Fore Info April 2023
Looking superb even after all the bad weather: great greenkeeping...
- In the interview hot seat: Jane Scott, President of Hampshire Ladies Golf
- An update from the Chair: reviewing our management of the club
- Club and Ladies Captain News: news and results
- Rules Quiz Question and Answer: with our new ‘drop zone’ on the 1st- a must read!
- Competitions: Summer Knockouts and upcoming competitions
- Team Updates: results and upcoming matches for sign up
- Juniors: upcoming roll ups and upcoming competitions
- Vets update: competition news and upcoming events
- General Managers update: some important info- Divotting Party soon!
- Social : catchup on the successful past and exciting future events
- Team Golf: some news on the changes for 2023
- Greens News: key update on winter projects and course conditioning
- Winners in the 100 Club: did you win?
As always this is again a bumper edition as we approach our main golfing season. Thanks to all contributors, those unsung heroes that work tirelessly for each and every member by giving their time. So committed are they, that one Chair even submitted her input from her ‘hospital bed’: thats real commitment! Many clubs would be envious of our fantastic member volunteers!
It was great experiencing the Fawlty Towers dinner, another superb social event organised by our great Social Committee. Don’t forget to sign up your Team for the popular ‘ryder cup’ style social golf event coming soon. Read also about the other social events planned and always watch out on the social noticeboard. As for Team Golf that goes from strength to strength.
Great news: we have been successful in our application to be a host Club for Girl Golf Rocks 2023. GGR is an England Golf initiative to encourage beginner girls, aged 5 – 18, to learn and play golf in a fun and friendly way. The programme will deliver girls only coaching sessions with an emphasis on the fun, social and friendship aspects of golf in an environment where girls feel comfortable and confident to participate.
The lessons will be delivered by our professionals Mark & Liam supported by GGR Ambassadors Jenny Myers & Harriet Riches, taking advantage of the excellent practice facilities we have. There will be two coaching courses, the first one for girls between 5 and 11yrs of age and the second for girls aged between 12 and 18yrs of age. Each course will be preceded by a 1 hour free taster session.
The dates of the courses are:
5 to 11 yr olds
Free Taster Session Wednesday 26th April 4.30 to 5.30
Lesson 1 Wednesday 3rd May 4.30 to 5.30
Then every Wednesday between 4.30 and 5.30 up to and inc. 7th June
12 to 18 yr olds
Free Taster Session Wednesday 14th June 4.30 to 5.30
Lesson 1 Wednesday 21st June 4.30 to 5.30
Then every Wednesday between 4.30 and 5.30 up to and inc. 26th July.
The cost will be £40 per girl to include all sessions and each player will receive a certificate of participation, a GGR polo shirt, water bottle and draw string bag. The programme is open to all so If you have daughters, granddaughters, nieces, friends or neighbours who may wish to take advantage of this excellent opportunity we look forward to welcoming both you and them at one of the free Taster sessions. We all hope it leads to a stronger Junior Section for the future.
If you want to sign someone up or just find out more contact Gareth Rees at or phone the pro shop 01962 733988.
Important information re temporary Drop Zone on the 1st: read the Rules section or see noticeboard.
Finally congratulations to Claire Hintzen for her ace on the 10th with an 8 iron. Unfortunately I was not in the bar, again.
Enjoy the read, keep in touch.
David Marshall
Another proud moment for AGC: Jane Scott as Hampshire Ladies Golf President
We have always had a strong involvement with Hampshire Golf but at present Presidents of both Hampshire PGA and Hampshire Ladies Golf are AGC members: Malcolm and Jane Scott. That’s not to mention the other Past Captains and AGC members on Hampshire Committees.
This month I interview Jane to find out what she has been doing for Hampshire.
Editor: Although many members know you well, some new members don’t. So, tell us a bit about yourself
Jane: I Joined AGC at the age of 11, in 1974 with my twin sister Sue. Both my parents are members, Brian and Carole Young. Dad joined in the 50’s and both are Past Captains (together in 2002). Junior golf at Alresford in the 70’s had few girls but we were very fortunate as the ladies really encouraged us. I am married to Malcolm with 2 children, both former AGC members. Malcolm became Head Professional here in 1980 and later I joined Malcolm in the shop for many years, getting to know our members.
Editor: How did you get into Hampshire golf?
Jane: My daughter Becky was taking part in junior County coaching and whilst taking Becky along to County junior events, I became interested in helping. From 2007-2009 I was County Junior Organiser for the girls which involved arranging tuition programs, matches and Junior County Match Week playing teams from Surrey Sussex, Middlesex and Kent.
I am a keen golfer and have played in the County 2nd and Senior teams. I was lucky enough to be selected as County Captain in 2016 and in 2021 asked to be County President, having been nominated by past Presidents. I started this role in January 2022 which lasts for 3 years.
Editor: What is the President’s role? More than just wining and dining?
Jane: There really isn’t very much wining and dining!
Primarily I oversee the running of our County ladies golf, supporting our various events and enjoy watching the progress of our girls and ladies teams. The highlight of the year is our Championship Week, our 1st Team (CMW) and Junior County Match Weeks (JCMW) formats where some excellent amateur golf is played. This year’s JCMW is being held by Hampshire at Hockley GC 7-9 August and next year’s CMW at North Hants GC in July 2024.
Editor: You must be so proud of your recent shortlisting as County of the Year?
Jane: Yes, especially pleasing as it was voted on by our peers at England Golf. It was nice to be recognised and rewarded for all the hard work by many volunteers over a number of years. We focus on supporting golf for everyone, juniors and ladies. Three counties were shortlisted, and we were pipped by Bedfordshire.
There were 250 people at the Award Ceremony in Manchester, hosted superbly by Clare Balding.
Editor: What is your ambition for Ladies golf in Hampshire?
Jane: To maintain our excellent golf opportunities for our junior and lady golfers.
Members, both ladies and men may not realise they pay an Affiliation fee in their Club subscriptions, which is forwarded to their relevant County body to help with the running of County activities.
We are fortunate to have a hard working volunteer Board, who give up a great amount of their time to ensure everything is run smoothly.
Ladies county golf in Hampshire isn’t just about our “elite” players, competitive golf run by the County is available to every level of junior and lady golfer. We have an excellent junior pathway programme in place, which we hope will help maintain golfers in Hampshire for many years to come.
To win either or both JCMW or CMW whilst it is on “home” soil over the next couple of years, would be a great achievement, whilst I am in the role of President.
At Alresford, we are lucky to have Ann Younger as our ladies club delegate. Ann does a great job keeping our ladies informed of all our County events. Alresford ladies seem to enjoy entering our competitions too!!
Allena Doley, one of our lady members is currently our County Vets Captain and I wish Allena an enjoyable 2 years in her role.
Management Corner
Administration & Governance Review
We are formally reviewing our Administration and Governance arrangements with our General Manager to ensure that we keep pace with guidance from England Golf and to ensure that our systems, processes and supporting roles continuously improve.
Our current twin-committee structure is very effective and well established for nearly 20 years; our Captain’s Committee run golf matters and the Management Committee runs the business side of the Club. The Club Vice-Captain each year serves as a voting member of the seven-person Management Committee which maintains a conduit between the two. This stacks up well against the guidance from England Golf.
The Management Committee receives reports and recommendations from five sub-committees; Bar & Catering, Greens, House, Finance, and Planning and Development. The Management Committee also supports the work of our General Manager and provides direction where required together with other emerging issues. This ensures highly-collaborative and transparent governance and the opportunity for each sub-committee Chair to develop ideas and suggestions within their committees to bring to the Management Committee.
The Club is particularly strong in the governance of spending through our annual budgets and governance of any additional spend which requires sanction by our Finance Committee chaired by David Crawshaw.
The Administration and Governance review will take three or four weeks to complete and will report through the Management Committee.
Social Events
Our Club has a long and successful history of supporting social events, which are becoming ever popular; led by Steve Johnson, Chair of the Social Committee. I recently attended the landmark Fawlty Towers dinner with around 70 other members, which was just brilliant and incredibly energetic for the cast. The Social Committee have already provided multiple quiz evenings, a Horse Racing Event, New Years Eve, Captains Dinner and have in place a Caribbean Cruise event happening in two-weeks’ time plus the return of the highly popular, floor-filling band Midwich Dawn which coincides with the return of the Captain’s Week participants from St Mellion.
My enormous thanks go out to Steve and the whole of the Social Committee for their energy and dedication to our enjoyment of our golf club.
Robert White
Chair of the Management Committee
From the Club Captain
Well, that was a wet month!
March started with several of the Vets, Ladies and intra club winter league matches being completed, after postponements from previous weeks. Mixed results but good luck to the teams and individuals who have gone through to latter stages.
In early March the Men’s team had super competitive match with the County Juniors, with Alresford coming out on top 3 ½ – 2 ½. It was a delight to see Hampshire’s fine young talent. The Men’s friendly season then opened with a triangular match involving Alton and Tylney Park in which we were also victorious.
May I recommend all members familiarise themselves with our friendly matches, Vets, Ladies, Mixed and Mens. This year I would like to see the greatest participation across the whole club. All information is available on ClubV1 and on various notice boards. It is a great way to enjoy golf with different people and on other courses, which is only going to help your game. And for those wishing to participate in the more competitive club fixtures it will hone your match skills and give all our dedicated match managers food for thought when selecting our club teams. If you are representing Alresford in a team match, please wear club colours. Alresford continue to subsidise all team shirts by 25%, so place your order in the ProShop.
The Captain/Pro Challenge for 2023 is open for bookings through the ProShop. Mark and I will accept challenges from any pair. The Competition is informal but still just the right amount of spice!
All proceeds to Captains Charity, suggested minimum donation £20 a pair. Booking through ProShop only. 4BBB, Pro to play off Scratch. 1 slot per week (around 4pm, usually Thursday), April – October. If you need to play another day other than a Thursday Mark and I will do our very best to find the right day and time for you. Vice-Captain to stand in for Captain if unavailable, Assistant Professional for Mark. Finally, a huge thank to our great Head Professional for giving up his time every week to help raise money for the Captains Charity – really appreciated Mark, thank you.
Curly’s Cup was a wet and windy one, but well done to all of those who persevered. Our first mixed two-day competition, Linnets, takes place on Good Friday and Easter Saturday.
For further information on any competition, thanks to the efforts of Ken Coburn, the website diary has a short description and format, you just need to click on the diary entry. If you read anything that is not clear, helpful feedback is always appreciated, just let me or the office know.
It is great to see the first modern looking Honours Boards on the wall of the refurbished clubhouse. The next ones, Club Championship and its derivative competitions, are being worked on and should be hopefully installed by the end of May. We are indebted to ‘the 100 Club’ for funding these initial boards. To all new members, and existing members who have never got round to it, please see the details further in this edition and contact Pat Wallis and get yourself into the monthly prize draw (and help AGC at the same time!).
Simon Freemantle
Ladies Section
Adverse weather patterns played havoc in March for the golfing season to take off.
‘Snow’ on 9th March prevented the Triangular match between Basingstoke/ Hockley and AGC to take place. It is questionable if the match can be played at all this year due to a hectic diary.
Some competitions did take place:
Daily Mail Foursomes – 19th March played by Cathy Hilton/Liz Hastings @ Hockley- 2nd place.
– 2nd March vs Brockenhurst was won by AGC 5-0
– 7th March vs Stoneham AGC lost 3/2. Hayling is now out of the trophy competition for this season.
Ladies Centenary Foursomes – 12/14th March won by Sue Masser/Jane Macrae. They go forward to the regional final @ Waterlooville GC on 10th August.
Legg Bowl – 3rd March vs Hockley. 4up altogether making AGC winners of the Eastern Div and will play the Western Div @ Dudsbury
MapleLeaf – 4th Mar vs Blacknest won 4-0 making AGC winners of the group and going forward to the semi-final
Winter Triple 2nd Leg on 13th March -vs Lee-on -Solent and Corhampton . AGC ahead by 220 points, LoS 196 and Cor 191.
Last 3rd leg on 23rd March at LoS was won by AGC achieving an overall score of 316; Corhampton 291 and Lee-o-Solent 286.
Result: AGC winners for 2nd year in a row.
New Members: We welcome Robert and Linda Sexton from Basingstoke GC.
Ladies Captain Social:
6th March – Ladies Captain attended AGM and lunch of the Assoc. of Hampshire Lady Captains at Royal Winchester GC.
8th March – Captain’s Chair – Snow. no attendance
Gunnel Berry
Ladies Captain
Competitions and Handicap Committee Report
SAVE THE DATE Club Championship 24th & 25th June 2023
The C&H Committee are meeting at the end of the week, the major topic on the agenda will be the administration of the Club Championship. Keep an eye out for full details, including qualifying criteria, how to enter and entry deadlines.
Knockout Competitions
Entry for our summer knockout competitions have now closed and entry numbers have been good, but overall slightly down from 2022.
2022 | 2023 | |
Company Cup | 45 | 54 |
Cooper | 51 pairs | 44 pairs |
Rotherham | 26 | 24 |
Wessex | 60 | 48 |
Ross | 71 | 55 |
The Wessex and Ross competitions closed on 26th March and the draw will be published this week.
May I remind everyone that each side has equal responsibility to arrange matches. No extension to play by dates are permitted (other than the final and then only a the discretion of the C&H Committee in consultation with the Club Captain) so it is recommended matches are diarised as early as possible.
In addition, when arranging 2 ball knockout matches it is advisable to avoid, if possible, busy Saturday competition morning.
Thank you to everybody who took part in our annual RNLI charity event which raised £234.
Congratulations to our winner Ralph Bottemley scoring an impressive 40 points.
Our first major of the year took place last weekend, unfortunately the weather was not kind to players on Day 2 and the course was restricted to “carry only”, however the scoring was still good.
Congratulations to our winner(s):
Place | HI | Rd1 (nett) | Rd2 (SF) | Overall | Member’s Credit | |
1st | Tobias Cobb | 16 | 76 | 42 | 36 | £60 |
2nd | Grant Thorne | 4 | 66 | 29 | 37 | £45 |
3rd | Johnathan Capp | 16 | 73 | 33 | 40 | £30 |
4th | Mario Mohammed | 14 | 69 | 29 | 40 | £25 |
5th | Simon Tillson | 4 | 68 | 27 | 40 | £20 |
Lowest Gross | Will Pakenham Walsh | 0 | 76 (gross) | £20 | ||
Best Rd 1* | Dan Pulling | 14 | 68 | £20 | ||
Best Rd 2* | Will Pakenham-Walsh | 0 | 34 | £20 |
*not in places 1st -5th
And finally…… A Reminder
Don’t forget to keep sufficient money on Member’s cards to allow entry into competitions.
Gill Freemantle
Chair Competitions & Handicap Committee, Handicap Secretary
A Look at the Rules
A player finds their ball in an area marked GUR. There is a circle drawn nearby marked DZ (Dropping Zone). Which is correct?
a) The player may drop the ball in the DZ or may they play the ball as it lies.
b) The Player may drop the ball in the DZ, play the ball as it lies or drop the ball within one club length of the nearest point of relief.
c) The player must drop the ball in the DZ.
d) The player may drop the ball in the DZ or drop the ball within one club length of the nearest point of relief.
Juniors Section
Oscar Vaughan
Juniors Captain
Vets Section
March marks the start of the new season for the Vets which traditionally opens with the Vets Captain v Vice Captain Competition. This year the competition was scheduled for the 8 March which happened to be the very day that the snow returned to Alresford. Nearly an inch of snow fell the previous night, the course was closed and the competition was cancelled. We are hoping to reschedule the event to later in the season, more news to follow.
At least the weather did not intervene in the second of our season opening events, the Vets and Ladies Breeze-up on 21 March, where forty eight golfers enjoyed a friendly but competitive round of golf followed by high tea in the clubhouse. Gunnel and I played in the first group against Ewan McGregor and Jo Youngs and whilst we had a very enjoyable day we were comfortably beaten. The overall winners were Jacqui Sanger and Jeff Staines who are seen below collecting their prizes from Ewan and myself.
The first of our summer friendly matches at home against Petersfield took place on 15 March and our winter form continued into the spring, we lost narrowly by 3:4. Having said this we lost three of the seven matches by 1 Down, the luck just was not with us. From now onwards we will be playing matches just about every week so if you would like to give this a go please contact me, sign up via ClubV1 or via the Vets noticeboard. Our policy is for maximum participation and everyone will be given the chance to play.
Now for some bad news and some good news. The bad news is that we failed to retain the Winter League trophy this season, as announced last month, but the good news is that Salisbury & South Wilts beat Royal Winchester in the very last match of the competition which meant that we did not finish last in the league! We will aim to do better next season.
Vets Captain
Steve Oldham
General Manager’s Update
Welcome to the following members who have all joined us since 1st March; Rob and Linda Sexton (7 day), Lewis Gifford ( Student), Sebastian Brand and Jake butler ( Academy).
Welcome to Alresford and we hope you enjoy your time at the club.
Fancy a game during the week? All members are welcome to come along to the informal ‘club roll-up’ on Wednesday mornings. There is a tee reservation between 11.00-12.00 – members wishing to take part should meet at the starters hut from approx. 10.45am for allocation of groups. As per the times highlighted for the Ladies and Vets Sections, we politely ask members to show courtesy to those who wish to play in this ‘roll up’ at this time. If you do not wish to play with this group please choose another time if possible. If there continues to be a limited use of this time, then the Captains Committee will review the tee allocation.
Our Course Marshall programme is scheduled to begin on Friday 24th March. Thank you to all the members who have expressed an interest in assisting with this and who attended the information and training sessions. Course Marshalls along with our Starters, will be Club Ambassadors will be used at times when we anticipate the course being busy (competition and non-competition days) as well as for golf societies.
Marshalling on busy days is one of the most important duties to be performed on the golf course. Marshalls are there to help make the members and visitors experience a more positive one. Whilst they can not make you play any better, they can help with making your round more enjoyable. Unfortunately, in many cases flow of play is the only measure of how some groups enjoy their day – it is down to the Marshall to assess this and ensure that a comfortable pace of play is maintained. Please bear in mind that 10% of players think that pace is too fast, 10% think it is too slow and 80% are happy with the current pace. The Marshall will try to assist you in speeding up your play if they believe you are delaying the groups behind. They will give you the opportunity to do so before requesting that you allow a group to ‘play thru’.
As well as ‘pace of play’ , Course Marshalls will be on the course to remind players of etiquette, course care and to check bag tags and visitor green fee tags. Do not be offended if they do not recognise you or ask to see your tag.
Starters are there to enhance the experience for visiting golfers and ensure a smooth transition between members bookings and visitor play and vice versa. Please do not try and squeeze out ahead of the golf society in the reserved times and respect the ‘gap’ at the end of the society.
Please bear in mind – Marshalls are not observing only you, they will be trying to address issues and comments from players around the course. Please accept that any instruction or request made is done with the best intentions and not to annoy you or your group specifically. We expect all Marshall to communicate with members in a polite and civil manner – we expect a similar level of politeness from members. Please respect the Course Marshall and the Starter.
If anyone is still interested but unsure as to whether to offer their time and services , please speak to the General Manager who can discuss the roles in detail with you.
The MASTERS takes place again at Augusta National 6-9 April.
We will shortly be running THE MASTERS CHARITY SWEEPSTAKE once again to give you all some added excitement over the four days.
The entry fee is £3. The winner will receive 40% of the pot, the runner[1]up 20%, and third place will receive 10% and fourth place 5% with 25% going to the Captains Charity.
Entry will be via the Club V1 app – from 29th March until 09:00am on 6th April.
FACEBOOK – check out our Facebook page
Make sure you ‘like’ our Facebook page and you will link to it and get the regular pictures and updates on what’s happening ! Share with your friends to help us boost our online and social media profiles
Follow us at
In First place Rob & Nikki White, Richard Prescott, Phil, Mads & Connor McCormick. No Kit I hear you say
Saturday 25th March
Upcoming Events
Sunday 30th April and Monday May 1st (Bank Holiday)Fore Info Team Challenge (our Ryder Cup style event)
This is a final reminder that the fun ‘Fore Info’ Team Challengewill be held on April 30th and May 1st (bank holiday weekend). The format is between teams of 6 players, playing 3 fourball betterball matches on Sunday 30th April and six singles knockout matches on Monday (bank holiday) May 1st.
In true ‘Ryder Cup’ style, Papa Morph the 2022 winners, will defend the trophy. Team dress will again be required and add to the fun with prizes for the best turned out team.
We will make it a social event with a BBQ on the Monday afternoon followed by trophy and prize giving. We welcome teams from all sections of our membership. If you do not have a team we will have a waiting list and help if possible to make up a team for you.
If you want to enter a team, Team Captains can register on the noticeboard or by sending an email to David Marshall at There are only a few team slots left, so sign up today. As it’s a bank holiday weekend we recommend you secure your squad soonest. The names of all players and your Team name will be requested in early April with ClubV1 signup details being sent to all Captains.
Due to the continued increase in popularity of Team Golf, we are delighted to announce that we now have 14 teams for this year’s competition.
We have therefore needed to make a few changes to the fixture list to accommodate the extra two teams, without lengthening the start to end date – ie April 27th to July 20th.
THE LEAGUE will begin on Thursday 27th April (Round 1) and then every Thursday for 4 weeks until 25th May (Round 5).
To accommodate the extra teams, we will be playing TWICE during Half Term Week, on TUESDAY 30th May (Round 6) and Thursday 1st June (Round 7).
We then revert back to Thursdays on the 8th June (Round 8) until the last League week on Thursday 13th July (round 13).
Finals Night and THE CHAMPIONSHIP will follow on Thursday 20th July.
Full details of all teams and fixtures will be published shortly with a spreadsheet for captains to fill in their teams availability, to help choose the weekly pairings.
We would be grateful for Captains to return their weekly pairings as soon as they have been completed, so we can confirm the playing 4balls for each week.
Fixtures, results and League positions will be published each week in our Newsletter in the TEAM GOLF section of the Member Area.
John, Jan, and Jim White
Organisers on behalf of the Social Committee.
I enjoyed a round with the editor of FORE last weekend, both the company and the greens were excellent. However, for a number of reasons some parts of the course are looking the worse for wear. The greenkeeping team continue to get the course ready for the beginning of the golf season proper, traditionally Easter weekend, but we all need to play our part. To that end can members please;
- replace divots (no matter how fragmented)
- repair pitch marks – if you pitch onto the green from more than 20 yards you will almost certainly mark the green
- carry if you can and if not, keep powered trolleys and buggies to the rough if at all possible.
- keep trolleys and buggies at least 3m from the greens.
Soil temperatures have been high enough for the grass to grow this past week (week before Curly’s Cup) and you can see areas starting to recover which is good news, particularly for the extended fifth tee, the swale and all the bare areas we are trying to repair.
The greenkeeping team have applied a granular fertiliser recently, this concludes the greens maintenance operations for now. Unfortunately this was delayed because we needed rainfall to wash in the fertiliser. The team have started the fortnightly applications of spring/summer liquid nitrogen. This helps to keep the greens strong and healthy. Weather and temperatures permitting we will lower the greens cutting height to 4mm from Curly’s weekend and further aeration will be required as we go through April. Green surrounds will soon be fertilised with a product that has a controlled release over a four-to-five-month period.
Those of you who played at the weekend will have noted that the tees have been hollow tined, seeded and fertilised with some top dressing applied to the worn areas. Tees are cut at 10mm now and cutting will be done twice weekly. Fairways are still being cut at 19mm due to wet conditions. Conditions permitting Simon and the team will fertilise the fairways as soon as possible after Curly’s weekend but the scarifying will have to wait until we get some drier conditions. We are most concerned about the fairways on holes 9,11,12 and 18 they particularly suffer from lack of sunlight, caused by shading, and worm casts. So please help us to help you by following the requests bulleted above. Grass paths will also be fertilised with a 4-5 month controlled release at the same time as the greens surrounds.
The team check the sand depths in the bunkers regularly and all bunkers are back in play. Turf humus/mulch has been applied, as a dressing, to the bunker surrounds in a bid to hold moisture as these areas dry out in the summer. Bunker edges will be trimmed as we go into April.
The major winter projects, the fifth tee extension, the swale beside the first green and the condition of the bunkers are nearing completion. However, the team will continue to improve the paths (grass and otherwise), including edges. You’ll note the frugal and effective use of cores removed from the greens recently on worn or disturbed areas of turf.
Finally, volunteering is a strong feature of Alresford Golf Club and it is part of what sets us apart, as a members club, from proprietary clubs. So, I’m asking you to pitch in and help the greens team help you. Please come along and join in with the “Annual Divotting Party” on Thursday 27th April – details in General Managers section below and to follow in “Members’ Updates”. Thank you to all our volunteers!
Derek Myers
Chair of Greens
A Look at the Rules
b. The Player may drop the ball in the DZ, play the ball as it lies or drop the ball within one club length of the nearest point of relief.
The Committee may however put in place a local rule making the DZ compulsory. Players should make sure they are familiar with the local rules before playing their round. Do you know our local DZ rule? All our local rules are on the noticeboard in the club- have a look next time you are there.
If a player’s ball is in the ground under repair [indicated with a white line], including when it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in the ground under repair, the player may take relief under Rule 16.1 unless there is a sign “Lift & Drop” in which case the ball must be lifted and dropped in a relief area outside the GUR. Where a dropping zone is provided, this is an alternative dropping zone under Rule 14.3.
Thanks to Brian Overton for all these Rules Q and A’s. If you have any rulings questions for Brian he will answer them here in future editions, just email the editor.
Pro’s Corner
Huge well done to AGC member and client Claire Hintzen on getting a hole in one on the 10th Hole on Saturday 25th March in the Ladies Lifeboat Medal. Claire has been working hard on her game with me over the last 18 Months, hard work pays off….
Also well done to AGC member and client Dean Thomas on scoring his personal best of 79 at AGC. Dean had been struggling with his game and scoring in the low 90’s, but after just a couple of lessons he achieved his personal best, Well Done Dean….
Tip of the Month
How to Turn on The Power in your Golf Swing In this video Mark Wood shows you how you can easily turn on the power in your golf swing for longer and straighter golf shots.
To watch the video please click the link >>> How to Turn on The Power in your Golf Swing – YouTube
Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel as it is completely free.
Liam Spencer
Liam is making a great impact and settling in well. Liam is doing a sterling job with the Junior coaching on a Sunday morning with more juniors attending each week. If you have a son/daughter, grandson/granddaughter who is looking to take up golf then please get in contact and join in the fun.
Sunday Morning junior coaching times – Under 12’s 9am to 10am – Over 12’s 10am to 11am.
The academy members are enjoying Liam’s group coaching sessions on a Thursday morning. We are planning more sessions throughout the rest of this Year. If you are an academy member who would like to get involved in the group coaching then please pop in and see us in the pro shop.
Easter Junior Golf Camps
Book now for our JUNIOR GOLF CAMPS for the Easter Holidays
£35 per child per day
3rd April 12.30-3.00pm
6th April 10.00am-12.30pm
12th April 10.00am-121.30pm
14th April 12.30 -3.00pm
Refreshments included (not food)
Awards & prizes
To book contact 01962 7337456 (opt3) or
Liam’s diary is starting to fill up fast so if you would like to book a lesson in with Liam please contact the pro shop.
Pro Shop 2’s
We are running the pro shop 2’s every Medal and Stableford Competition. To enter the 2’s pop into the professional shop prior to teeing off and a member of the team will enter you in. The cost is £2 to enter each competition.
Pro Shop Masters Sweepstake You’ve got to be in it to WIN it! We all know that The Masters kicks off the golfing season in the UK. This year, I thought it would be great to celebrate The Masters and our return to golf by hosting an Alresford Pro Shop sweepstake. The format is as follows: £10 per entry, there are around 90 players playing this year. You can have as many entries as you like. Once full, each entry will be allocated a player from a live draw via Facebook and then notified via email. The prizes will go onto members accounts in the shop. Prizes will be – · Winner, Second Place, Third Place, Fourth Place · Best Score Day One · Worst Score Day One · Best Score Day Two · Worst Score Day Two · Best Score Day Three · Worst Score Day Three · Best Score Day Four · Worst Score Day Four |
Price Match Guarantee
Your Professional Shop at Alresford Golf Club Price Matches with the big online retailers like American Golf and Clubhouse Golf. In some cases, we are cheaper than the online retailers, for example; Footboy Premier Shoes are £159.99 in our shop and online they are £169.99 saving you £10.00.
So next time you are looking at making your next purchase, please consider us as we always give a warm and professional service.
Thank you as always for all your support and look forward in seeing you all very soon.
Mark Wood
Head Professional
100 Club
Our winners in the 100 Club prize draw for April 2023
£100 John Goodacre
£50 Tony Marshall
£35 Prizewinners
Esme Goodacre
Di Peisley
Barbara Woolnough
David Sault
Bob Smith
Congratulations to our April winners – a good month for the Goodacres. Maybe there’s an Easter treat on the shopping list for those who have been lucky in the draw.
Recent Purchases
The 100 Club has recently provided £2,400 for the purchase and installation of the new Captain’s Honours Boards which are now in place in the dining room. They look very smart so do go and check them out. Further funds have been earmarked towards the cost of the next boards to be ordered.
£1k has also been paid towards the cost of an additional set of patio furniture ready for when the weather allows a return to the patio after a game of golf.
Calling all our new golf club members
If you have recently joined the golf club then how about making 2023 the year that you join the 100 Club. You will be actively contributing towards future enhancements to our golf club facilities and have the chance of winning a cash prize each month.
To know more about the 100 Club, how it began and what the funds are used for then please give me a call or email – details below.
For those who already belong then please encourage your fellow golfers to join us too.
The monthly draw is for seven cash prizes: £100, £50 and five at £35.
Each share cost £1 per month paid for by monthly standing order and there is no limit to the number you can purchase. Members generally have between 1 and 10 shares with 5 being the most common holding.
For further information about the 100 Club or for an application form please give me a call or send me an email – Pat Wallis phone 01420 564417 or email Or you can pick up a form from the Office.
Pat Wallis
Editor: David Marshall
The Editorial Team take no responsibility for incorrect information received from Contributors.