Fore Info January 2018
Management Corner
The Management Committee meeting scheduled for 18th December has been postponed until 8th January 2018.
There was a very low attendance at the AGM on 24th November so much so that at the scheduled start time a quorum (75 voting members) had not been obtained. Fortunately, a few latecomers arrived so that the meeting could start. All motions were passed with the requisite majorities.
From the Club Captain
December is always a happy month with many functions leading up to Christmas and the New Year. Sadly at the beginning of the month, many Club Members attended Jack Moody’s funeral. He was a very popular past Captain and had a kind word for all, which was always accompanied by a warm smile.
My first social event for December was an invitation from Chris to join the Men’s Veterans Section for the Christmas Texas Scramble and lunch. I had a very enjoyable day and many thanks to the Vets. Furthermore, I wish to thank them for donating £100 towards the Captains’ Charity.
The following week I was invited by Mary to join the Ladies’ section for a Texas Scramble and lunch. Mary and Gill Male, my team mates played superbly and we were pleased to win the front 9. Many thanks Girls.
Malcolm’s Draw was the usual success and his drinks party was enjoyed by all. Many thanks to Malcolm and his team for organizing this event. This was followed by an excellent Carvery.
The draw tickets for the Captain’s parking space raffle will be on sale from the beginning of January and your support for this would be appreciated.
Slow play has always been a problem for most golf clubs. This can often affect a person’s play, their enjoyment of the game and at worst cause animosity between golfers. Over the next few months, the Captain’s Committee will be discussing various measures which could be implemented to help improve the speed of play. There is no panacea to totally resolve this issue, so we will all have to have a little tolerance for others.
The course condition and Catering attracted very favourable comments from both Members and visiting golfers during 2017. The Social events were very successful and this was reflected by the increasing participation of Members.
I am looking forward to 2018 being as successful.
Marilyn and I wish you all a healthy New Year and lots of good Golf.
Brian Wright
Ladies Section
Where does the time go…this is already my second Fore Info insert and because we have had such a busy December the days have flown past.
December has certainly had its highs and lows. I attended the funerals of Dave Cooper and Jack Moody, both popular and great members of our Golf Club. Jack was Captain when I started and was so kind and helpful to me, he was a real gentleman. And Dave included me in his Team Golf team and was so thoughtful and supportive. He had promised to help me with my golf this year. He, like Jack, will be so sadly missed by us all.
The weather has played havoc with our matches, with both the Winter Triple at Lee on the Solent and our Maple Leaf match at Windlesham both cancelled due to the atrocious weather.
On a more positive note, the Turkey Trot was played and the overall winner, with an outstanding score of 40 points was Sarah Densham. Linda Glynn was the winner of Division 1 and Kathryn Fielden Division 3.
The Maple Leaf team did manage to play one of their matches away at Sherfield Oaks and I am delighted to report an outstanding win for Alresford.
I was lucky to be invited to the Vets Christmas Texas Scramble which was great fun and the first of the scrummy Christmas lunches. Although the weather was not behaving we still had such a lovely day, with a good joke told by Vets Captain, Chris Thompson… if you want to hear it, I suggest you ask him to repeat it… its very funny!
I couldn’t believe our luck when after 4 days of miserable weather, Tuesday 12th December, our Christmas Texas Scramble, was a beautiful sunny, if rather cold, day. We had a massive turnout of 80 players and 8 Ladies who came for the meal after. We had invited Club Captain, Brian and Vets Captain, Chris to play and join us for the meal and I hope they both enjoyed themselves. I was so proud of all the Ladies who bravely carried their 4 Clubs and a putter in temperatures of -2! However, it was a beautiful day and everyone came in after 9 holes happy to have played.
Carol Roe had written a great quiz to keep us busy till lunch was served and afterwards our new ‘Choir’ helped us all to sing a few carols. I have had some great feedback and hopefully everyone enjoyed the day as much as I did?
The Social Committee once again put on a great evening with ‘A question of Sport’ a fun quiz for everyone to enjoy. If you didn’t attend this year,make sure you do next year!
The Christmas Draw and Sunday lunch was very popular this year and thanks go to Malcolm and Jane for their welcoming drinks and for organizing the draw. Prize for the best dressed member must go to Simon Wills in his Christmas suit!
So a quick reminder for the Boxing Day traditional Captain V Pro Challenge starting at 9am and the New Year’s Day roll up from 11am – a great way to ease the head after the festivities from the night before. I hope to see you all there.
And finally, a very Merry Christmas to you all and a happy New Year, with some great golf scores in 2018!!
Best wishes
Mary Panter
Match Committee Report
Annual Review of Handicaps
We are holding the Annual Review for men on Friday 5th January. We will also be carrying out a review of the performance of players who have been returning a long sequence of scores above their buffer zone. Players whose handicaps are adjusted as a result of these reviews will be notified by email or letter and the changes will become effective on Monday 15th January.
Competition Entry – rule change
Partly as a consequence of the removal of the restriction on the number of Supplementary Scores which can be submitted, the Match Committee, with the approval of the Captain’s Committee, have decided to alter the criteria for entry to all Board and Trophy competitions.
From 1st January 2018, for all Board and Trophy competitions on the closing date for entry, all players must have a competitive handicap and must have submitted a score in at least 3 qualifying competitions at Alresford in the current or previous calendar year. If the format of the competition is singles, strokeplay, a member who does meet the above criteria may sign-in for the competition without paying an entry fee and submit a score for handicap purposes only. This exemption does not apply to the Club Championships.
Unfortunately, we didn’t quite get the text completely correct in Rule 8 of the new diary. To clarify, this new ruling applies to all Board and Trophy competitions including the match-play knock-outs and the Winter Leagues. It does not apply to Monthly, Midweek and Over 60’s medals and Stableford competitions.
George Clelland
Match Secetary
A Look at the Rules
May the Committee for a stroke play event make a Local Rule permitting competitors to discontinue play by agreement among themselves in bad weather?
Vets Section
The Christmas season continues apace with Texas Scrambles, dinners and lunches as well as social golf, enough to satisfy the most ardent golfer. At the end of November your team played in the Winter League against Royal Winchester, gaining a creditable 2 points for an away draw – and a lot of fun on the day. After that match we were on top of the leaderboard, one point ahead of Hockley (but they have a game in hand), with about half the games of the season still to be played in the new year.
On the 7th December we had the delayed Christmas Scramble and lunch. The winning group on the front 9 holes consisted of George Skayman, Geoff Jenkins, Tony Freeman and David Brooke with the team of Graham Lumb, David Maskery, David Voy, Peter Spreadbury as runners-up. The best team on the back 9 consisted of Tony Stanton, Ron Beal, Mel Elford and Tom McGrath with Dennis Jones, Steve Privett, Nick Duncan and Ed Tinley as runners-up. Congratulations to all of them. At lunch we were joined by our guests, Mary Panter (Ladies Captain), Brian Wright (Club Captain), Malcolm and Jane Scott, David Maskery and Steve Privett, and a surprise guest – the youngest honorary Vet at 2 years old – Melissa’s daughter Jessica, who behaved wonderfully throughout. Our thanks go to Wynne Tufnell for his selfless organisational efforts.
The following week I was a guest at the Ladies Christmas Scramble and lunch which was equally exciting – indeed very elaborate, with Christmas carols as well as prizes, excellent company and grub. The team I was in, with the Lady Vice Captain, played well but not well enough to win, but we had fun.
Several of ladies had heard about the joke I had told the previous week at our own Texas Scramble and wanted to hear it themselves, so I thought I would risk reprinting it here for posterity. It’s a feminist Christmas joke but rather unkind to Australians to whom I apologise unreservedly – in anticipation of the uproar of complaint from the antipodes.
Three Englishmen and an Australian are playing golf in November and decide to play on Christmas Day. Come the 25th December it’s a lovely crisp morning and there they all are on the first tee, but the three Englishmen are not looking too good. The first one says, “Crikey, this the most expensive round of golf I have ever played. I had to buy the wife a Mercedes for Christmas before she would let me play”. The second guy says “ yep me too, I had to buy mine a diamond necklace” and the third Englishman says “me too, my wife now has a new set of Louis Vuitton suitcases”. The Aussie looks at them and says “I can’t believe you guys, this round cost me nothing”. “How come?” ask his mates. “Well” says he “I just woke up this morning, slapped the missus on the back side and said “Morning Sweetheart, golf or sex?”, and without turning over she said – “Don’t forget your sweater”.
So there it is, the holidays are nearly here and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
…from the Secretary
Welcome to the following new members who have all joined the club starting during November and December so far ; Michael Kerby, Mrs Jackie Coulson, Graham Foulkes, Ashley Gregory and George Peaston (winter membership), James Ingram (Social Extra), Oliver Stuart and Max Phillipson (Juniors).
We hope that your time at the club will be a long and enjoyable one for all of you.
May I remind all members that we are welcoming new membership enquiries for all categories? If you know any friends or acquaintances who are thinking of joining a club or changing clubs, please do your best to sell them the benefits of Alresford.
Of particular interest may be our NEW Winter membership. Available from 1st November 2017 until 31st March 2018. You can see from the list of 13 new members above that this is proving extremely popular. We are limiting the initial intake to 30 people so If you know of any members of other clubs who suffer poor playing conditions over the winter – this may be ideal for them – please let them know. The subscription is pro-rata for those joining from December onwards.
• 7 days a week
• NO joining fee
• Eligible to play in competitions and ‘roll up’s’
• Obtain an official CONGU handicap
• Utilise the clubhouse and catering with discount card for bar and food purchases
• Full use of club’s practice facilities, driving range and PAR3 course
• Bring guests to play on reduced members
‘guest rate’
• Attend social functions
Contact the Office for full details and application form.
Club ‘Roll Up’
Fancy a game in the week? All members are welcome to come along to the ‘club roll-up’ on Wednesday mornings. The usual start time from January 2018 will be 11.00am all year – all timings subject to any advanced tee reservations.
Wednesday 3rd 11.15am (due to golf society)
Wednesday 10th 11.00am
Wednesday 17th 11.00am
Wednesday 24th 11.00am
Wednesday 31st 11.00am
Wednesday 7th 11.00am
Wednesday 14th 11.00am
Wednesday 21st 11.00am
Is anyone interested in a gentle 9 holes, once or twice a week? If 18 holes is getting a little too much but you still wish to take some golfing exercise with a coffee or lunch afterwards please let the Secretary know who will put you in touch with other like-minded members. We have a small group of older members looking for more playing partners.
Forthcoming events your diary
Friday 19th January
Sunday 14th january
Saturday 27th January
Sunday 11th February
Friday 16th February
Saturday 10th March
Sunday 11th March
Subscription Renewals 2018
ALL Subscription invoices have been either emailed or posted and are now due. If you have not received yours please contact the Office immediately as payment is now due. To help us with this we would appreciate the early settlement of invoices and so ease the burden on the Office.
If you intend not to rejoin – a telephone call or email to let us know is greatly appreciated. Simply to ignore your invoice and subsequent reminders just causes us extra work.
Please note change to Friday bar closing times
Over the Winter / Spring period the Clubhouse (and Bar) will close on Fridays as per the normal weekday times , unless there is an event or pre-booked function. Below is the current list of dates when the bar will be closed earlier.
Friday 5th January
Friday 2nd February
Friday 9th February
Please check the club website and main noticeboard for changes to these dates.
Looking for a way to ease the burden of subscription renewal each year?
Why not join the ADVANCE SUBSCRIPTIONS SCHEME in 2018? Choose any amount to pay over 10 months towards your subscription bill in 2019. Build up a credit on your account which is offset against your renewal bill due 1st January 2019. Pay as much or as little as you wish. Speak to the Office for more details and to receive an ADVANCE SUBS mandate form.
Sheep on the course
All members are reminded that entry into the sheep enclosure is NOT permitted.
Members with pace makers must stay away from the electric fence.
If a ball is in the sheep enclosure, it MUST NOT be retrieved, and another ball must be substituted and dropped in accordance with Rule 25-1b. If it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in the sheep enclosure, the player may take relief , without penalty, as prescribed under Rule 25-1c.
This local rule is not optional – all players must take note.
Notice to all Members
Whilst temperatures have returned to a more balmy level, winter is still here and will no doubt disrupt our golf with rain, frost , fog , snow and ice on numerous occasions before the clocks return to summertime.
Please bear the following in mind when playing.
If it is frosty or icy, the chance is that the car park will be slippery too ! Take care when driving around the car park. SLOWLY PLEASE. We will endeavour to grit the main walking areas around the clubhouse and car park but can not guarantee that every surface will be slip free!
The fact that the course has not been officially closed does not warrant that it is entirely fit for play.
Players have a duty of care not to behave in a manner that may be dangerous or cause harm to other players.
They also have a duty of care not to injure themselves by paying particular care and attention to the conditions.
Please take extra care with regards to slipping on the wet, muddy or frozen ground – golf shoes will collect the mud and ice on the soles rendering your spikes useless.
Avoid walking up or down slopes and banks wherever possible especially if with a trolley – use the proper paths.
Do not walk across any slope or bank with your trolley, your golf shoes are not skis and you will not be able to traverse safely along a slope. Holding weight of the trolley will cause you to loose footing!
Please obey all course signage and avoid area’s roped off – there is a reason for this !
Wooden sleeper edges will stay slippery and so do not walk on them.
Playing in such conditions can be dangerous – Players do so at their own risk!
David Maskery
check out our Facebook page
Do you like the regular daily posts which are currently happening? Is there anything which you feel would be useful to include?
Make sure you ‘like’ our Facebook page and you will link to it and get the regular pictures and updates on what’s happening! Share our page to your friends.
Green News
In the December edition I informed you that we planned to seed the new swale on the 6th. You may have noticed that we were able to turf this. Subject to weather, this should provide a quicker recovery.
The December weather was not suitable for the development work planned for the 4th and 13th greenside bunkers. We will look to progress this at the earliest opportunity.
During January we will select a qualified arboriculturist to complete a survey of the course. This report will identify any dangerous trees and comment on our management of trees. We are concerned about “Ash dieback” and will seek advice on this. It has been estimated that up to 70% of Ash trees in our area could be lost.
Our superb team of green keepers have done an outstanding job during December with all the leaves cleared and greens in outstanding condition for the time of year. On 3rd December the greens were 9.3 on the stimp, during November this varied between 8.1 and 9.8.
Very best wishes for a great 2018!
Mark Tiplady
A Look at the Rules
No. Such a Local Rule would modify Rule 6-8a. (Discontinuance of play; Resumption of play – When Permitted) Decision 33-8/5
Thanks once again to our local rules expert, Brian Overton, for setting these fascinating questions
100 Club
A Happy New Year to all 100 Club members. The winners of the 100 Club prize draw for January were:
£100 Keith Monkhouse
£50 Mike Hooker
£32 Andrew Thorne
£32 Philip Cartwright
£32 Pat Young
£32 John Allen
Congratulations to this month’s winners. The next draw will take place in the week beginning 22nd January … look for the list of winners on the Secretary’s notice board. I know many of you like to mark up your diary with significant dates at the beginning of the year, so the important one this year is Friday 3rd August which is when we’ll have the 100 Club Stableford and Evening Meal. Put it in your diary now as this the one not to be missed!
Not a member of the 100 Club?
The objective of the Alresford Golf Club 100 Club is to raise funds for projects and items requiring capital expenditure that will enhance the Golf Course and/or the Clubhouse. Such projects would generally be considered as ‘extras’ and not necessarily be within the Club budget. The 100 Club was launched in 1987 to raise funds to augment the Centenary celebrations of the Golf Club in 1990, but at the request of the members, the 100 Club has continued to raise funds for items such as the Information Board and Clock on the 1st tee and the Automatic External Defibrillator in the Entrance Hall.
If you’re not a member of the 100 Club, you can become one for as little as £1 per month. Shares in the 100 Club are purchased for £1 per month and there is no limit on the number of shares which can be held. In general, most members have between 1 and 5 shares and pay by monthly direct debit, though it’s also possible to pay quarterly or annually. Each share is allocated a number which is entered in the monthly draw. The top prize is £100, with a second prize of £50 and four other prizes of £32. For more information contact George Clelland ( or call in to the Secretary’s office.
Social Scene
Burns Supper 2018
Saturday 27th January 7.00pm for 7.30pm
Now the Christmas and New Year celebrations are over, it’s time to book up for the next big event of 2018 – the Burns Supper. This is an evening which can be enjoyed by everyone. There are many reasons for this… the uniquely Scottish experience of good company with whisky, haggis, neeps (mashed swede) and tatties, and a light-hearted appreciation of Scotland’s Bard, and of course, the skirl of the bagpipes. The sign-up list for the evening is on the Social notice board.
This year the principal speakers will be Tom McGrath, who will propose the Immortal Memory; Mike Roe will be proposing the Toast tae the Lassies and will be hoping for a gracious reply from Catherine Carberry. George Clelland will ‘perform’ the Address to the Haggis in the time-honoured fashion.
The cost of the evening will be £26 per person and includes the meal and a glass of your favourite tipple for the toasts after the meal. Please make sure you make your payment to the Office before the event.
Members and guests are all welcome.
Contact George Clelland for further information.
Dress: Black Tie £26 per person
Editor: Andy Thomsen
The Editorial Team take no responsibility for incorrect information received from Contributors.