Fore Info February 2024
To jump to the section you want to read, just click on the Content titles below (Return by clicking on links after each section):
Interview with our new Club Captain: Richard Lane
Message from the Chair: key updates
Club Captain News: preparing the new season
Ladies Captain: competitions and social news
Hampshire Ladies Golf; sign ups now available
Competitions: key dates for knockout signups
Mixed Matches: check out the matches and sign up
Rules Quiz Question and Answer: ”lifting a ball with mud on” be careful?
Greens News: the latest on our course and tree work
Juniors: upcoming roll ups and matches
Vets update: roundup of matches and roll ups
General Managers update: important club info
Social: find out about the recent and upcoming events
Pro’s Corner: new junior coaching dates and Pro Stableford Winners
Winners in the 100 Club: did you win? Need some/more tickets?
Firstly welcome to all the new members- AGC was a great choice! If you need a golfing partner, put your name on the noticeboard or join the newbies WhatsApp group. There is plenty in Fore Info to get you up to speed on what’s happening around the club. Lots to read about all sections this month. Also an interview with our new Club Captain, Richard Lane.
Don’t miss the key information from David Maskery on the new bar and catering card arrangements.There is also the usual competition highlights and key dates for knockout signups. Finally read about progress in all the winter projects and tree work that needed to be done. We have several thousand trees and some of the greens committee go out several times a year and make sure we spot damaged and/or diseased trees. These are marked for discussion with our tree expert consultant Colin Luff. I joined this group recently and saw the massive scope of their task. All this to keep you and our guests/visitors/dog walkers safe as well as keeping the course looking great and playing well.
We are honoured this year to host the Hampshire Seniors (over 55) Spring Meeting on April 22nd. Read more, sign up now and lets make the Alresford experience a great one.
Read about the exciting upcoming live music night (March 16th) and if you have not already, sign up one of the last tables remaining for Ben’s Quiz on February 17th now.
Let me know what topics you would like covered in future editions. Oh and let me know what you think…
Finally you can always access this Newsletter directly from the AGC website/About section. It is usually there from the 3rd of every month. So you don’t need to hunt David Maskery’s email each month!! No excuse for not reading it…
Enjoy the read.
David Marshall
Interview with our new Club Captain: Richard Lane
Editor: Many of us would like to find out more about our new captain. Tell us more about your background (personal, work, hobbies)
Richard: I was born in Bexleyheath, Kent, to Terry and Eileen and moved to Alresford when I was 11 with my brother Kevin and sister Jackie. School was a bit of a nightmare to be honest being dyslexic and then being diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis at 14 was not the best start but what I learnt spending time in hospital is there is always someone else worse off than you. Positives are, feel sorry for yourself or make the most of what you have. I am married to Linda (Runs a Glasshouse business) for 35 years and have two daughter’s Chelsea (works in marketing) and Gabi (Intellectual Property Laywer).
At 14 I played football for Chelsea School Boys and have always followed ‘the blues’ even travelling all over Europe when they played in finals and held a season ticket for 3 decades. In my 20’s I played up front for Alresford Town and Pirelli. In the summer I swapped football for cricket playing for Old Alresford. Also Played Stool-ball (a mixture of rounders and cricket for those wondering what it is). Some people would wonder ‘when did I ever have the time to work?’!
I worked in insurance initially collecting money door or door for life and savings plans then the rest of my career was with the banks as a financial adviser then as Area Premier Manager. I retired at 55 a combination of health, seeing my Mum die at 57 and experience of my job making me realise life can be cut short at any time. So, enjoy it while you can “your health” is the number one priority.
So, what do I do now probably best explained by my voice mail message Walking, Golf, gardening or sleeping!
Editor: I see you are a proficient golfer with 10 handicap. Have you been playing long? When did you join AGC? What are your golfing aspirations?
Richard: I joined as a junior at 16, the lowest handicap I ever had was 4.6 but when mum died (I won 2 finals in between her death and the funeral) I gave up for 10 years as it emotionally drained me, only retuning when two blood clots ended my cricket, as I had to go on blood thinners. Dad was now playing and said I should give it another go so I started playing again. It’s not easy giving up golf for 10 years but I am now back to 10.5 with the aim of getting back to single figures.
My main golfing achievements- being part of the team that won the County 7’s and Kindred Cup (editors note: first time in 31 years that AGC won it, so quite an achievement, modest Richard), I have won several knockout competitions but for me winning the two generations with my dad will be the standout especially as I alternate each year with my brother.
Editor: What made you want to become Captain or was it sprung on you? Arm twisted?
Richard:It was a complete surprise. In life you don’t get many opportunities to be Captain of a golf club, doing something I love. Some would say my main home and fortunately it was the right time for Linda as well. We are well aware of the time taken up representing Alresford around the county and you need your partner onside. The standout comment was “does that mean we have to go to the “New Years Eve Dinner” (a long story but she loved every minute of it)
Editor: Every new captain brings a new perspective and aspiration. What is yours?
Richard: We pay good money and give up our valuable time trying to play golf. Most of us hit more bad shots than good shots but over 18 holes we do actually hit a shot that gets us coming back week after week. We have a great course, excellent practice facilities most clubs only dream of and great staff.
There are lots of people that would love to be able to play the game but due to health are unable to do so. So, lets at least have some “Fun and enjoy it”. Let us all be a positive ambassador for our club.
Editor: what challenges do you see in the role?
Richard: You are never going to please everyone, but I was once told “feedback is a gift” so it’s important to listen, communicate and do what you say you will do. Some of the frustrations are peoples lack of consideration for other people in and around the course. It’s difficult to control but that is where their playing partners and friends need to step in. Someone may have a friend or relative ill, have mental health issue or a personal issue so a comment they think is funny or misplaced may be fine for one person but not another. We should treat everyone as we would want them to treat us even in the heat of the moment.
Editor: Thanks Richard and I wish you well for a busy but successful year…
Message from the Chair
It has certainly been a busy start to the year with our Sub Committees and MANCOM all meeting for the first time in 2024. It has been great to see both new and established committee members equally enthusiastic about the year ahead.
I would personally like to thank all Trustees, Committee Members, Captains, Vice Captains, Staff and Volunteers for the time and efforts they put into our fantastic club.
A couple of key points to make members aware of:
Chair of ManCom Responsibilities
I have been working alongside the guidance of England Golf for best practice in terms of Chair of Management Committee and have now completed a Chair of Management Committee – Overview of Responsibilities Document. This clearly lays out the scope of the role and the responsibilities that I have as Chair of our wonderful club. I would like to thank also contributions from our Captain Richard Lane, Head of our Finance Committee David Crawshaw and David Maskery in putting this together along with all ManCom members for their support on this.
This document will be available in our members section on the website.
Code of Conduct Document for Committee Members
Another document I have been working on alongside England Golf guidelines is a ‘Code of Conduct’ for all committee members. This clearly lays out the expectations for committee members and provides transparency to what is involved in serving on our committees. Again, thanks to the same members in support of putting this together. This is in the process of being rolled out and will be uploaded to the website in due course.
Membership Renewals
Many thanks to most of our members for their prompt payment of membership fees; this has allowed us to forecast earlier than usual the state of our membership income for the year and identify any categories whereby vacancies for membership may exist and therefore the club can actively promote for new member applications.
Finance News
I am happy to report that following our Finance Committee’s approval, ManCom also approved repaying the first installment of £100,000 to our loan noteholders. Further details will be provided to loan noteholders in due course.
Academy Membership Scheme
Through the hard work of our Head Professional Mark Wood, new Chair of P&D David Fox & Committee & David Maskery, a new Academy Membership Scheme has been proposed which ManCom has approved.
Finally next month David Maskery, Club Captain Richard Lane & I will be attending an England Golf & Golf Club Managers Association Governance workshop which I will report back on in later Fore issues.
Here is to an excellent February’s golf at AGC.
Alan Farrell
Chair of the Management Committee
From the Club Captain
So what does a captain do in January, is the main question I have been asked on more than one occasion? Ranges from new member meetings, some marshalling on Saturday morning on the first tee, sorting out dates for Pro/Captain challenge, CapCom meeting/outputs, working on Captains trip and playing some golf in between. (Plus, two weeks away in a warmer climate)
One thing I am working on following some feedback is help people who are either new or play on their own but want to join up with fellow golfers. A list will soon be going up in the men’s changing rooms. If you are looking for someone to play with or are happy to join up with other like-minded people, please add your name. We also have the club roll up at 10.45 (11.00 start) on a a Wednesday and the Vets (over 60) have a roll up at 8.00 if you want to join in.
Friendly match’s are another way to meet new people, we have had a a good response, but still welcome new people/existing members make sure you use ClubV1 to say you are available (instructions in changing rooms). Our first match is early Feb against the county then the fixtures come thick and fast from early March.
Moving on to Captains Charity Car Parking Space Draw for Cardiac Rehab raised £1,300 so thank you to everyone that entered. The following won-
Simon Freemantle Charity Car Parking Space
Rosie Hallas 4 ball at Corehampton
Liz Hastings 12 Prov1 Golf Balls
Captain Pro challenge is in planning and will be slightly different this year as Sandra Hooker and Ewan McGregor have offered their help when I am unavailable so look out for an update and dates during first quarter of this year.
Let’s hope for some warmer and better weather going forward, in the meantime enjoy your golf, give consideration to others especially around slow play and have some “fun”.
Richard Lane
Club Captain
Ladies Section
It doesn’t seem five minutes since the Drive In and yet this is the third Fore article and we are talking about summer knockouts!!!
Again the weather has been a challenge during January, and we have become used to playing 9 holes with a few clubs in a carry bag, or just having coffee and lunch with the odd game of bridge thrown in.
I am delighted to say our first Captain’s Charity Bridge Afternoon is full with a waiting list, we have had generous donations of raffle prizes from the Pro Shop and The Kitchen, not to mention an Andrew Robson bridge lesson. Jane Macrae and Tricia Palmer have worked extremely hard and I know it will be a very successful afternoon.
The Pro’s mixed stablefords are proving popular and congratulations to Allena Doley, Jenny Myers and Alicia Hardy for being in the winners circle.
January’s Roll – 21 hardy ladies turned up, the winning team Louise Morton, Camilla Mortimer and Judy Wright, and runners up Sue Masser, Lyn Jones and Jacqui Sanger.
The Friendlies are on V1 Teams for you sign up, they really are friendly and a good introduction to playing matchplay. If you have any queries please contact Polly Church.
Don’t forget to look at the County Board, there are competitions for all of us, they are great fun and excellent value. Ann Younger will be sending out reminders but if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Ann our hardworking County Representative.
We played the first leg of the Winter Triple at Lee on Solent in very tough muddy conditions on Thursday, Corhampton 89 points, Alresford 85 points and Lee playing at home 80 points. Next round at Alresford in February.
Good luck to the Marion Bruce and the Hayling Trophy team and Ann Younger and the Maple Leaf team for their February matches.
The summer knockout competitions are now on V1 for you to sign up. Please can I encourage ladies in the 29.1 + Committee Cup sign up as last year we only had 4 ladies playing which is not ideal.
Saturday evening’s Burns Supper will be well covered by George but I would like to mention it was a great occasion enjoyed by all, thank you David Marshall for your kind words to the Lassies and to Sam Dando and the Kitchen team for lovely food and great service.
I would like to welcome Sarah Bruce, Angie Foster, Pam Bundy, Manda Nicholls and Yuri Jinno who have joined us this month.
Enjoy your golf
Sandra Hooker
Ladies Captain
Hampshire Ladies Golf
Ann Younger
AGC Delegate, Hampshire Ladies Golf
Competitions and Handicap Committee Report
Summer Knockouts
Entry for the following knockouts is now open.
![]() Company Cup (by invitation)
| ![]() Cooper (Men’s Foursomes)
| ![]() Rotherham (Mixed drawn Foursomes) | |
Entry Closes | 25th February 2024 | 3rd March 2024 | 24th March 2024 |
Knockout Commences | 4th March 2024 | 11th March 2024 | 1st April 2024 |
Entry for the following competitions will open on 12th February 2024:
![]() Wessex | ![]() Ross (Over 50s) | |
Entry Closes | 24th March 2024 | 24th March 2024 |
Knockout Commences | 1st April 2024 | 1st April 2024 |
Entry for all the knockout competitions will be via the Club V1 App/HowDidiDo. From the Dashboard; select the appropriate knockouts and select the drop down arrow and “view details” and then “enter knockout”. The £3 entry fee will be deducted from your members gold card on entry.
Prize Payments 2024
The C&H Committee have completed their review of recent year’s competitions looking at the level of prize payments, the number of competition entrants and their handicaps and the overall cost of competitions such as trophy engraving, glassware mementos and prize payments.
The review recommended to, and approved by CapCom includes the following changes:
Medal and Stableford competitions
These competitions will now see an increase in the number of prizes paid when a competition has over 50 entries by splitting these competitions into 3 Divisions with prize payments in each Division awarded according to the number of entries:
Div 1 (plus to 13.5)
Div 2 (13.6 to 18.9)
Div 3 (19.0+)
1st (6 to 12 entries) = £30
2nd (13 to 20 entries) = £20
3rd (21 to 35 entries) = £15
4th (36 to 50 entries) = £12
The entry fee for all competitions (excluding Club Championship) will remain at £3 per competition, however to allow greater prize allocation is has been agreed to remove the award of a whisky tumbler for overall monthly medal winners.
Over 60s Competitions will be split into 2 Divisions (at 19.9) when entries exceed 40, with the above prize structure.
Board and Trophy Competitions
The current prize structure for pairs competitions such as Millennium Quaich, Courage & Barclay and knockout competitions will remain unchanged.
Prize payments for all other competition will be increased to 8 places and paid as follows:
Men’s Club Championship Entry fee increased to £4 per round)
| 36 Hole Competitions (John Holmes, Linnets, Centenary, Bill Young, Curly Cup, Jubilee) | Other (Board/Trophy competitions) | |
1st 6-12 entries | £75 | £60 | £45 |
2nd 13 – 20 entries | £55 | £50 | £35 |
3rd 21 to 35 entries | £45 | £35 | £25 |
4th 36 – 50 entries | £35 | £25 | £20 |
5th 51 to 60 entries | £25 | £20 | £15 |
6th 61 – 70 entries | £20 | £15 | £12 |
7th 71 to 80 entries | £15 | £12 | £10 |
8th 80+ entries | £10 | £8 | £8 |
Gross Prize(s)* | Where applicable £20 paid in addition to main prize(s) | ||
Net Prize(s)** | Where applicable the highest monetary value prize will be awarded ie. if player has best net and finishes 6th, Best Net prize (£20) will be paid. |
Gill Freemantle
Chair Competitions & Handicap Committee, Handicap Secretary
Mixed Matches
We are still looking for anyone keen to play in the Mixed matches. If you have never played in one of these friendly matches before and would like to, please sign up on Club V1 (Menu/Club Teams/Mixed Friendly Matches 2024) or come and have a chat with us. If you are a single player we can find you a partner for the afternoon, couples we usually mix and match however, if you feel more comfortable playing with your own partner – we can do that, we want you to enjoy the day.
The following Mixed matches have been arranged for the 2024 season:
Tylney Park Away Sunday 21st April at 1:00pm
Petersfield Home Sunday 5th May at 12:00pm
Corhampton Home Friday 10th May at 2:30pm
Hockley Away Thursday 30th May at 1:00pm
Cowdray Park Home Monday 10th June at 12.00pm
Rowlands Castle Home Sunday 14th July at 1.00pm
Bramley Away Friday 19th July at 1.00pm
Hayling Away Sunday 28th July at 12.30pm
North Hants Home Sunday 1st September at 1.00pm
RWGC Away Friday 13th September at 2.00pm
Basingstoke Away Friday 27th September at 1.00pm
Please note that the times maybe subject to minor changes & the Hockley match is away – not home as per diary.
A Look at the Rules
February is an important month for continuing our winter projects, woodland management and preparing the course for the upcoming season. Greens Maintenance Week commences on 19 February. During the week we will undertake the work recommended by the Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI) to improve the health of the greens. This programme will start this winter, continue into next and be completed in winter 25/26. It consists of tining the greens to a depth of 300mm (12”) and then back filling with a mixture of kiln dried sand and a porous ceramic material. This mix of sand and ceramic will hold onto moisture during dry periods. This year we will do greens 7, 8, 10, 11,13, 14 and 17. The remaining greens will be tined to a depth of 17.5mm (7”) and then top dressed.
Woodland management will also continue over the next month. By way of background, you may or may not know that the Greens Committee regularly review the tree stock, with particular attention to our numerous Ash trees with regards to Ash Dieback. We also take account of expert opinion such as arborists and tree surgeons. We first commissioned an arboriculture report with Plane Arboriculturists in 2018. Mark Tiplady produced a Tree Report in 2019 which was subsequently reviewed and revised 2021 and we plan further, ongoing reports every 3-4 years. You will find further detailed information in the Greens Section of the members area of the website.
This year we started planning the winter tree work with a “Tree Walk” on July 24th. Mark Tiplady, Simon Justice, Mark Wood, Rob Gates and I walked the course looking at the following.
- Safety – We are mindful of the safety of anyone on our site, including greenkeepers, walkers and golfers.
- Ash Dieback – We are now (through 3-5 years’ experience) able to identify diseased specimens. This links into safety and the health of our remaining Ash trees. In the south of England, it is expected that we will lose 90% of our Ash. Further information can be found at Managing ash dieback in England – GOV.UK (
- Identification of weak, poor quality trees that detract from the look or play of the course with a view to removal.
- Crowding – Identify areas where the old “plant 3 to keep 1” hasn’t been followed through, leaving trees struggling for space, light etc.
- Shading, particularly where greens and tees are affected by lack of sunlight, air and roots.
- Last but not least, identify opportunities to plant new and appropriate trees.
So, during the course of the walk, trees deemed “dangerous, dead or diseased” were marked with a blue spray paint on the trunk. Where we wanted the second opinion of Colin Luff, the tree surgeon, the base was sprayed. You may well see some more of these blue-marked trees on the course, especially if you are well off-target!
The walking party was concerned, at the end of the tree walk, that we might have too many trees for Colin to manage within our budget, 2 visits over winter 23/24. Consequently, tree work is completed by Simon and team where possible, leaving the larger work for Colin. If you have played the course recently you will have seen examples of this work, such as the trees on 17 that were felled by our greenkeeping team in January. These were all Ash trees, and all had die back. Colin Luff will visit again in February when he will help with our ongoing assessment of trees and remove some that pose a health and safety risk. The large beech tree at the back of the white tee on 17 will need work and possible felling as it is diseased and dangerous. We will also remove the sycamore tree to the right of 12, near the footpath, because it is unsafe. We will also undertake stump grinding this month.
Finally, the work on the new bunkers on the fourth continues. Mark Wood and I conducted a site visit recently and we were impressed by the care and thought that the team have put into translating the brief into reality. As I write the greens team have the liners in place and have built the bunker walls. Weather permitting, they will get the soil banks raked by the beginning of February and the turf down by the middle of the month.
Derek Myers
Chair Greens
Juniors Section
Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all well and trying to fit in lots of golf. Here’s a few key dates for you to put in your diaries.
Our first Junior Competition for 2024 is The TJ Evans Trophy on the 12th February, so make sure to sign up as it would be great to have a good turn out.
The Corhampton Junior Open is on Monday 8th of April. This is a great test and and excellent way to play some competitive golf at a course you may not have played before. Their greens can be very fast, so if you’re interested please let Gareth or myself know.
We are also planning some Roll Ups over half term (since it’s not quite light enough to do them on the weekend afternoons just yet). Do keep an eye out on the group chats for these.
Finally, keep adding in the Eclectic entries, the closing date of the 21st March is fast approaching!
Rosie Rooney
Juniors Captain
Vets Section
This year’s summer friendlies have seen two new “mouth-watering” courses included in our list of twenty; Tidworth Garrison one of Wiltshire’s finest courses, and Littlehampton described in Golf News as “Sussex’s little Gem of a Links”. Along with the addition of Barton on Sea last year The Vets’ Section is giving members the opportunity to play matches on an impressive range of courses.
The full programme of the ‘Summer Friendlies’ is now posted on the Vets’ Notice board and listed under Vets Summer Friendly Matches on ClubV1.
I spent a family Christmas in Belfast, even so I still managed to squeeze in a game of golf at the Royal Belfast Golf Club, the oldest club in Ireland dating back to 1881. As a guest, I was invited to compete in the Sharman-Crawford Trophy competition, the Club’s oldest competition dating back to the turn of the last century. Partnering Club Captain Dr James Courtney I’m please to say I was able to put Alresford Golf Cub on the Northern Ireland map by winning it, and with borrowed clubs!

Our Winter League matches this month have been a bit of a mixed bag with an outstanding 3½ to ½ home win against Salisbury and South Wilts GC , followed by a 4-0 drubbing last week at Corhampton. As a result all hopes of winning the trophy have now evaporated. It is however encouraging to see that a large number of newcomers to the Vets’ section are now participating in our interclub matches.
An outstanding success, in favour of our talented band of junior golfers, has been achieved by Past Vets’ Captain, Gareth Rees, in securing, once again, a visit to Wentworth for ten of our aspiring young golfers. This is not only a great result for the lucky ten, but through the Vets a great result for Alresford Golf Club juniors.
The weather this month has not been the most conducive to golf with hurricanes and torrential rain dominating the beginning of the month. Storm Henk saw the dell in front of the 4th turned into a lake, and on Rollup some of us day lost balls when they simply rolled off the 18th tee into the 1.0m deep “moat” between the green and The Clubhouse! This was followed by 10 days of hard daylong frosts, 18 temporary greens and carry only. A hammer and nail would have been a good accessory on Wednesday 10th to enable players to get their tee peg into the ground. It was minus 5degsC!! Never-the-less the Wednesday morning rollups this month have been exceptionally well attended, with participants enjoying the competitions on an often almost deserted course.
As a final foot note is sad that I have to report the passing this month of three active members of the Vets, Robin Bashford (1951-2024) Dr Peter Spreadbury (1924-2024) and Ken Miller (1939-2024). In their time they all served the Vets’ Section well.
Ewan McGregor
Vets Captain
General Manager’s Update
Welcome to those new members who have joined the club since the start of the year; Richard Cocks, Adam Yaldren, and Yuri Jinno ( 7 day), Greville Dawson, Hugh Armytage, Mark Weldon (5 day), Richard Sherin ( Country), Will Rowlands, George Ayling (Intermediate), Paddy Clark and Theo Thomas ( Juniors). We hope that you will enjoy your time with us.
Fancy a game during the week? All members are welcome to come along to the informal ‘club roll-up’ on Wednesday mornings. There is a tee reservation between 11.00-12.00 – members wishing to take part should meet at the starters hut from approx. 10.45am for allocation of groups. As per the times highlighted for the Ladies and Vets Sections, we politely ask members to show courtesy to those who wish to play in this ‘roll up’ at this time. If you do not wish to play with this group please choose another time if possible. If there continues to be a limited use of this time , then the Captains Committee will review the tee allocation.
You will have noticed that the tee booking system now shows tee times after 12.03 (weekdays) and 14.00 (weekends). You cannot book into these tee times but they will show you any matches or golf societies that have reserved times so you do not have to refer to another calendar of events.
Over the coming weeks, Ben & The Kitchen @ team, alongside the club, will be making significant changes and improvements to the current bar till and payment methods, with the sole focus of improving the member experience and continuing to focus on member and guest satisfaction.
You will have received a detailed email earlier this week explaining the changes. Essentially the current till system linked to the Club V1 Membership management System is being replaced with a bar and catering EPOS system that can offer us more flexibility and deliver a better experience for members and visitors.
Why are we changing the system?
1: to improve the member & visitor experience
2: to provide a central point of ‘non golf’ payments & sales
3: to better understand the wants, needs and buying patterns of our members when it comes to bar & catering
What does this look like to our members?
1: The end of the gold bar card when it comes to any bar & catering purchases. Payments will be made with cash, debit/credit cards only.
2: Members discount will still be applied to all relevant food & drink purchases (at the agreed discount %) at the time of purchase, whether you are paying by cash or debit/credit card.
3: There is no need nor option to ‘top up’ at the bar for bar & catering purchases. The till that is currently used to do this will be removed
4: each member will have an individual profile within our point of sale database. This will allow us to recognise & reward loyalty throughout the year.
5: In our next update, we will be circulating a schedule of events/matches/functions which will detail whether payments for these will be taken at the bar or in the office and the processes for members to follow.
What next?
1: On Wednesday 31st January we will send a Google Form link (identical to the previous Bar & Catering survey) asking you all to submit your details so you can create your profile
These details are specific to the B&C database and are not part of , nor replacing your Club V1 membership details.
Your details will not be passed on or shared to any 3rd party company
2: The accuracy of this data will ensure that only members of AGC are receiving the entitled benefits/offers/discounts.
Timeframe & Next Steps
1: The new system will be in place & live from Friday 1st March
2: Your Gold Card will become your Gold Membership ID card and will still be required for swiping & entering competitions as current. Therefore your card must remain in credit. Top Ups (when needed) will be via the app or office only.
3: Those of you with large credit balances on your card may wish to reduce these over the coming weeks. The Kitchen @ will be running a special offer on bottled wine (take away only) in the last week of February and of course, your (gold) membership/bar card credit can also be used in the Pro Shop.
Hopefully after reading the above, you are all as excited as we are in relation to this change. Prioritising the guest experience will always be our number 1 focus.
We anticipate lots of questions! Which is a good thing & we will read every email and letter and we encourage you to ask whatever is on your mind. We will then produce a consolidated FAQ sheet which will be shared in following weeks update.
Monday 22nd April at Alresford Golf Club
Max. Handicap Index 24.0
This is the first fixture in the Hampshire Seniors OOM with both scratch and handicap prizes. A series of seven events played over some of the best courses in the region. As with all Hampshire OOM’s, any Hampshire Player who enters an event on the list is automatically placed into the season long competition- play well and good luck. Lets try to have a good seniors representation as we are hosting this event.
Winter is here- Be Safe on the Golf Course
Rain/Mud/Frost/Ice = slippery golf course, especially grass banks, wooden sleepers and any untreated areas.
If roads are icy in the morning on your way to the club, it is fair to assume that the car park and the paths around the club will be icy too! We do our best to grit and salt these areas but please take care.
PLEASE HELP US – The new carpet should now be in place in the mens changing room – please CLEAN YOUR GOLF SHOES before entering the clubhouse whether you are accessing the changing rooms, office or bar from the patio or main entrance doors.
Similarly, the shoe cleaner can be used rather than just banging your golf shoes to remove grass and mud in the car park.
Wet weather golf attire should not be worn in any of the seated areas in the clubhouse – please change out of your waterproofs or wet golf wear.
Help us keep YOUR clubhouse clean and tidy
FACEBOOK – check out our Facebook page
Make sure you ‘like’ our Facebook page and you will link to it and get the regular pictures and updates on what’s happening ! Share with your friends to help us boost our online and social media profiles.
INSTAGRAM Follow our brand-new Official Instagram page.
Expect to see media content of our picturesque course, golfing competitions, fun social events, and lots more.
Make sure to follow @alresfordgolf and stay tuned for new post updates on our page.
David Maskery
General Manager
We look forward to lots of fresh ideas and energy from the committee and – very importantly- from you: the members. Please share all of your comments, suggestions and feedback via the new suggestions box on the bar.

Alicia Hardy
Chair Social
Successful Burns Supper
On Saturday 27th January, fifty eight members and guests were welcomed to our 30th Burns Supper by the sound of the pipes played by Jim Dawson.
The traditional haggis, neeps and tatties was preceded by Scotch Broth and followed by Scotch Trifle, coffee and mints. The haggis, adorned with a large sprig of heather, was paraded through the assembled company to the pipes played by Jim Dawson, and then addressed and toasted by Ewan McGregor much to the hilarity of the audience.

The main speech and toast, The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns, was proposed by George Clelland. Burns was a man of contradictions which is reflected in his poems and songs. Was he a Patriot or a Revolutionary Reforner? Probably both and possibly at the same time. He was an artist with words and, like his contemporary Jane Austen, was a superb observer of society in the late 18th century. The Toast to the Lassieswas proposed by David Marshall. He delivered his toast with gentle humour wondering if the use of red tees is intended as a danger signal to gentleman that there could be ladies on the course. Nevertheless, David finished with an impressive Ode to the Ladies in their honour. Ladies Captain, Sandra Hooker gave the Reply frae the Lassies. Although claiming not to be very witty, Sandra gave a really amusing speech which was a perfect response to everything David had said, but with no doubt as to which of the sexes was the smarter. The evening concluded with closing remarks from Club Captain Richard Lane, followed by everyone giving a hearty rendition of Auld Lang Syne.

I would like to give my personal thanks to all those who contributed to the success of the evening. My thanks go to Jennifer Clelland for delivering the Selkirk Grace; Mike White for proposing the Loyal Toast, Sam Dando and all the kitchen and serving staff; our piper Jim Dawson and of course, the speakers, David Marshall and Sandra Hooker. I’m also grateful to Captain Richard Lane who with his wife Linda, arrived back from their Caribbean cruise on Saturday morning especially to be present at their first Burns Supper.
Unfortunately, I have to report that I’ve been unable to book Jim Dawson for the 25th January 2025 as he’s already booked to play at Hartley Wintney Golf Club. Consequently, next year’s Burns Supper will be on Saturday 18th January 2025. Mark your diaries now!
George Clelland
This season is now drawing closer, so Captains please start thinking about your teams and their availability. If any Captains are thinking of having a rest this year, please let Jim or myself know, as we already have enquiries re vacancies.
The first round of the Championship, when everyone plays , is on 18th April, so we shall need the full details of teams preferably by the 28th of March.
If any club members wish to join this Summers 9 hole evening competition this year please contact John or Jim and we will try and fit you in, subject to vacancies, as there is a maximum of 14 teams.
Please note the entry fee this year will be £12 for each adult player.
In the meantime we hope all ‘Team Golfers’ are enjoying their Winter golf when the weather allows .
Good luck for 2024, John, Jim and Jan White, organisers on behalf of the Social committee
Pro’s Corner
A Look at the Rules
Thanks to Brian Overton for all these Rules Q and A’s. If you have any rulings questions for Brian he will answer them here in future editions, just email the editor.
Our winners for February 2024
£100 Jane Scott
£50 Tim Chandler
£35 Prizewinners
Sarah Thorne
David Marshall
Jane Hendry
Pat Voak
John Allen
Congratulations to our prizewinners this month. Pat is a first time winner so if you are still waiting for that first win yourself then you never know you may see your name in the list next month.
What happened in 2023?
Have you ever wondered about members who were lucky enough to be drawn (especially if your name has never been one of them) and what their share numbers were? Then a little look back at the results for 2023 may be of interest.
Each year there are 84 prizes given out in a random draw so each share you have gives you a chance. Obviously the more shares you have the better your chance.
Winners: In 2023 there were 18 members who appeared more than once and of those 9 have more than 5 shares – 5 being the average shareholding.
Share numbers: 84 share numbers are drawn during the year and in 2023 only 5 numbers appeared twice.
First timers: It was good to see too that during 2023 six members were drawn as winners for the very first time since joining the 100 Club. As always – you have to be in to win it!
Funding news
The 100 Club has recently agreed to provide funds towards the next selection of Honours Boards to be ordered so watch this space.
If you’re not already a member then why not kick off 2024 by joining the 100 Club – you may win a cash prize like those above.
Join us for as little as £1 per month
Can I join and why should I? What’s it all about?
Well, anyone who is a member of the golf club, either a playing or non-playing member, is eligible. You don’t have to pay £100, there isn’t a limit of 100 members or even 100 shares, you don’t even have to be 100 years old!
The original concept back in 1987 when the 100 Club was formed was probably aiming for 100 members to take up 100 shares. However today we currently have 138 members and they have over 730 shares between them. It works a little like a lottery. The income from share ownership is re-distributed in two ways. Some is given as winnings in the monthly prize draw and the rest is available to fund a contribution towards items or projects in the golf club that are not within normal budgets. The Honours Boards are a good example of how the 100 Club can help the golf club.
Without financial assistance the golf club would not necessarily be able to do or replace these things so with help from the 100 Club we all benefit. So for £1 per month, or more if you wish, you can help fund club ‘extras’ and at the same time maybe win a small cash prize as well.
For further information about the 100 Club or for an application form please give me a call or send me an email – Pat Wallis phone 01420 564417 or email Or you can pick up a form from the Office.
Pat Wallis
Editor: David Marshall
The Editorial Team take no responsibility for incorrect information received from Contributors.