backing of the team. If you see him around do not hesitate to introduce yourself and give him a good Alresford welcome.
Simon taking over will be a great relief to Adam, who is looking forward to returning to his favoured position of right-hand man. Adam has led our small, depleted team with drive, determination and inspiration. His pride in the club, the course and his team has led to us having a course at the high standard we have come to expect. It has been an experience he and the lads will look back on with pride for many years to come. He has asked me to include the following in this report. I am happy to do this, considering that he wrote the first 5 paragraphs himself!
Adam would like to thank everyone at the club for all the support that he and the team have received since May with special mention to Tip for his direction and mentoring, Dave for staff management advice and Mel for financial guidance. They have made a difficult situation easier and he is forever grateful.
So are we Adam!
Happy golfing in the New Year!
Mark Tiplady
A Look at the Rules
No. A compass only provides directional information and does not gauge or measure variable conditions or assist the player in his play.

100 Club
The winners of the 100 Club prize draw for January were:
£100 Claire Gould
£50 George Skayman
£32 Harold Young
£32 Peter Harwood
£32 Barry Norgate
£32 Jess Miles
Congratulations to the winners of the first draw for 2019. The next draw will take place in the week beginning 21st January 2019.
Firstly a big thank you and farewell to David Farr and Robin Good who have stepped down as Trustees of the 100 Club after as many years as anyone can remember. Many thanks to both for their wise custodianship of 100 Club funds during those years. George Clelland and Ian Swann have agreed to take over as Trustees so this is now in place. George has therefore relinquished his role as Administrator and I have taken over. So a very big thank you to George for the last 10+ years managing the affairs of the 100 Club with such dedication – a hard act to follow!
Not a member of the 100 Club?
The objective of the Alresford Golf Club 100 Club is to raise funds for projects and items requiring capital expenditure that will enhance the Golf Course and/or the Clubhouse. Such projects would generally be considered ‘extras’ and not necessarily be within the Club budget. The 100 Club was launched in 1987 to raise funds to augment the Centenary celebrations of the Golf Club in 1990, but at the request of the members, the 100 Club has continued to raise funds for items such as the Information Board and Clock on the 1st tee and the Automatic External Defibrillator in the Entrance Hall.
If you’re not a member of the 100 Club, you can become one for as little as £1 per month. Shares in the 100 Club are purchased for £1 per month and there is no limit on the number of shares which can be held. In general, most members have between 1 and 5 shares and pay by monthly direct debit, though it’s also possible to pay quarterly or annually. Each share is allocated a number which is entered in the monthly draw. The top prize is £100, with a second prize of £50 and four other prizes of £32. For more information contact Pat Wallis on 01420 564417 or, or call in to the Secretary’s Office.
Pat Wallis
Men’s & Mixed Competitions | ||
1st December – Turkey Trot | ||
1st Ian Jones | 39 points | |
2nd Rob Gates | 38 | |
2nd December – Turkey Trot | ||
1st Tim Wootton-Beard | 37 points | |
1st= Richard West | 37 | |
1st= Nick Binstead | 37 | |
4th= Simon Freemantle | 36 | |
4th= Lee Phillips | 36 | |
4th= Peter Grant | 36 | |
4th= Brian Wright | 36 | |
4th= Brian Overton | 36 | |
16th December – Pro’s December Stableford | ||
1st Craig Dillon | 39 points | |
2nd Andrew Petley | 37 | |
3rd Drew Fielden | 35 | |
4th Graham Marshallsay | 35 | |
16th December – Pro’s Stableford | ||
1st Darren Boreham | 36 points | |
2nd Karl Evans | 35 | |
22nd December – Pro’s Stableford | ||
1st Paul Over | 42 points | |
2nd Peter Sly | 37 | |
3rd Paul Arber | 37 | |
4th Chris Stephens | 37 | |
Ladies’ Competitions | ||
December Stableford & Turkey Trot | ||
Div 1 Dorothy Shore | 33 points | |
Div 2 Elaine Spreadbury | 37 points* overall winner | |
Div 3 Gunnel Berry | 32 points | |
Winter Triple 1st Leg – 10th December @ Lee-on-the-Solent | ||
Alresford | 100 | |
Lee-on-the-Solen |
Editor: Andy Thomsen
The Editorial Team take no responsibility for incorrect information received from Contributors.